A look at what a Mother must always endure, childbirth is not the only pain she goes through for her children.
Chaos heard from all around her, bustling people, shoes screeching on polished marble floors and chatter, albeit whispers that are in bed with stares, she had become used to it. What to do now, where to go, how to hide? Clever men share swords and jibes for weeks on end, Malay versus Carter, the amendments, Europe over and over again little women in tight skirts running up and down aisles with stacks of green paper telling tales of old.
One has to scoff at tradition, like every situation is the same, a murder over a hundred years ago can't negate why we do what we do today. Yet precedent is the ruler of the land is it not? Told that the law is reason free from passion, good old Aristotle I wonder how he would fair today, probably stuffed into some unknown column in a blog that no one reads.
Then here we are, sitting comfortably on wood that has sat many over the years. Covered merely by arms and thin wool, watching as I've always watched, unable to control, help or let go. I hate the colour orange, I hate it, even now that it covers the most precious gem I have, tears well and glisten against the brightness of outside, the place I must go again, yet he never will, be strong my darling boy, my murderer, my son.
No, "They" would simply lock Aristotle up, Copernicus may serve "Their" purpose, of an order "they" would like to sell. Definitely Galileo would have been a yes man, funding and all, but behind the scenes.
Basically "they" sell everyone lies and guess what, everyone is buying. Good write.
Truly if your Son passed, my deepest sympathy.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you INTUITUS for the review, no I don't have a son, just merely my interpretation of a Mothers.. read moreThank you INTUITUS for the review, no I don't have a son, just merely my interpretation of a Mothers complexity.
Always the poet Thomas with a poets control and a poets economy and complexity in each phrase. A flickering picture book of images and still material to be solved in the heart . I admire your skill Thomas may be to envy but only may be :)
Thomas you set the scene of pointless loss for the traditions of communities mired in prejudice passed along the generations. Funny how a colour or a flag or a song can divide communities. The Troubles well told in a flowing and elegantly constructed story.
Got to the ending and had shivers all up and down my spine Thomas....as a mother this really gets me reeling. I could hear Queen's bohemian rhapsody in the background 'Mama, just killed a man'...is this just fantasy?
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
It is, this is just my feelings when I see Mothers in court rooms.
To all who know by now - I love you.
For those that don't, I review a lot of work on here, and I expect the same in return, friend me but make sure to have conviction! I'm a horror writer mostly bu.. more..