20) Sorrow to Joy

20) Sorrow to Joy

A Chapter by Kelly M.

April couldn't speak.  She stood stock still, silent and astounded.  Her dear mother-in-law.  She had been someone she had learned to love and cherish.  She had looked forward to their conversations sprinkled with laughter and knowing smiles.  She had looked up and respected her.  

Why? seemed to come the bitter thought.  Why did God have to take her-- why, now?  April's eyes were soon blurred from tears.

"How?" she asked softly.

"In her sleep."

"I didn't even get to say good-bye," April whispered, more to herself than the grieving man.

Then, with a whispered excuse me, April flew from the room.  The crisp, clear air no longer welcomed her, nor the bright blue sky or softly rolling hills that were glistening white.  Instead, it felt hard to breathe.  The sky felt heavy and dark before her, and the hills desolate.  

Without thinking, she dropped to the ground on her knees, and openly wept.


Once she had finally gained control of her emotions again, she walked silently back to the house.  But her home wasn't a welcomed sight.  Small wisps of black smoke curled up from the roof, and April cried out in alarm.  She rushed towards the door, coughing and hacking from the thick smoke.  Opening it, she ran inside, and pulled out her smoking, burnt pumpkin pie.  Her hair was falling out of its tight bun, her face hot and sweaty, and her eyes were filled with tears.  Everything was turning out for the worse.

That was when Drew had returned.  Unsure of what exactly happened, he knelt down beside April, holding her in his arms, and rocking her back and forth.

"It's alright.  I'm here," he whispered softly.  "I'm here."

April finally calmed down, and quickly brushed away the tears.  Unable to look Drew in the eyes, she whispered softly, "I'm sorry.  I went to visit your parents, and I forgot that I had left my pie in the oven..."  Her words trailed off, and Drew quietly comforted her.

"Don't worry about it.  Christmas isn't ruined just because you burnt your pie," he said, his voice half teasing.

"It's not just that," she whispered.

He looked over at her.  "What is it?  Is something wrong?"

"Oh, Drew," she whispered, lying her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as the tears softly rolled down her cheeks.  "She-- she left us."

"What do you mean?  Who left us?"

"Your mother," she whispered.

April didn't know if Drew was crying, too, but he held her closer, letting her cry.


Christmas wasn't the same after that.

Everyone agreed they shouldn't inform James and Jenny of the news at the moment, especially since they were on their honeymoon.  They didn't wish to put a burden on their young shoulders.

And they certainly didn't want to even think of funeral preparations.  Not on the happiest day of the year.  

So, it was decided that Mr. Carter would celebrate April and Drew's first Christmas together in their home.  They didn't wish him to be alone in the big farmhouse where so many past memories would probably only make it harder to bear the truth.

And, though April was slightly disappointed with the arrangements, they had settled the matter.

April, unable to even think of her new loss, baked and prepared all her special meals for their Christmas dinner.  She decorated the house from top to bottom, more than something to do than the joy of doing it.  And if she had nothing else to do, she'd go outside and feed the chickens, or check on Leila and feed her a ripe apple.  But she never gave herself the time to sit down and let the truth sink in.  She didn't wish the truth to be known.  She didn't wish to believe it.


Mr. Carter knocked on the door at exactly five o'clock.  Drew went to answer it.  April stayed in the kitchen, knowing that father and son needed some time alone.

When she returned, she was carrying the turkey platter in her arms, dripping in its rich gravy.

"Went hunting, did you?" Mr. Carter asked Drew.

He nodded.

"Looks like luck found you."

April smiled as she set it on the table, glad to see him almost back to his old self.

"Let's say the blessing," Drew said once they had been seated and held hands.  Then he looked at his father.  "Would you?"

He nodded slowly, and everyone bowed their heads. 

"Dear Father," he began, his voice soft, but steady, "we thank you for gathering us together on this lovely Christmas day.  We thank you for the many blessings you have given to us.  You give and take away.  Love and always care.  

"We ask you to let us be reminded of what Christmas is really about, and will not forget the real meaning behind it.

"I also ask that you bless Drew and April.  I thank you for them, and ask you to protect them and care for them.

"I pray that this loss will not dampen our hearts this evening.  I pray that we can see our loss as something good, not bad.  That we can move on with our lives, not forgetting her, but able to go on with life without bitterness or heartache.  For we all know, she is in a better place.  Somewhere where no tears are shed, and no heartache is found.  We thank you for that, Lord.  We thank you for a good many things.

In Your name, we pray.  Amen."

When everyone had lifted their heads, a new hope had been restored.  April, with tears overflowing, realized that God hadn't been thinking of Himself when he took Mrs. Carter.  He was thinking of her.  He only wanted what was best for her.  

And, she also knew, that Mrs. Carter wouldn't be too happy if people, here on earth, would be crying over her dead body when her soul had been restored.  She'd want them to go on, live their lives with the same happiness and hope.  Why hadn't April thought of it before?  Well, she thought to herself, I'm going to make sure from now on that Christmas will stay the same.  Nothing will change, and not one heart will hold sorrow.  

She was in heaven, rejoicing.  Why weren't they rejoicing with her?  What was that verse in Psalms that said weeping would last for a night, but joy comes in the morning?  That was what God was trying to show them all this time.  

© 2012 Kelly M.

Author's Note

Kelly M.
She's finally realized what God was trying to show them all that time. :)

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Awwwee thats sad she died but at least she realized what God wanted to show her.
What a nice write:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awww. . So sweet!! Im sorry It's taken me this long to read it! Ive been busy, Anyways I LOVED it like usual and Im reading on . .

Posted 13 Years Ago

Beautifully written chapter. Yes, it was very sad, but unlike so many books with tragic twists, you didn't drag it on, and you made them have a positive outlook and remembered that God was with them, as well as Mrs. Carter. I'm super excited to read more:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

That's really sad:( I hate that she didn't get to say goodbye but that's how it often is in life. This was a really great chapter! Keep up the great work and write more :D lol.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awww! I love your books so much! They are so filled with Romance and God! :) You are going to be a great Christian writer in the future. All you need is a publisher and some money, then you'll be able to get published!! :D


Posted 13 Years Ago

"I didn't get to say goodbye".
I seriously cried at this point. This was a beautiful and sorrowful chapter, and I'm sad it's all I have left to read. You must write more as soon as possible! Thank you for providing this story for us to read and enjoy!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on August 5, 2011
Last Updated on February 12, 2012


Kelly M.
Kelly M.


"The Spirit of God made me; the breath of the Almighty God gives me life." Job 33:4 more..

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