Dear Thomas,
One thinks highly of one's self at the younger ages, so much endless possibilities, minutes last hours, days last a hundred years. You my dear boy are no different, you are the center of you earth and commander of your own destiny. Thats the way a young child should be, the world is you oyster and everyones doorstep is your own to thread on.
I merely have one thing to say to you, I am sorry. Sorry for expecting so much of, for driving you to do the things that many of the times you didn't want to. Sorry for always expecting you to excel at everything, for expecting you to be top of your game, a straight A student and for always leaving having you build a guard against even the friendliest of people.
Mostly, my sweet innocent child, sorry for not giving you the courage to stand up to those that did you wrong. I'm sorry for never alloying you to be brave and tell others you weakness, maybe you would have been helped and not turned into that angry and overly confident teenager.
Lastly always remember to be good to yourself, be vigilant when trusting others and lean on your friends a little more, remember you cant always be their rock,
Goodbye for now my dear boy, I'll see you in a few years.