black mold

black mold

A Poem by kitty blur

i'm not sure how many different ways i can write about the same demigod

the thing is that i'm sitting here on the kitchen counter
trying to determine the easiest and very best way
to sugarcoat a corpse and make it look attractive

let's talk about the slipknots u skillfully twisted into my hair
or the way my cherry tongue is tied to u like a noose
instead of addressing the eternity growing between us
like unruly vines or black mold

remember how i sucked on yr fingers and yr icarus wings
it's arbitrary info now but u tasted like ripe fruit 
because i was high and u have a way of making me adore u
and adorn u with baby fallacies and blackberries

i should really do something
about the scent of yr sweat on the bro tank that i borrowed
but also i shouldn't do anything because like
how else will i remember the details of yr wicked flesh
when i'm not pulling it around myself like an afghan

i used to mourn in the morning pretty much daily
now i just flinch at the sight of white cars
or any german-manufactured vehicle
i want to believe that u were simply a mirage that i put a name to
but u were more like a mental scab that i kept picking at 
until it bled that triumphant mercury that pulled me back into u

© 2016 kitty blur

Author's Note

kitty blur
writing style perpetually informal

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amazing it was and all of u please read my book the haunted house

Posted 8 Years Ago

This was really good. Your imagry is unbelievable. Your style is truly unique and pure. The flow is perfect.

Posted 8 Years Ago

This is such a beautiful piece of writing. Absolutely loved it. Your way of using cool metaphors to provide a description of certain entity makes me wonder all the time I read your poems.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Well I've been thinking about your poetry for a couple of days and it has intrigued me (and my husband) and left me with these questions do you use the language as a device ? Or is it just how you're comfortable ? Do you write pen to paper like this or is this electronic communication?
I really like your honesty and how you unashamedly write about where sex meets hate, disgust, addiction, how someone can break you mentally and weaken you physically. .. this is my favourite poem I really like the last paragraph in particular.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Love love love your writing style in this. I feel the emotion that was poured into this and it is refreshing to see someone so open in their works.

Posted 8 Years Ago

As mentioned before in previous reviews, I enjoy your informal style. It's refreshing to read, especially for me, being that I tend to write more formal. Great word choice as well. I can feel your pain and longing through the screen :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

kitty blur

8 Years Ago

thank you! i'm so glad that you liked it :)
Let's talk about the quote at the start. The Summary of your story.
Who is this Demigod? Why is he considered such?
That's an intriguing part I'd love to understand more.

This is clearly about sorrow. Yet it was bred from the happiest memories. One have to wonder if in the end, despite all the pain and regret, was it not worth it?

Your style is unique. I'd have to try real hard to write like that. And it would feel unnatural for me.
Do I love it or hate it?

I'm not quite sure. This is obviously being executed on purpose, and to that end you do well in making it feel natural and unforced.

Other then that,
The poem is well written and impactful, good job.

Posted 8 Years Ago

kitty blur

8 Years Ago

*years, not yours. My bad.

8 Years Ago

Oh, there is absolutly nothing silly about it.
And thank you for the explanation regarding th.. read more
kitty blur

8 Years Ago

Haha, thank you for that image. :)
I love your informal writing style. And nothing pisses me off more than someone correcting my grammar and not talking about my story. General statement.

This is a very cool poem :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

kitty blur

8 Years Ago

first, thank you for yr compliment on my informal writing. :) i used to get a lot of mixed reviews a.. read more
The Nude Writer

8 Years Ago

It's like telling Picasso "That's not where the nose goes" It's your art :) hehe.
I visioned most of this, your choice of words really put an image to the whole thing and put me in a place of observation. Observing my relationships and how they can be so right but so wrong. The last two lines honestly spoke to me the most because I've felt that way. When you know something isn't right but you keep messing with it, you keep letting it evolve. LOVED IT!

Posted 8 Years Ago

kitty blur

8 Years Ago

I'm blushing - I'm glad that my poem made you feel all of that, and gave you a chance to have a litt.. read more
Very thought provoking, I think your word choices are fantastic, the poem starts in a passionate note and ends with how the relationship turned out like mirage to the poet... I believe people can relate to this poem and it's inherited message... Very well done...


Posted 8 Years Ago

kitty blur

8 Years Ago

Thank you so much, I'm glad you think others can relate :) Isn't that why we write, to connect with .. read more

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10 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 31, 2016
Last Updated on May 31, 2016
Tags: catharsis, memories, bittersweet, high, fruit


kitty blur
kitty blur


i could be a symphony or an angel or a blade of grass i don't like using punctuation because i feel like if my brain was it's own person with its own keyboard and its own agenda, it wouldn't worry .. more..

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