I really enjoyed that little contrast you had, as if the first stanza described childhood Tommy, and the second one described the grown up Tommy. And also the way you described the childhood innocence, and then a little bit of adult naughtiness, and also your happiness and high self-esteem, and this shows how important it is to love oneself. I love this succinct write, and yet there is great meaning behind it. I enjoyed reading.
man, first of all you're a genious ! I'd never be able to write about me in such a few verses ... well, i wouldn't be able to write about me at all xD I loved the way you stressed the "change of stanza" superbly both by totally changing the "theme" of the adjectives related to yourself and changing the position of the anaphora of your name =D. Great poem !!
How enigmatic. The first verse holds together better than the second, poss because the syllables blow out a bit. That sais the second verse leads us to the enigma in the last line which cld mean all sorts of things. I enjoyed the read.
In a different sort of way, it's very strong. It isn't the sort of poem I'd imagine ever reading. But in 26 words, you've described yourself in all honesty.
To all who know by now - I love you.
For those that don't, I review a lot of work on here, and I expect the same in return, friend me but make sure to have conviction! I'm a horror writer mostly bu.. more..