spider webs in the puddleA Story by khepri juarnollifeblood tears rain are the puddles of gas that starts the flames love hurt anger the flames that all lead to danger but the spiders on ready street are laughing no matter what your story is the devil controls the mind of time and spiders he makes time run away from the fear of the spiders and after time has vanished from our sight they spin webs to let us know that its behind time that its no longer worth looking back at they erase our tracks so we get lost they didn't ask for the gift to spin death on life to put webs in our paths to put mud in a puddle
© 2008 khepri juarnolAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on July 11, 2008 Authorkhepri juarnolnew orleans, LAAboutHi! I'm Tiffany M. Riley. I was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. I hate cold cheese and rats, so don't talk about the rats and offer cold cheese. I love shoes and reading books. I don't like the or.. more..Writing