![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Alfred Chapter One Morning is one of the most peaceful moments of the day, opening the windows can see the birds flying past and hearing the chicks calling out to their parents waiting for their meal. Men woke up to get ready for their work, women chatting to each other in their front door. All seem well until something disturbed the atmosphere. “Wake up, “ “Mhm…….I waking up……..” “If u don’t wake up soon, I will throw a cup of hot water at you!”
“Oh my god, mum don’t do that. I am coming now!” “Morning, dad!”
“Morning, “Not really, is just my clock seemed like not working. So I over slept.” “Bring
it to me son, there is no such thing as not working. I will soon make it work
again.” “There u go, son. Now is working again. There’s no more reason for u to over sleep.” “Oh dad, now I can’t over slept since u fixed the clock.” “I thought so, if u really wants to wake up, nothing could stop u.” “ His mother gives a little laugh, “Go on son. Takes two, you can eat them while u walking to the school.” “Cool, thanks mum. Okay, bye mum, bye dad. I am going now.” Opening
his house door,
“Wait up, He looked back and saw his friend, Ryan running to him.
“Morning “Morning, Ryan.” He looked at his friend who was still panting from the run and laughed, “Gosh Ryan u need more exercise if u starts panting already with that little run.”
“You probably right, I do think I need exercise. “What? Why do I need to go exercise too?”
“Oh, come on “Great, I knew u won’t disappoint me. How about we do it after school this afternoon?” “As you wish Ryan.” While they chatting, they finally arrived at
their school. As the morning goes by, with lessons to be concentrate on and
friends chat with, Edmond had completely forgot what he see before enter the
school, all went well till afternoon when they have their usual last lesson of
the day, history. As they entered the classroom, “
Taken surprise by this, he jumped up. Ryan looked at him and said “What’s
wrong “Ryan did some one just called out my
name?” “No one calling you, you must be having a night mare.” Ryan whispered back to him. “I
guess you are right.” But just as “ As they rushed out of the school, they could hear the bloodcurdling roar of the monster getting closer to them.
“Hey “I
hope not.” “No way! It can’t be, Ryan!” Edmond shouted his friend’s name The monster hearing his shout turn towards him and leaped at him too when a young mysterious boy appeared and pushed Edmond away, the beast missed him. With quick motion the mysterious boy takes out two swords and charge towards the monster. The beast roared at him and attacked him with it’s claws, he jumped up and twists his body while in the air and doge the attack. He landed right at the monster’s arm and charged up towards the monster’s face, then jumped up and slashed at the monster’s face with his swords. Continued with this same tactic, the monster finally fall back, it stared at him with eyes full of hatred then it turn back and went through the crack which it came from.
Slicing the swords back to their sheaths, he walked to “There’s no time for this, we better go now.” “Where are we going?” “Just follow me.” They went through what had been the main street of Kendou village
but now was like a ruin. Soon they leave the half destroyed village and entered
the forest. As they enter it, the young man sliced one of the swords from the
sheath and handed the sword to The young man gave a laugh and put his hand
on “You are kidding. Just like that? I don’t even trust my self with a sword.” “I am sure you will be fine. Just give me a signal when u going to use it, so I can get out of your way, you would have plenty of spaces to swing the sword as much as you can then.” “Let’s take it this way, it can be a joke, but at the same time it will save me from death. Come on, let’s go, we got no time to waste.”
As they walk through the forest, “Now what? How long we still need to walk?”
“Shh, “You are a dog or what? You can tell what kind of animal that is just by sniffing at the air?” “In a way, yes, I did learn this from a dog. You might not like it. But it certainly is a good skill to help survive in a forest.” “Oh right, survive, now what then. How are we going to escape from a pack of wolves?”
“Be quiet
“Talk to them? You are crazy. I am not going to die here.”
Then he heard a girl’s voice, “Thanks god, Noah, I managed to come in
time.” He looked at the direction of the voice then his lower jaw almost fell
down as he sees a young beautiful girl with long blonde hair stepped out from
the brushes holding a bow. Seeing such a beautiful girl appeared in front of
him already make
As they walk once more, Noah reply back with a pretended hurt voice, “Oh come on old man, you should have trusted me, you know.” The old man gave a chuckle and said, “No, I don’t think I could trust you that much. Your nose already betrayed you, it had been jumping up and down the moment I mention games. But you still managed to complete your mission, I think we need to have a party to congratulate you.”
“Old man, you must be drunk. There’s no way I would go spend time on
playing games.” He went to the direction of his tent, as he went in, they could
hear his little laugh. The old man muttered to him self and turned to
“Just call me Belagine will be fine. Noah didn’t tell you anything? I
see, alright just listen up.” He takes out a map from his pocket and opens it
up, “Right, first we need to get to Vesto village which if by foot, will takes
2 weeks to get there, if by ship would be around 5 days.” “And if I sick on you then how?” Belagine gave him a wicked grin, “What else? Of course dumb you into
the sea and let you swim back to the shore and walk to The old man patted his back and looked at Arianna who was yawning a lot. “Oh my, Arianna I think you better take some sleep, you already dozing.” Arianna put her hand to try stopping another
yawning but failed “Oops, did I fallen asleep? Sorry Belagine, I guess I better
turn in now. Good night
As “Who are those two women in the pictures Belagine?” “Oh, you back already?” He wiped the tears and sits back up. “The two women you saw in the pictures are my wife and my daughter.” “How come you didn’t stay with them then?” Belagine takes out his necklace and looked at it, “They are always in my heart, no matter where I am, I will remember them forever.” “They-They are dead?” “Yes, they got killed. Even till now I still mad with my self for not able to save them.” “What happen?” “Come sit down next to the fire, is getting windy. Now, where should I start? Ah, yes, it should be 50 years ago, not long after me and my wife married, I started to notice I got talents in using magic.” “You are kidding right? You can use magic?” “Oh yes, to be honest I was pretty shocked as well, that day was also as windy as now. We decided to have barbecue at our house garden, she had gone to do some shopping while I try to light up the fire. But it was so windy that no matter what I did, it just doesn’t light up. In the end combine with rage and in frustration, I just wave my hands and think, just burn it will you.” “Just like that?” “Oh yes, just like that, with a little explosion, I got the fire light up. I was so shocked that I was in blur, totally no idea what had happened only till when I talk to my wife about it then I know I can use magic.” “Explosion? Then how are you going to use the barbecue? I bet she was shocked, right?” Belagine chuckled, “Agree, the barbecue totally destroyed, but I was the one that got shocked again by her reply, she said what takes you so long to realize you can use magic? Is like she knew I got this talent and was waiting for this to happen. As times goes by, my magic skills gets better and better, I could use my mind to hold a large rock above the ground as long as I wanted to or even can turn a rat into a rose. Ever since the discovery of this talent, my life had changed a lot, it was just full of happiness, but not for long. I started to get so addicted to try master my magic even better that I never notice my wife was going to gave birth to our daughter, instead of staying at the house to help her, I went up the mountain to practice my skills. One day it was in the afternoon, the sky suddenly darkened, lightening flickering around, and then I heard a spine-chilling roar that I never heard before. I quickly went to the mountain side and looked down at the town, what I saw is something that I would never be able to forget, even if I closes my eyes, that image would still pop up. A gigantic monster appeared at our town, it was attacking anything and tossing things like houses around like playing toys, it was at this very moment that I came back to my sense and finally remembers my wife. I rushed back to the town in hope that she would be fine, but that hope never happened. I arrived at the place that was where our house was supposed to be, but all I see was only piles of rubbles. I failed to protect her, just as I feel anguish with my self, I heard a baby crying that seem to be underneath the rubbles, I rushed to the place where the crying seem to be and started to dig through the rubbles, just as I feeling desperately, I finally find my daughter, she was underneath all those rubbles and without any harm. Probably my wife manage to protect her, I try search for her, but never succeed. From then on, I made up my mind I would do my very best to take care of my daughter and protect her when she needed. All went well, she even married to a prince and we were having such great time. But then perhaps is fate, one night, the same monster appeared again. Just as it happen before, it destroyed the whole town. I try to protect my daughter and her family by using my magic against the monster but not one of my spell got effect on it, finally it swing it’s claws and hit the great hall of the castle, half destroyed it. My daughter got throw onto the wall and hit her head on it, her husband also got killed by that attack from the monster. I was the only one managed to escape, and yet, I failed again to protect my family, till now I never can forgive my self.” “But is not your fault, that monster is way too strong for you to handle.” “Perhaps, alright enough of talking about my past, you got things to ask me right?” “Oh right yea, you got any idea what those monsters are?” “Yes, only recently I found out a bit about them, they are what we call demons.” “Demons? You are kidding right? I didn’t know they exist.” “Oh yes, they do, you already had seen one not long ago.” “But why they attacked us?” Belagine grazed at “Well I suppose he just want to kill them?” “Exactly, and is same as the demons, they just want to kill us all. Alright,
anything else, “Just the last, I been wondering how come the three of you seem to know me so well? Did we meet before? Belagine looked at “I see no wonder why you don’t remember us.” “What is it? Belagine. Something wrong?” “You don’t remember anything from your childhood right?” “That’s because your memories got sealed away by a very strong sealing spell. Right now I don’t know who or why that person put this spell on you, but perhaps we might able to find something about it in our journey” “Is there anything we can do to get ride of the spell, Belagine?” “Perhaps can perhaps not. Alright, is getting late, we better sleep now, tomorrow we need to wake up early.” © 2012 Alfred |
Added on January 12, 2012 Last Updated on January 12, 2012 |