She was sitting on her couch
Holding a packet of biscuits
When I told her
That I'm jealous of anything that may touch her
Or she may try to touch
Then from that packet
She got a bar of biscuits
And asked me..what about that?
Do you feel jealous of it? I supposed not,
To be jealous of it
While with your three sweet fingers
You are so carefully, holding it
Afraid it may get smashed, or anything bad
May happen to it
And my eyes, following the way of that
bar of biscuits
While she started to up lift it
Passing through her chest
And her lips started to separate, getting ready for it
Until it was about to touch
The lower lip
Those two rows of pearls in her mouth
Started to get apart
To save space
For it
Then both rows were getting close to it
Into two, she broke it
Her hand, got back with a part
While the other part
Started to kiss each part
In her mouth
With her tongue, they started
To dance
Up down, right left
Bar of biscuit
Was enjoying and she was enjoying it
Until the bar of biscuit and i. we both started to melt
Inside her, she started to swallow it
And I, wishing I were that bar of biscuit
Feeling soo jealous of it
All of that
And I am not
Supposed to be
Jealous of it?