20) Christmas Story

20) Christmas Story

A Chapter by Kelly M.

"Mama, I have a question."

It was Jon, leaning forward on his elbows, who spoke up.  He was sprawled out near the warmth of the crackling fireplace along with his other two siblings and a snoozing Scamp, all diligent in their homework assignments.  As soon as he had announced his seeming concern, both girl's heads turned up, more than thankful for the interruption in their boring studies.

April waited expectantly.  "Yes?"

Jon, pleased with all the attention, leaned even closer towards her, his eyes twinkling as he spoke the words with intensifying excitement, "What is Cwiss--Cwiss--"  His brow suddenly puckered as though much concentration had to be put into the pronunciation of the word.  Slowly and thoughtfully, he whispered in a stuttering voice: "Cwismess?  What is Cwismess?" 

April sat back in her chair, the surprise evident on her face.

"You mean you don't know?"  

There was a slight jut of his chin as he shook his head with an air of confidence.

"Well," she began, and was beginning to open her mouth to speak, but then quickly stopped herself.  "You know," she said, "I have a wonderful idea.  Why don't we wait for when Papa (April had easily adjusted to the name for Drew and had often enjoyed teasing him of it as he did of 'Mama') returns home, so he can tell us a story about Christmas?  What do you say to that?"

They all looked at each other, then back at April, nodding eagerly.

"Alright, then!" she smiled.  "I suggest you all get back to your homework because, the sooner you finish it, the sooner we'll hear from our storyteller."  

She watched, smiling, as they all quickly returned to their assignments, the pages rustling as they did.  April could hardly wait for tonight either.  She, too, had always enjoyed the after-dinner stories and the excitement in each of the children's faces as they listened.  With this, she cocked her head to the window that led to the dusty trail that weaved its way in slight twists and turns and then sloped downward into the bustling town below.  It wouldn't be long until they'd hear the clip-clop of the horse's hooves up the lane and then following would be squeals of joy.


As soon as the dinner dishes had been cleared, Kate came toddling over to Drew with the family Bible in her hands.  She held it up with a triumphant smile.

"You gonna read us a story 'bout Christmas, Papa?"

His smile came slow and deliberate with a twinkle in his eye, and then he kneeled down to pick her up into his arms and she giggled gleefully.  He settled down into his armchair and faced all the expectant eyes, stopping then to rest his gaze upon April who was sitting in her favorite chair, hugging her knees.  The girlish look on her face reminded him of years ago when he had first seen her and her big blue laughing eyes.  And April, seeming to feel his eyes upon her, looked up and nodded an encouraging smile before he began turning the pages to Luke.

"Let's see, then," he said, fingering the yellowed pages that had been worn after the years.  "The Christmas Story.  Now, once upon a time, in a land far, far away..."  And that's how it all began.  He told the story of Mary and Joseph and then the coming of the angel, Gabriel.  When they had heard the word 'angel', they all gasped, and Kate had timidly asked, "What's an angel?"

"An angel," answered April in a warm tone, "looks just like you and me except they shine like the sun in the sky," she said, her hands making a swooping motion in the air, "and they're very, very beautiful creatures," she said in a near whisper.  "God sends them from heaven to give messages to His people down here on earth."

They all marveled at this, and, once quieting down, Drew went on to say how the angel had told the virgin Mary that she was to have a son who would be named Jesus.  And all of Mary's family and friends didn't believe that her child was really from the Holy Spirit, not even Joseph.  But, eventually, the same angel, Gabriel came to Joseph in a dream to tell him that all these things were true and only then did he believe.  Later on, Mary traveled with her then-husband, Joseph to the little town of Bethlehem, and when they had reached this place, Mary was beginning to give birth.  She needed a place to stay, but there was no room in the inn.  However, there was a stable-- most likely cold and dirty and full of brawling animals.  It was in this place that Jesus was born into the world and the brightest star from heaven shone down upon Him and His earthly parents.  Shepherds came and wise men with gifts of myrrh and gold and frankincense.

After Drew had said all of these things and eventually closed the Book, Ella, Jon, and Kate were all wide-eyed with awe.  

"What happened to baby Jesus?" Ella asked in a whisper.

Drew smiled.  "Well, that is a very good, but long story which will have to be told another day.  But this is how Christmas all began.  It began with Jesus' birth.  Every year at Christmastime we get together as families and friends to celebrate that.  We have presents and a Christmas tree, and good food, of course," he said with a wink at April, "all to remember what happened a long time ago in this good Book," he said, tapping the cover as he did so.

Jon bolted up.  "When will Christmas come?" he asked, in an obviously hopeful countenance.

"Only a few weeks.  It won't be long to wait before it's here," he promised.

Ella's eyes wandered over the living room, seeming to notice they were missing something.  She settled her attention on Drew once again. 

"If they have trees at Christmas, we're going to need to get one," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.  "And we don't have any gifts either," she said, holding up her empty hands to emphasize the point.

Drew chuckled and reached out a hand to playfully muss her hair.  "You're right, Ella.  What do you say we all go get a Christmas tree tomorrow?  It seems the forest has plenty to share."

That caused excited nods and clapping and a bunch of whoops of agreement.

"Okay, then," he laughed.  His eyes then locked with April's.  "How would you like a quiet house to yourself tomorrow afternoon, Mrs. Carter?"

April put her hands on her hips as in mock seriousness.  "Are you counting me out of your venture, Mr. Carter?  I'll have you remember I've gone Christmas tree hunting a good many times in my day."

Drew's eyes twinkled at that.  "You are welcome to join us then, madam," and he did a playful bow.

April joined in the laughter that reverberated around the room and, once it had subsided, she pressed a cold hand to her cheek, toasty warm from the fire.  How indescribably beautiful were the sounds of children in her lovely little home.

© 2014 Kelly M.

Author's Note

Kelly M.
Yet another chapter. :)

And, now, I find myself giving into a happy sigh. I just love writing this book, but I really hope I'm not boring you, readers, in any way. I know I can tend to carry on sometimes. But I will all let you know that this book was supposed to be a bit less dramatic. The book after this one will have A LOT more drama as I've already planned the whole thing out. :)

Besides this, I really, really hope you enjoy reading this as much I love writing it. :)

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I just loved this chapter(:

Posted 12 Years Ago

Gah I love Drew.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Aw I love how happy Drew and April are! It's so sweet! It's exactly how I hope to be someday with my husbadn...Whoever he is (aha:P) I love it! And I just can't get over how cute those little kids are!:) HURRY AND WRITE MORE!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I read this chapter now need to read the rest lol. I love how each character has their own unique personality. Makes it all very believable!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Never boring :) Very nice

Posted 12 Years Ago

Obviously I loved it but I want to start by saying you did the BEST job of writing the conversation between Drew and the children. The kids seemed so real and so did April. You rock at characterization. Also, I loved the simplicity and family-like style of this chapter, and of all your writings. Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on August 21, 2012
Last Updated on February 5, 2014


Kelly M.
Kelly M.


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