Just remember how often I have warned you
Of falling in me
How often I told you that you will gain only pain
If you loved me
But you said you don’t care for pain if that pain
Is for the sake of me
I told you I am a crust
You said you love to live in it
I told you I am the sin
You said from me you never wanna be forgiven
I told you I am the devil
You said to me you love to travel
So, bare feet, towards me you crossed long way
Until you have come to a very narrow bay
All kinds of danger are there
But still you don’t care
I don’t know what kind is your heart
Why from me you never get hurt?
Is that real love?
Or you just challenge your heart?
If I were you, I would get rid of my heart
For causing that pain to me
Please just turn over, just go back
Don’t cross that bay
Don’t try to come to me
Because I am sure you can't
Ever reach me
If my heart belongs to me
I would happily give it to you
So just go back
Don’t try to reach me
Try to find another way
In which you wouldn’t find such a bay
Then you may
Find a heart which is free
Where you can be
As happy as you are supposed to be
Rather than false hope, of the remains of me