![]() One More FightA Story by Olive BelikovWe’re driving along a narrow
stretch of road. Just me and my dad; he’s driving me home from play practice "
something I know he simply despises. On one side of the truck, my side, is the
dense edge of the wood that covers the hills in our valley. Its fall so all the leaves are on the ground
and the trees stand tall and bare. I like fall the most; you can see everything
and walk everywhere, and the temperature is perfect. There’s no other car or truck on this road,
there very rarely is. But that doesn’t matter now, what matters is the heated discussion
flaming between my dad and me. He seems to think I lied to him;
again. Or so he says. He always thinks I lie to him, even when I’m screaming
the raw truth right into his face. For some reason he just can’t except the
fact that he may have been wrong so he blames everything on me. I should be
used to this, I should be used to the way his voice screams evil words of hate.
But for some reason they always tickle that part of me that hides the hatred
and violence I long to keep hidden from the world. When he yells at me for no
good reason I can’t help but defend myself and yell back. His words
sting and I feel the prick of tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I know that
if I cry he’ll just use it as fuel and go on about how I’m too weak for the
world. I decide that if I don’t escape soon, this will all result in just
another scar on my arm and another night spent contemplating my end. I tell
him to stop the truck, but my words come out as a whisper against his. I say it
again, this time much louder and wait for his retort. As expected from the back
of my mind he gives me a short no before continuing his rant. Tonight though, I
won’t take that for an answer. I turn to him and use my hidden voice to
overpower his; telling him to slow down and let me out. It takes a few more
moments but I soon push enough buttons in his system to make him realize there
is no use in fight anymore. He abruptly stops and I throw open the door, grabbing
my back pack, and slamming the door behind me.
The engine roars as he hits the gas pedal, speeding away from me
standing in the middle of the road. I can’t help it as I scoop a stray rock from
the ground and chuck it at the fading truck. I don’t
wait to see where it lands or even if it hits its target, instead I turn and go
the opposite direction. I walk for a while, letting my mind catch up to what
just happened. Despite no one being on the road I turn off into the woods so no
one will see me as I break down and cry. I start to run, wanting to get farther
away from the road and the truck that holds the man who is supposed to love me.
Finally I find a spot where the bramble thins out and all that surrounds me are
a few trees and golden leaves covering the ground. In the middle of the
clearing stands a great willow tree; its branches swinging down to the ground. I
step through them and collapse against the trunk; the branches creating a sort
of wall, separating me from the outside world. It is here
that I let all the feelings of depression and hatred over take me. In my mind I
long for the friends that once surrounded me and the love that was taken away from
me. I cry for all the time I didn’t get to spend happy or alive inside. I just
sit and let all memories pour from my eyes as sobs shake my body. That is how I
stay for I don’t how long, before I look up and find that the light sky has
turned dark. All around me shadows fall and frost begins to set in. My pants
are soaked and my gloves hold no use against the cold, but I stand and begin to
walk back to the dreadful road. I know I’ll have to walk another five miles
before I get to the road that leads down to my house. By the time I get there
it’ll be pitch black with no light to keep me going straight. But I know how to
get home; I’ve been on this road more times than I can remember. There
are a few houses along the way, a couple bridges, spots I can stop and take a
break. I know my dad will be drunk and passed out on the couch so no hurry to
get there. I let my mind wonder as I walk along the median. I think of when I was
little and my mother didn’t have to work every hour of every day, of when my
father still treated me with love and devotion. Then I think of the friend who
helped me and took care of me when bad things happened. The friend I began to
love but had to let go when he moved half way across the country, leaving me to
fend for myself. I think of how different
my life would be if all the disappointments that overtook me never happened. Lastly
I remember a song my grandmother used to sing to me. A song she sang when she
was in the hospital, dying of cancer, and trying to get me to know that it was
gonna be alright. I close
my eyes for a second and recall her voice singing the words and the gentle way
her hands cradled me as I laid curled up beside her. I feel her frail hand
stroke my cheek and her breath brushing my face. I start to sing softly the
words that remain forever in my mind. Sound the bugle now Play it just for me. As the
seasons change Remember how I used to be. I
remember her sweet perfume mixed with the smell of hospital and medicine, I hear
beeping coming from the machines surrounding us. Now I can’t go on I can’t even start. I’ve got nothing left Just and empty heart. I
think of how she fought the cancer for months on end. She never wanted to give
up, even when it made her sick and sad and lost. She never gave up. I’m a soldier Wounded so I must give up the fight. There’s nothing more for me " lead me away Or leave me lying here. I
remember her telling me how even when she was gone that she would always be
with me, watching over me. That I just had to remember. I
continue walking down the middle of the road, singing the song I will never
lose. Nobody ever drives down this road
so I know I’m safe, nothing can touch me as I fly through happy memories. I close
my eyes and dream of her standing in front of me, whole and healthy. Glowing with
the light of a strong hearted woman. A light appears behind her, becoming
brighter and brighter as it comes closer. I think of it as the light from
heaven that followed her down to where she stands now. I smile and wish with
all my heart that I could have just another moment in life with her. So I sing
louder, hoping maybe it will draw us together. Then from on high Somewhere in the distance There’s a voice that calls Remember who you are. If you lose yourself, Your courage soon will follow. So be strong tonight Remember who you are. The light in
front of me grows ever brighter until it surrounds me. Then I’m flying, flying
high with her hand in mind and I can hear her singing with me now, the last
words to her song. Our song. You’re a soldier now Fighting in a battle to be free once more. Yeah that’s worth fighting for. © 2011 Olive BelikovReviews
6 Reviews Added on October 28, 2011 Last Updated on October 28, 2011 Author![]() Olive BelikovMTAboutI am a daughter, a sister, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend. I am a partner, a student, a young girl, and a grown woman. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving and .. more..Writing