![]() 28) Beginnings and EndsA Chapter by Kelly M.
It was the happiest, most unbelievable moment of April's life. And also the hardest.
"What's her name?" April whispered as the little girl blinked up into her eyes. Kanika smiled softly. "Anaya April." April could only smile. "She's beautiful," she whispered. "Would you like to hold her?" April looked up, and asked softly, "Oh, could I?" Kanika nodded, her eyes full of love, as she passed her darling baby into her friends' outstretched arms. April held her close, unable to believe how tiny and light she was. Her chubby, little hands reached for her, and a soft smile flickered across her round face. April tried not to cry. She tried to keep the feelings buried deep down inside, but it was terribly difficult. April handed her back to her rightful mother, hoping that no one detected the tears forming in her eyes. "I never imagined," she whispered. "Had absolutely no idea." "I made your mother promise not to tell," she admitted with a smile. "I wanted it to be a surprise." April couldn't help smiling. "And it was a joyous surprise." The two friends immediately began catching up on every detail of 'what had happened when they were apart.' April felt that a whole new person was being displayed before her. Kanika had definitely changed. She had grown up, and matured. She wasn't so shy and insecure as she had been as an orphan child, having to learn how to grow up and live life on her own. A new confidence and radiance was there. She was content and happy. Her eyes held a new shine and light April had never seen before. It's not a surprise though, April thought to herself. Jesus, Himself, is happiness. He's the One who makes and brings joy to one's life. Kanika has found that joy in Him.
~*~ The days flew by without warning, and April dedicated all her precious moments to her friend, savoring every minute, praying that the week wouldn't end to quickly. They seemed to talk for hours and hours on end, lingering over the past, smiling at the present, and dreaming of the future.
~*~ "Oh, the spring," April sighed, breathing in the scent of the sweet honeysuckle. "I hope it never ends." Kanika smiled as they strolled along the edge of the hill, the sun's rays peeking through the tops of the spindly branched trees. "I remember once," April began, a faraway look in her eyes,"putting on a skit with my school friend, Jenny, in the spring. The teacher said it would be a good idea to sort of-- well-- celebrate the beginning of the new season by putting on a play." April smiled at the thought. "It was a lot of fun-- even though Rick, the school prankster, practically ruined it by tripping Susie, the merchants' spoiled daughter. She fell into a bucket of paint that the teacher had set aside as a sort of decoration for the scene." April laughed. "Oh my. It was a funny sight, for sure. I don't think anyone had ever laughed so hard in their lives that day." Kanika smiled, obviously imagining the scene. There was a pause, and then April suddenly exclaimed, "Why, that's it!" "What's it?" she asked, her vivid brown eyes questioning her friend.
"A school play. It's a perfect idea! I'm sure the students would enjoy that." "A school play?" "Yes," she nodded excitedly. "That way all the students will remember this spring, and how special it was to them. What do you think?" "I think it's a great idea," she said with an encouraging smile.
~*~ Then Friday came. April knew that she couldn't deny the fact that Kanika was going to leave the next morning. Instead of trying to forget and spoil the rest of the day thinking about it, she decided to celebrate with a surprise party. "What is this?" Drew laughed once he entered the steaming kitchen full to the brim with dishes of meat, mashed potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and dessert. "A feast?" "Shhh!" she whispered, a finger to her lips. "I'm making a surprise going-away dinner for Kanika and Karver. Make sure you don't say a word about it," she warned with a teasing grin. "Kanika and Anaya are resting," she reminded him, beginning to stir the chocolate icing which she had planned to generously spread over her special chocolate cake recipe her mother had handed down to her. "Karver went to the station to get their tickets for the next train to Pennsylvania tomorrow morning." He didn't seem to hear what she had said, and dipped his finger in the chocolate icing, licking his finger in satisfaction. "Mmm... Just right." April swatted him with her dish towel, and he held up his hands in self-defense. "Now, out of the kitchen, so I can get this done," she said, her hands on her hips, and a teasing smile about her face. "Aren't you forgetting something?" he teased, slipping his arms about her waist. April smiled. "I don't think so. Remind me." And with that, she slipped her arms around his neck, and was being tenderly kissed.
~*~ The dinner was a great success. Mr. Carter and James and Jenny joined them, and laughter soon filled the small, cozy cabin. April felt her heart swell with joy as she looked around the table at all her dear friends. They were a part of her family, now. And each one had a special place in her heart. After every morsel of April's carefully cooked meal had been eaten, the dishes were cleared, and Drew asked them to all share with him and April in the word of the Bible they had been going through faithfully every night. Each one agreed as they sat around the crackling fire, reading the words of Jesus. No other night could've been more perfect. And that night, when each one had said their good-nights, and had retired to their own rooms, April sat on her window seat, gazing at the stars that twinkled above in the evening sky, thinking over the day that had just ended. Drew joined her, his hand interlacing with hers, as he followed her gaze out the window. "I don't think I've ever been happier," she whispered. He gently pressed her hand, his silent message to her that he understood. "You really enjoyed yourself tonight, didn't you?" She nodded, smiling, and turned to meet his gaze. "Very much," she whispered. And no one said anything at that moment, but each turned again to the stars, each deep in their own silent thoughts.
~*~ Every good thing must come to an end, April thought. There, on the station platform, each friend stood facing one another, unable to express how much they'd miss the other. April's eyes were brimming with tears as she whispered, "I've had the time of my life with you here. You'll never know how much I'll miss you. It's going to be so-- so lonely with you gone." Just then the train gave a loud whistle, piercing the air with a melancholy warning. Karver was standing off in the crowd, baby Anaya in his arms, when he said softly, "Kanika, it's time to go." She glanced over at him, nodding solemnly, then turned back to April. Quickly giving her friend a last embrace, Kanika whispered so only she could hear, "And I'll be praying for you. Someday, you'll have a family of your own. Just don't give up hope. God has a plan for you. I know He does." April didn't know how to respond. Her heart was too full to speak. "Good-bye," Kanika whispered. And with that, she was gone. April turned as the train, puffing and huffing, screeched forward, gradually making its way down the tracks. Kanika's hand was pressed against the window, the tears freely running down her cheeks. April, handkerchief in hand, waved until the train had disappeared around the bend, promising herself later, in the privacy of her own room, a good, long cry. © 2012 Kelly M.Author's Note
5 Reviews Added on September 6, 2011 Last Updated on March 4, 2012 Author![]() Kelly M.SCAbout"The Spirit of God made me; the breath of the Almighty God gives me life." Job 33:4 more..Writing