“Melanin Whiskey”A Story by FaeryQueenheyyyy“Melanin Whiskey” . My insides are new; old-- foreign, ripped, raw [dipped in the charcoal from the ash in my bones] . I’ve burned in hell for a handful of lifetimes [don’t remember what it was like to love a man] (how do you love a man?). . I’m on the laptop again; my nails short, mind racing. I wonder what its like to be wanted, loved, desired-- my whole entire love life… existence, ive been resistant, consistent, persistent. Tell me what its like to roost in heaven. . My heart isnt with me; i fear the worst; what would happen if i fell off a verse; stuck out my hand and it got cut off? (would it grow back, would he heal it? can he do that, heal me? no, my stump would remain, but at least he'd be right by my side, right next to me. hey, he's here, tugging at my arm. so cute; calm; collected.) . I’d rather leave it on but if i gotta, it’s gonna come poppin off © 2021 FaeryQueenAuthor's Note