the golden age of this generation

the golden age of this generation

A Story by kite kid

this essay brings in the idea of how this generation of tech and social media has help the advancement of knowledge that surpasses every other generation. with some wit and a pinch of genus.


Today’s modern age consists of tweeters, Facebookers, and never forgetting stone hard video gamers. Precisely, it’s my generation of misfits that mastered this fine art of technology and social media. Otherwise known as the gods of this generation of modern information, and networking. The older generation brought to my attention, though traditional means by verbal communication.  Unlike my generation of whom text, Facebook, yells, screams, cry's, tweets, and YouTube. Now I've been told that my generation is the "dumbest generation" (Sources 1) and truly I take offence not only to myself but also my fellow “generationers”. This older generation doesn't understand us, so they fear us and our intellectual prowess. But with recent data from Oxford and new study on the facts of gaming, I think we’re doing better than 52 years ago. With superior resources and better information systems we have surpassed them light-years away from our ancestors who fought over something historians are still trying to decipher but something that translates into an unknown word called the "Walkman." But who knows of such things that hasten not yet kicked the bucket. To emphasize, our generation is the most intelligent generation though time as a result of are advances in literacy, video gaming, and the leap forward to become a knowledge American citizens.


August of 2009, an article was published "Wired,” one of the leading technology magazines in the industry. It was called “The New Literacy" and me know it’s already sounding like a harsh punishment to hear. But though reading it was interesting, the piece where it gives valid details on how our generation “pushing our literacy in bold new direction “and this is by just social media websites. Now the author goes on to say that we have learned how to use our literacy to persuade our audience by first knowing our audience and then using tone to adapt your opinion to the audience (Document 7). Most Americans, (back in the day when there was no Wi-Fi and not even a smartphone to be "accidentally" broken so that your parents buy you that new better smartphone) didn't even write that much because they didn't need to update anything or take a picture of every meal they were about to eat. They couldn't expand those regions in their mind unlike us, we open that part of our minds to be used freely, like when it is necessary to update our relationship status to desperate. With our generation adapting to new norms we can easily persuade anybody through our knowledge of social techniques and strategies to get our point across. Within this generation literacy has been transformed to adapt to new social media standards, which surpasses older generation.


Americans 50 years ago didn't even know where Ohio geographically was. Along long time ago, there once was a U.S governments Foreign Service.  There was a journal where one of the entries was set in the year 1962. Back then, you weren't even twinkle in your grandmother’s eyes and I know how you prize yourself for being one of the few 7 billion full grown fetuses on planet earth. Through these journal entries, the author says that most of the candidates showing up for the Foreign Service jobs do not even know American history or geography but if one them answer they will usually only give the vaguest answer possible. Even when the candidates couldn't seem to know the U.S economic trading goods but without mentioning to the candidate don't know even the smallest detail of their own country (Sources 5). To acknowledge that through 50 years ago, they being Americans citizens had a better economic balance, culturally Americans spent a lot on pleasures, and President Eisenhower who helped build the highways. Uncle Sam would be crying if he knew that just by typing in these simple questions you could get over 500 answers linking to the common answer. Then now our foreign service candidates can actually be useful and use technology to its fullest just by going on Google, and if they don't know how many eggs are in a dozen they can just look at Google and find out that a 3rd grader is smarter then you just by knowing there are 12 eggs in a dozen. With our generation open to new ideas and experiences for learning, we have developed anti-body's to fight off the 1962 dumbest generation disease. I advise that with the facts that go back more than 50 years ago where American citizen didn't know anything compared to our generation.


“Video games are bad? That’s what they said about rock-n-roll." (shigeru miyumto)  I have a dream that old people will find that rock-n-roll does nothing but makes you want to rebel against your parent, and then develop to having daddy problems.   When you remember dad told you to use safety first. Live action games, where both thinking and hand and eye coordination are vital for the video game experience but also helps you grow a more flexible brain to solve problems. Also, video games help mental tasks and thus help with real life tasks. So with growth of mental task while increasing eye and hand coordination, we as a generation have perfected the ideal (Sources 6). To support worker or even developer of games and or art-tic where you can use programs to make blue prints to help build a structure. With video games further advancing to be a complex building block of learning for young teens in order to further develop their skills though gaming. I conclude that our generation shows more knowable skills and advancement more than are past history of other generations through gaming.


“We’re here, we’re the better generation" (someone.)   Throughout time children of children of those children have always said that their generation was more advanced than their parents and they’re right. We are the bosses of our generation and we will always be better than those who thought otherwise. So we have the technology, we have the pollution, and we created Yolo. Throughout human history we are the fastest generation ever to create and to build upon what we have advanced.  With our generation being what is to day because of social media, video games, and what we have advanced upon are knowledge since 50 years ago. I determine that our generation is the greatest one that has advanced to a form of which past generation couldn't grasp or attain through are technical advancement.

© 2015 kite kid

Author's Note

kite kid
there might be to many commas.

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1 Review
Added on January 2, 2015
Last Updated on January 3, 2015
Tags: witty, narcissistic, non fictional


kite kid
kite kid

seattle, WA

so basically, 1. Im selfish 2. really content with my surroundings. 3. love catcher in the rye maybe because i view myself as not really optimistic person. 4. i like to lie 5. i like writing an.. more..
