Nice Girls Finish Last

Nice Girls Finish Last

A Poem by Kimberly Navarro

Cross your legs and lowly speak.
Don't play rough, be soft and sweet.

Don't get fat or mess up your hair.
Always smell good and keep your legs bare.

Aim to get married, don't wait to get old.
Then submit to your man and do as you're told.

To church you must go, at least once a week.
Dress reserved and always be meek.

Don't be too familiar with clubs, drinks and sex.
Laugh at his jokes and bring out his best.

Cook his food and make his home.
Cuz he's the head and you condone.

Don't step out of line, you must play your part.
Give him your life, your all and your heart.

Don't leave his side, forgive his mistakes.
Even if your heart he breaks.

Cuz he's the man and you're his girl.
Second class citizen, it's a man's world.

Play by these rules and you'll find a man.
You may even land a nice rock in your hand.

But you'll lose the most valuable thing you own.
Not your virginity, money or throne.

You'll lose your dignity, honor and soul
Just to play 'his wifey' role.

A marriage you won, but maybe you lost.
What good is a love that's gained at all cost?

I rather be single and make my own rules
Then risk my love in the hands of these fools.

I live my own life and do as I please.
I am a woman, phenomenally!

© 2015 Kimberly Navarro

My Review

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since you made the whole poem rhyme which is used as a standard, I'd like to say that the last stanza's rhyming couplet don't match: please and phenomenally.

A man and a woman in a relationship should know that love is reciprocal, give and take from both.

Now, the stereotypical ways in which certain norms, such as women in some cultures being considered inferior to men, have influenced many societies has turned some men into ignorant fools.
Likewise, many cultures, especially the western cultures promote the idea that if a woman see her worth only in her physical beauty, that makes her independent, attractive and desired by men; and thus, as a result of such emphasis, there are many women who have a low self-esteem of themselves and feel that sex is everything, and in the end contradicting themselves.

So clearly, looked at from both sides of the coin, stupidity is present in both women and men.

But what is the solution? The answer is certainly not having a gender war as is promoted by so called 'Feminist' movement who have an evil agenda that's camouflaged as fighting for women's right. The separation of the human race into conflict of interest cannot be deemed a solution.

The solution is educating one another, starting from our little boys and girls, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters at home; teach them that woman and men are equal.
We don't have to preach a sermon to children to prove such point, but, rather, let children learn by the way we behave daily, since it is a known fact that children copy what they see.
So what example do we set as influential adults?
For example, in a house where there are children a woman disrespect and talk profanities regarding men, that already is a small segment of society poisoned through indoctrination and stereotype.
And the same example and consequence applies to a man likewise disrespecting women around children.
We need to ask: is that woman putting all men in the same basket simply because she's been hurt by one, two, three or more men? If that's the case, then she's taking things personal and is having a war against the whole species of men.
We also need to ask: is that man disrespecting women simply because he does not get his way sexually, or does he think, because of his good looks and ability to attract many females, he has the right to degrade all women?

Let's teach and put emphasis on the unity of the human race.

Therefore, I believe that as writers we are supposed to be the ones with insight, knowledge of the deeper and simpler things of our social life. Our role, with the talent that we possess to express ideas creatively, is to enlighten people and be objective, with love and truth as our motive (rather than a revengeful vendetta), in the conflicts of our human nature.


Posted 7 Years Ago

LOL! Have to give props (even if...), this is excellently written without compromising the fitting 'tude.
Reminds me of...every female in my family, and the poor blind men they...uh, it's great, Thanks!

Anyway, I'm practically daring any male with his mind stuck in a time warp to comment here.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Excellent bravery! The tone of the poem shifted as the passion began to come through about the girl wanting to be single and free. Being held down can be a burden and being told it is a "man's world" is something most of us don't understand anymore. Women are phenomenal!

Posted 9 Years Ago

You write excellently well with all bravery and mastery....

Indeed Phenomenal...

Posted 9 Years Ago

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Nicely written, the picture painted is nice and I like the transition. You did a great job with the imagery and drew me into your 'film' about a woman's role. Good work and very well written. Keep it up!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kimberly Navarro

9 Years Ago

thank you for your beautiful comment
id want my wife to do the above but they dont exist anymore.We have a different breed of women

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ashley Flynn

9 Years Ago

If you think women should do this s**t you're part of the problem.
Very interesting poem. This reminded me of something I was reading about religious cults. Might make some girls question everything they were ever told. "A marriage you won, but maybe you lost." Great poetry! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Phenomenally great poetry ! Your words speak volumes of what every woman should know already. Never give up yourself to become subservient. As always nice job ! And MUCHO CONGRATS on your book !

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kim, you really fooled me as I read down and through, and all the time i was thinking, "This doesn't sound like the Kim I know!" Then, when verse 11 hit, I knew things would turnabout, and boy did they ever … good on you, Girl, for the rest of the poem!
Honey, I loved it for its verisimilitude and all-important message (for guy and gal), but it has some rhyme issues I think you could have could have put more effort into, eh?
V1: speak/meek. V4: week/never unique. V5: sex/his greatest effects. V15: please/phenomenally at easeI V12: Something needed … consider: "Just to play 'his perfect, slave wifey' role."
Just a few suggestions.

Whatever, this one really lights me up, Kim, because I'd never totally want a gal like you suggested at first; although, some of it I tenderly agree with, other parts are just plain wrong; yet, I know couples who fit perfectly into both scenarios, with a passive and dependent wife, and with an independent one — c'est la vie … LOL! Personally, I believe it takes a combination of it all, meted-out in the proper proportions, according to the moments, temperaments, and needs of each to balance, and every relationship is quite a bit different.
Hah-hah! Listen to me acting the expert … well, at least, you know you got me involved.
I love this piece, and I love your poetry and where it comes from … you're a star!
Thanks, Kim! ⁓ Richard

Posted 9 Years Ago

The poem flows really well, and kept me interested. I don't *completely* agree with the viewpoint, but it's a good poem nonetheless. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on October 25, 2015
Last Updated on October 25, 2015
Tags: Women, emoowerment, love, relationship


Kimberly Navarro
Kimberly Navarro

Clifton, NJ

The Heart of a Young Woman Book of Poetry: Poet Scholar Passionate writer Lover Nurse Educator Midwife Feminist Activist more..


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