~lonely as the stars~

~lonely as the stars~

A Poem by kij143

The moonlight is shining blue rays over the moor.

the shadows are dancing across the walls and the floors.

I sneak out, and under the stars here I lay.

Brilliant they may be, but alone there they stay.

I get up and run, and hide from the stars.

Sound provokes this night; I run from the pain, from the scars.

I run 'till I reach one mysteriouse, gloss lake;

It mirrors my tears, 'till one falls and it breaks.


Somewhere lovers are dancing, and creating a scene,

somewhere lovers are laughing, their voices serene.

I could have traveled a similar path, had i known

of the beauty to see, a lovers light shown.


The salt of my tears, and now the sweetness of the lake stir

I look up at the stars, my eyes all a blurr.

They are lonely; they're hearts broken, such as mine.

yet, even alone, they still muster a shine.

© 2010 kij143

My Review

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A beautiful and sad poem. I like the gentle description and story in the poem. The secret the night hold and will never tell. A very good ending to the poem. A outstanding poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 7, 2010
Last Updated on July 7, 2010



hi(: well, I, obviously, love poetry, and I like talking to poeple and I love school, and french class, and I like to run, and bake, icecream and texting (: more..
