![]() December 6, 2009 - 2:48amA Chapter by KittDecember 6, 2009 2: 48am It’s
been four months since the killer’s first attempt. I’ve followed him to the
woods trying to catch some information. I’ve only just realized I’ve perched
myself too far away and I can’t hear what they are discussing. I want to move
closer, but if I make a sound now, I’ll surely be caught. Silence is something
I’ve learned to live in. I’m really good at it too. I just doubt I can cross
over on foot the ten or twenty more feet I need to be close enough without one
of them noticing. Silence would help, but they are watching. I’m not mad at
myself for now following in a closer range. I watch carefully practicing my
lip-reading skills that I’m teaching myself to develop. I’m behind the
conversation the whole time, but I’m able to understand the emotions and bits
and pieces of what’s being said. I understand it’s a trade of information of
some kind. Probably more of our department’s secrets… The
girl in red with way too much mascara on that even I can see it from this
distance is yelling now. She’s angry at something the lanky boy in the blue
hoodie has just said. I think I recognize the boy from a mission about a year
ago, but with his hood up casting a dark shadow over his face, it’s hard to
tell. The girl beside him is dressed in an identical fashion as the lanky kid.
She also looks familiar. Perhaps from the same mission or something. The boy in
the blue hoodie mutters something. I wish he’d pull his hood down. Without
being able to see his face, I have no hope of guessing what he’s trying to say. There
are seven people here this time. That’s two less than the previous time. The
three in brown are from my department, and I know each of their names by heart.
(Daisy, Hudson, and Davis) I don’t recognize the two in blue. They haven’t come
to any meeting before this, but I know where they’re from; Tower, as in our enemy… The woman in red with enough make-up on to
make a clown seem underdressed has been present at every meeting, but I’ve yet
to locate where she comes from. The last guy there is a buff guy with a dull
expression dressed in black. He keeps looking around completely bored with
whatever’s going on. He’s obviously on watch. I see how he sticks close to the
two in the blue hoodies and so I safely assume he’s been hired by Tower. I’m
not sure if he’s from another department or just someone they’ve picked up off
the street, but it’s obvious he’s not a part of whatever’s going on. Hudson’s
now speaking, rather calmly I note. He seems to be negotiating with the two
fighting. Daisy, the brunette standing beside Davis, joins Hudson. I wonder
vaguely what Melissa would think of Hudson if she saw how much time he spends
with Daisy. The thought of Melissa sets my mind on the troublesome idea that
Hudson wants something from Melissa. I’m not sure what it is, or what Hudson
plans to do with her when he gets it, but I know he’s up to something… Okay,
well, Hudson is always up to something, so that wasn’t much of a change. It
bothers me to have him so close to Melissa though. I know his other angle is
targeting me through her. The
fight settles as the girl in red nods and agrees to whatever Hudson has
offered. Did he just say something about a blueprint? I watch Davis tell them
they needed to meet up in about a week. This causes another argument to spree. From
what I could understand, there was conflict in the scheduling and it seemed
like they wanted whatever it was earlier than the day Davis had suggested.
Daisy argued back in defense. The blue hooded girl made some kind of gestures.
I cocked my head to the side in confusion trying to keep up. What was going on?
I want a better look. I
lean forward on the branch, adjusting my hold. Had I been thinking, I would’ve
remembered how the top of the branch was damaged and unsafe. I would’ve also have
reminded myself that it was stupid to be moving right now. However, I hadn’t
been thinking such things. The small limb attached to the branch I was on, the
one I mistakenly have just leaned on, cracked with a loud pop underneath my hand. My breath caught in my throat at the noise
and my heart skipped a beat. I could only watch as the branch fell crashing
into every limb it could possibly reach just to spite me before finally hitting
the ground. I
shut my eyes really tight, as if to make the scene go away. I don’t want to
look. I know they heard that. One of them was probably coming now. I needed to
get up and run now… or perhaps it would just be better to hang myself now to
prevent the on slaughter. I don’t want to look… but I need to. I
manage to open my eyes in slits, my breath is still held. They’re all staring
over in the direction of the noise. Of course… They would possibly be the
stupidest people on Earth if they weren’t at least curious on what’s making
that much noise at three in the morning. Still, I don’t like it. It’s silent.
The suspicious looks seem to last for a life time before it’s finally broken. I
see the girl in the blue hoodie reach out her black gloved hand and point over
in my direction obviously muttering something to the muscles on watch. The
henchmen nods and starts walking over in my direction. I feel light-headed now.
I look down judging the distance to the ground. I’m wondering if I can make the
jump, or even if I would have time to flee. I’m not sure, but it’s a better
plan than sitting there, isn’t it? I
twist my legs silently around on one side of the branch. I’m ready to jump when
suddenly Hudson caught the guy’s arm. I wonder if he was going to come check
this out himself. I definitely wouldn’t stand a chance then. However, he then
did something I didn’t expect. He simply just shrugged and said something along
the lines of ‘It was only an animal. I
saw it.’ I sit there watching with baited breath as some argue that they
should check anyway, ‘just in case’.
Hudson rolls his eyes coolly replying something along the lines of ‘You’re too paranoid. No one knows where
we’re at.’ It looked to me like he was either calling them out or insulting
them. Whatever he had said, it did its job of calling the meeting back into
order and stop any further attempt to investigate. Everyone seemed to accept
his story and went back discussing the matter with only few glances here and
there in my direction. I slowly released my breath feeling better. I’m at least
safe for the time being. It was such a close call, that I’m afraid to breath
too loudly. After a minute struggling to breath, I finally reinsure myself they
can’t hear me from this distance and that I’m allowed to breathe. The
meeting ends quickly. I must’ve scared everyone into suspicion. I can’t leave
until everyone else goes. I press myself close to the branch I’m on hoping my
brown uniform will blend me to the bark. I wait now… Tower and their body guard are the first ones to go. The girl in
red stays a tad bit longer whispering privately to Hudson on something. I can
see it in his expression the demonic nature of the plans. I feel fear creep
upon me again. Is it another plan of murder, I wonder. She finishes up quickly
and then parts quickly afterwards. I expect Hudson, Davis and Daisy to also
depart quickly, but they stay where they are, conversing among themselves.
Hudson looks directly over to my tree. I stop breathing again… He knows. Hudson
makes a motion for Daisy and Davis to check around. They nod and part from him
walking around the area to check for any listening ears. They wouldn’t want to
risk getting caught, would they? I keep focus on Hudson though. Hudson’s still
staring over in my direction, but he hasn’t moved yet. He’s plotting. I can see
it in his expression. I shift uncomfortably on the branch and quietly climb a
bit higher in the tree for better coverage. I know I shouldn’t be moving, but he
already knows my location, there’s really not much I can do anyway. Jumping
down and taking off would be a major failure. I’ve tried that method before. I
press myself tightly against the trunk in hopes of blending in. Hudson is now
moving. He’s taking his time, being very deliberate and very confident about
his movements. He knows I’m not going anywhere and that he has me where he
wants me. I bite my bottom lip in fear. Hopelessness begins to dawn on me. I
know I should just get down and get this over with, but I’m scared. I don’t
want to move. Hudson
stops right below my tree looking up attempting to find me. After a moment, he
gives up on the exact location. “Oh,
Kristen.” Hudson calls to me. A chill runs down my spine and froze my blood
to the core. His voice… It strikes fear into me every time I hear him speak…
Especially when he’s calling my name. “You can come down now.” He tells me. I
don’t move. I’m holding my breath again. Maybe if I pass out, I won’t feel my
death. There’s a long drawn out pause. The forest is dead, and even the air
seems to be sleeping around me. I close my eyes. “We’re
clear.” Davis’s raspy voice makes me jump. I hadn’t realized he’d came back to
Hudson’s side. I could safely assume Daisy must be with him. I get the mental
image of all three of them staring up at me. Daisy with her charming looks
standing to the left of Hudson, the side she’s always preferred. Davis is
probably standing bored to Hudson’s right just wanting to go home. I can
imagine his pale green eyes looking down the path longingly. Hudson, of course,
would be in the middle and have his cold hazel eyes fixed on the top of the
tree. “Is it her again?” I hear Davis ask. I could almost picture perfectly the
look Hudson shot him. It was one of ‘uh-duh’
looks before he’d roll his eyes and turn his attention back on his target… me. I
keep my eyes close and my breathing to the absolute minimum…none. I can feel my
heart’s unnaturally fast beats pounding to escape me. They sound too loud in my
own ears. I’m convinced the three below me can hear it. I remain still anyway. I’m
safer in the trees. The forest is engulfed in the dead silence again. In this
time frame, I am supposed to move and come down to the bottom of the tree to
face Hudson. I can’t seem to make myself move. After
a few moments of agonizing silence, Hudson sighs loudly. “Daisy, go keep Melissa
company while I handle this…” Hudson says. I release my breath in frustration.
I know what he’s doing. He’s using this command as my warning. He knows exactly
how to get to me. I flinch at the images in my mind, and grit my teeth at the
obvious disadvantage over me. I have to come down now. There is no other way.
I’m caught in a dilemma. If I stayed up here, I couldn’t protect Melissa. If I
got down though, I couldn’t protect myself. It was me or Melissa. I
clench my fists tightly before opening my eyes and unclenching them slowly. I
take a few deep breaths for the nerves. I feel stiff from both the fear and the
chill of the December air. I move
slowly, allowing myself to calm down before facing him. I force myself to climb
down the tree as quietly as I can before dropping right in front of Hudson and
Davis. I immediately drop my head to the ground like a sad, lost, little child.
My eyes flicker nervously from behind my bangs looking from Hudson to Davis. I
can feel Hudson circle me as a predator might circle their prey before the
kill. It’s a form of mockery, showing a clear victory for them. I stand still,
my chin nearly touches my rib cage. I’m scared to look up. I don’t want to. I
know better than to run. I wouldn’t get anywhere. Hudson likes this stance from
me. He likes having the power. I all too willingly give it to him. He’s
stronger than me. And even if I did stand a chance, he had Melissa. “How
much did you hear?” Hudson demands in my ear. I flinch. I wasn’t sure how to
answer. The truth or a lie? “I
couldn’t hear anything from this distance.” I reply very lowly. My voice always
came out low and barely audible. Everyone in my department would give me a pity
look when they heard me speak. The look held something like, ‘Aw, poor traumatize kid. It must be a side
effect.’ I never say anything about the looks. I supposed it was true
enough. I used to be a good public speaker, or at least, my voice was strong
and confident. Everything about myself has changed in the past four months. I
hardly know myself anymore, and neither does anyone else. “Don’t
lie to me, Kristen.” Hudson grips my chin roughly in his hand and forces me to
look up at him. I shiver trying to control the amount of fear on my face. I
involuntarily attempt to take a step back from him only to be yanked forward
placing me closer to him. He’s nearly a half foot to a foot taller than me,
making me feel even more intimidated by him. I fidget uncomfortably under his
stare, trying to hold the eye contact he wants, but my eyes keep flickering,
longing to look anywhere but at his own cold stare. “I’m
not lying.” I breath out desperately praying he’ll let me go. He only looks at
me with a hard, intimidating glare. It makes me feel much smaller than I
actually am. “You’re
testing my patience, Kristen.” He growls lowly. I feel his grip tighten
painfully. I could both feel and see he was losing his temper. I know he will
only take it out on me if I don’t answer how he wants. I
pause thinking of what I did understand from the conversation. “A blueprint?” I
ask, not entirely sure if that was what they had been talking about or not. I
feel him release me. I barely have time to react before a hard blow to the side
of my head knocks me off my feet. I fall with a low cry of pain. I quickly
throw my hands up to shield my face and pull my legs closer to myself in a
pathetic fetal position. “Didn’t
hear anything, huh?” Hudson asks in a harsh tone. I shiver afraid he’s going to
hit me again. The side he’s just struck throbs painfully and I’m sure I’ll have
a mark there later. “You’re an awful liar and you nearly ruined the whole
trade.” He continues. His boot nudges my back hard telling me to get up. I
wanted to stay on the ground where I was undoubtedly safer, but it would only
tick him off more. I got to my feet quickly. Two strong hands took both my
shoulders slamming me and pinning me against the trunk of the tree. I
immediately turn my head to the side cringing away from him and begin shaking
thinking for sure he was either going to beat the crap out of me or perhaps
attempt to kill me again. It had been pure luck that he hadn’t succeeded in the
kill yet. I swear I had some angel looking over me in that area, but I didn’t
think I would be that lucky this time. “Now
listen to me, Kristen, and listen closely because I will only tell you this
once.” Hudson nearly hisses at me. “In 12 hours, that’s 3:30pm, you’re going to
meet with Davis down in the art studio.” I couldn’t help but to feel a tad bit
relieved I wasn’t dying tonight, but whatever this is couldn’t be good. I
listen shaking still. “He’ll give you some other instructions and probably a
key. You’re going to go to the Head department’s office and gather the ARC
blueprints. Davis will guide you from the security tapes.” My breath catches in
my chest and I look over at him with wide eyes. Sneak into the Head
department’s office? Steal blueprints? There was no way I’d be able to do that!
That was suicide! As if Hudson hears my thoughts, he continues. “While you’re
busy with that, me and Melissa plan to watch a movie. If I don’t get a call
from Davis by the time it’s over, she’ll see the ending twice.” I cringe at the
image. I understand what he’s implying. Melissa is a fan of horror movies. Most
her movies ended with the main character dying a gruesome death. “Understood?”
I nod slowly feeling hopeless and terrified as I do so. “Good.” Hudson
replies. He then turns to teach me again
why spying is not allowed. © 2013 Kitt |
1 Review Added on January 31, 2013 Last Updated on February 6, 2013 Author