The Enders

The Enders

A Story by Aiden Fox

The nukes used cause an explosion so rough it awakens creatures deep beneath the surface of the earth, and the easiest way to fight it is with a race of humans that the government created in ww2


Aki woke up in the morning and lay in his bed for a few moments letting the sleepiness seep away slowly. Aki shifted his body to lay on his side and shut his eyes still feeling the warm embrace of sleep calling his name. His eyes burst upon on the realisation that it was Aki and his twin sister Sachi’s birthday today he felt a crash of excitement slam into him knocking the drowsiness out of his system. He rolled out of bed and landed hard on his feet a loud thump noise emitting from the cold hardwood floor. He smiled brightly and looked up to the top bunk where his twin sister lay sleeping, he climbed up the ladder to her bunk and he shook her foot and whispered.

“Hey, Sachi wake up!”

“Mnm, what do you want Aki?” she said sleepily

“Well it is our birthday” I said casually

“Wait what? Oh yeah!” she bolted upright and smiled a yawn beginning to erupt from her mouth.

“So let’s see what presents mom and dad gave us early! They always do that!” he spoke excitedly. She smiled and nodded they climbed down the ladder and tiptoed to the door and opened it trying not to wake up his parents after all it was 6 am. Sachi followed closely behind him as he walked into the living room he saw two presents both relatively small boxes Aki’s was a rectangular box that was about a foot long and 3 inches wide, while Sachi’s was a box a foot by a foot. Aki opened his and saw a metal pole Aki grabbed it and held it in his hands, all of the sudden it dawned on me.

“S-Sachi, what did you get” Aki asked in awe of my father’s present to him

“Look for yourself It’s mom’s twin switchblades!” she showed him the pair of silver switchblades mom had carried to war with her as a nurse, she saved our dad’s life multiple times but also had to defend herself. I flicked the baton out and a metal retractable shaft flung and created a fully extended baton that my dad had used in the war. It was black with scrapes revealing chrome, and dents in the shaft. Sachi and Aki asked for some weapons of our own since we wanted to be just like our parents, we wanted to be in the law enforcement.

“I knew we had asked for weapons for a while but why these?” Aki said in a grateful but curious tone

“Who knows? I’m just happy we have them it’s a great thirteenth birthday present!” Sachi said excitedly

“Yeah me too, you wanna watch some TV?” Aki asked

“Yeah dude!” She responded happily

Aki turned on the television and changed the channel to the best channel you could have as a teen without cable, he knew we weren't rich or even middle middle class so this birthday gift was one of the best he’d ever been given but he had a bad feeling that day, though he had no idea why . Eventually their parents woke up and excitedly got us dressed up and his dad gave him some awesome jeans and a military style jacket, like the ones he always wore. Aki’s dad was who he wanted to be when he grew up, his dad was charming, kind, and righteous, his dad’s short cut black hair and his angular eyes mirroring Aki, while Sachi’s long hair and large eyes came from our mom. She tried to be more like their mom who was, nice, proud, and intelligent. Their dad made them his world famous Omelettes with cheese, ham, jalapenos, and spicy sauce drizzled on top. He laughed and smiled while instigating conversations with them where Their mom’s cheer was still warming up as her mug of coffee emptied. Their mother never really was a morning person, the polar opposite of their dad in that manner, who enjoyed going to bed at the same time they did and waking up before the sun and working overtime first shift. Their Mom worked second shift and was a hospice nurse and she didn’t like waking up early at all. They all sat down at the square table in our dining room and they all had smiles on our faces, even their Mom, through her dreariness was smiling.

“Your Father and I have taken the day off from work today, so today we will be filling your day with things that you guys want to go to, anywhere!” their Mom said with a happy tone

“Anywhere?” Aki said excitedly.

“Yes Aki you can go to the firing range if you desire, with your father of course; Sachi you wanted some fighting lessons from me right?” their Mom questioned

“Yes! I would love to train with you mom!” Sachi shrieked happily

“Great! Sam could you take Aki to the firing range? Sachi and I will go clothes shopping while you do!” their Mom offered

“Of course honey I’ve wanted to for a long time and he’s finally old enough, Alright Aki get your clothes on! We’re headed out as soon as you’re ready!” their Dad smiled brightly and patted me on the head “you want to train with mom too right?”

“Yes! of course, but I would like to shoot first!” Aki said with excitement gleaming from him.

“Okay little man! Get dressed and let’s go!” their Dad said hurriedly Aki nodded and ran into the hallway  and turned right and then left into his room and quickly opened up his clothing drawer he grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a black T-shirt and his new jacket that was a bit too big for him. He put on his green and black tennis shoes and grabbed his satchel put it on and grabbed his baton. He flicked it out  and swung it a couple times feeling the weight it felt right in his hands, perhaps a bit too big, but he would grow into it. Aki slammed it into the ground forcing the shafts to fall into place he put it in the satchel and looked at himself in the mirror, he smiled at his resemblance to his father from his brown eyes to the silky black hair to his dark green military jacket he almost looked like a mini dad of before he went to war with the monsters from the underground. Aki walked out of his room and walked into the living room and looked at his dad.

“I’m ready to go!” Aki said with his hands in his pockets

“Alright son, give me a second!” their Dad said while grabbing his own military jacket and slinging it on himself he looked at Aki with his brown eyes the left one with a scar through it he looked good nonetheless with some scruff on his chin and very long sideburns he looked at me with his kind eyes and punched in the four digit code into the wall opening the door to our apartment the door slid open and started counting down from ten, stopping as Dad put his arm through the door. He gestured toward the end of the hallway where the elevator is.

“After you my good sir” He said in a mock fancy man voice. I chuckled and walked past him and toward the elevator; when I reached the elevator I pushed the call button the elevator came up on its magnetic rails with a hum of electricity growing louder and louder until the bell rang signalling the elevator had arrived. The black stained plexiglass doors slid open with a crisp whooshing noise, Aki’s dad and him stepped into the elevator and pressed The bottom button on the elevators console, as he did so the  elevator door closed shut in front of them Aki looked at his father and admired his maturity, his looks, and how great of a man he was. He admired his dad in every way and for some reason today  he could not stop thinking about how he wanted to be him. He looked at the plexiglass doors seeing floors flick by in small rectangles of light and eventually a sound of the elevator began to slow down making a low hum noise as it stopped. They stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened and we made our way to our magnetic car that is hovering silently in the garage my dad walked over to the driver's side and put his hand on the door making the door pop up.

“Come on buddy! Sit up front!”

I was ecstatic dad was letting Aki sit up front where the adults sit! Aki ran over to the other side of the car and put my hand on the door it popped up and Aki scrambled inside and put on my seat belt as the door was sliding shut. Aki sat down and admired the car from the inside with no wheel all they had to do was punch in the address and the car would get us there. Aki’s dad typed something into the car and we were off! Slowly at first exiting the garage but then merging with traffic accelerating to one hundred miles an hour Aki looked at his dad who was putting a tape into the console of the car and he started playing a very old song I liked from the band The Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black” was the song. This was a song that both his dad and him enjoyed very much he lay back in my seat looking up to the sky seeing through the clear top of the car at the sky filled with large buildings and just a tiny hue of blue and yellow piercing through a dense layer of clouds he smiled at the warm gaze of the sun and he looked toward the biggest building the sharp black structure stuck out of the ground supplying a mock Ozone layer to our city of Hiroshima. His dad drumming his fingers looked over to him, and said “We’re almost there bud, about a minute away!” he looked back at the road and stared at it for  awhile his eyes turning blank, he asked

“Dad are you okay?” He looked back at Aki and smiled

“Yeah! Sorry I was just having a moment” he sighed and looked directly into Aki’s innocent brown eyes.

“Son, I survived the Akuma Rizing war because I am an Ender and the chances are you are too, If you have an awakening you’ll be sent to war as well.” he paused and took a deep breath

“Aki, I love you, and you don’t want to see what those Akumas do to people. I’ve experienced it and you don’t need to become a weapon for them” he finished with a deep breath and a sigh.

“I’m sorry for dropping this on you”. He paused

“Dad, I want to fight for our country, I want to be able to protect everyone I love, and if I can’t do that without my powers I want to use them to be able to.” Aki said in a mature tone, his dad looked at him with eyes of sadness.

“That’s unfortunate” he said looking back at the road right as we started to go off the street and into a parking lot the car hovered over into an empty spot right next to the firing range. The doors popped open, Aki and his dad stepped out of the car and the doors closed automatically. Aki followed his dad into the complex and he scanned his Military ID and the door opened Aki’s dad walked in and opened his locker he took out a a magnetic revolver with the word “Purifier” crudely engraved into the barrel. Aki’s dad looked at it and looked at Aki then to the firing range, Aki’s dad smiled and said

“Son If you can get more points than me on that body target than I can with my revolver you can have it, Deal?” I looked at him in disbelief and nodded going over to his father’s locker and grabbed another revolver that had the engraving “Death Dealer” on it and he went back by his dad and his dad looked at it and smiled

“You’re brave choosing a revolver,  for your first time little dude” he looked at it and his eyes brightened up.

“How do you know if it's loaded or not?” he asked seeing if Aki remembered. Aki looked at the gun and saw the release for the six barreled chamber and flicked it out the cylinder and grabbed the barrel and thrust the handle side towards his demonstrating that the gun indeed had six magnetic bullets inside.

“Very good! Here’s something I haven’t told you you see the clip looking thing in the bottom of the handle of the revolver?” Aki looked at the bottom of the handle and saw it

“Yes I see it, what is it?” Aki asked curiously.

“It is the battery clip this is the Zaynthium battery that engages the revolver’s Magnetic shot, for now take it out because it adds a hell of a kick to the shot and I don’t want the bullet going through the wall.” Aki pressed another release lever that made the barrel and the cylinder pop and fall down loosely and it clicked at an angle that made the handle perpendicular to the barrel Aki’s dad chuckled.

“You have to slide the bottom off and the battery will eject it will be hot if you just expended the energy, beware.” Aki ejected the battery pack and put it on the counter and popped the revolver cylinder back in place.

“Let’s have a competition” Aki said determined aiming at the target 100 meters away.

“Alright Aki let’s go!” His father said while quickly ejecting the battery and aiming up at the target. He straightened his arms and then bent them slightly while putting his finger on the trigger he pulled once, he reset, shot again, reset, shot again, reset, shot again.

“Alright I only used four bullets you have six use them all” Said Aki’s dad. Aki nodded and aimed the revolver mimicking what his father did he bent his arms while aiming in the center of the target, when he pulled the trigger for the first time it kicked very high and almost hit him in the face; He reset, he knew how it would kick and he was prepared this time, he shot for a second time, then a third, he paused and looked at the target. The bullets were nowhere near as accurate as his dad’s he cursed under his breath and aimed again with more dedication he shot once, it hit the shoulder, he shot again in the throat. He exhaled and aimed straight toward the head he shot and time seemed to slow as the bullet fired out of the chamber and the kick rattled his body he heard the bullet make contact right in the center of the head. Aki turned to his father happily and said

“Dad! I think I won! Aki pointed towards his target with his finger right after putting the revolver down on the counter. Aki looked at his father’s target and his jaw hit the floor, there was one bullet hole surrounded by four others each less than a centimeter apart.

“Are you sure?” said Aki’s father jabbing at Aki’s previous comment. Aki just stood there flabbergasted, jaw slightly ajar, he closed his mouth and gulped

“Oh, I guess not” he said his voice quieting down as he spoke “but, who cares! I got to fire a gun today!”

“That's the spirit! Maybe for your eighteenth birthday you can obtain one of them” he winked slyly, a shiver went down Aki’s spine as his father finished his sentence, something was off about today and he couldn’t place his finger on it, he felt happy but also wrong inside, he chose to ignore it and replied to his father’s statement with a smile. He walked with his father back to the car the sun was in the center of the sky Aki and his father got into the car and as he put his seat belt on his father was already typing into the console, the car made a ding noise and the car started off north, to the park that Sachi and aki’s mother were practicing at. The car hovered over to the street entrance and merged with traffic and eventually sped up, Aki felt so energetic for no reason I was just super excited about everything. Before Aki knew it he was going into the parking lot of the forest playground, near the edge of the fake Ozone dome. Aki opened the door as it came to a stop he spun on his butt and hopped off the seat and onto the pavement he landed hard on his feet and closed the car door behind him. Aki took a deep breath of air and walked to his dad who was walking toward a forest trail. Aki always loved nature, and found peace within it, he thought this would be the ideal place to learn how to defend himself. He kept pace with his dad who was smiling, his hands were in his pockets feeling a little bit chilly from the cool late summer weather icy wind blew into his face ruffling his short haircut slightly and made his jacket flap in the wind a bit. They continued to walk into the forest following a mud ridden path, making sure to avoid the especially wet mud that would use suction to try to steal his boots from him. Aki continued to walk with his dad until he saw his mother and Sachi practicing, joint manipulation Sachi was being shown all the joint manipulation on herself Sachi has great kinesthetic memory and was replicating the techniques back to their mother. Sachi was grimacing but not crying or anything.

“Face the pain straight on, acknowledge, and adapt to it.” Their mother was saying calmly, “to be able to use these techniques effectively you must know how it feels to have them used on you” She said with a straight face, she looked towards Aki and their father and her features softened.

“I’m glad you guys made it!” Aki’s mom said cheerfully

“Well I mean Dad toasted me in the competition we had” Aki said while smiling at his father, who responded by ruffling his hand through Aki’s hair.

“Alright kids I gotta talk to your mom about something in private” Aki’s father said while walking away from Aki and Sachi, and beckoning their mother towards him. There was a brief moment of silence, and aki broke it by saying

“Dad is a really good shot, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since he survived the Akuma Rising.”

“Yeah Mom is great at CQC she was showing me some hapkido techniques, but she also told me something about us, it relates to the “Breakout” in 1960.” Sachi said with a solemn twinge

“Oh you’re talking about how dad is an Ender?” Aki assumed

“Wait, dad’s an Ender too?” Sachi said, shocked

“Yeah he is, isn’t that what mom told you?” Aki asked curiously. Sachi paused and suddenly her eyes darted open in surprise

“Mom said that dad didn’t know, she didn’t want to endanger us”

“Wait, hold on a second, if what you said is true you’re saying that dad is an Ender and Mom is one too, and neither one of them knew about the other one?” Aki said, Sachi responded by nodding

“But, that doesn't make any sense, I’ve never felt like I had superhuman strength like Blake the famous Akuma rising sergeant, and I’ve never felt like there was anything special about me, don’t you think that we would feel different if we were different than humans?” Aki stated this cause Sachi to sit down and ponder for a bit, but eventually she looked up at Aki and said

“How would we know how a normal person feels if we are Enders?” Aki’s eyes glazed over he looked at his feet.

“I don't- I wont believe it!” Aki said angrily his features suddenly changed and softened when they heard the sound of hoverbikes. Their eyes darted around until Sachi spotted a hoverbike that was fully painted black, the tire on the front useful for multiple terrain was kicking up dirt and heading in the direction of their parents.

“S-Sachi we need to help them” Aki stuttered

“I know I’m already thinking about how we should approach this.” Sachi said in a cool manner. Right now Aki was admiring his sister’s calmness in this situation where he was freaking out. How is she so calm right now, does she have any idea who these people are?

“Aki, those hoverbikes were military grade and I didn’t see a gun on the last one but those railguns are powerful, we should stay hidden.” Sachi said getting into a crouched position, her composition was calming Aki down and he  followed her advice and assumed a crouched pose. Sachi started moving towards the tree line straying off the path and Aki followed, they followed the light hum of the hoverbikes which were barely audible. Aki made sure to watch where he placed his feet because if the men with the hoverbikes knew where he and Sachi were what would happen? Aki’s mind was flooded with all of the things that could possibly go wrong and he was starting to panic and altogether wonder if this was a good idea. Aki’s mind was flooded to the point he didn’t notice the root sticking up from the ground. As Sachi gracefully avoided it Aki’s foot caught and he fell hard and his face slammed into the dirt, he rolled over his face and slidd down the small hill they were going down. Aki got up slowly, covered in dirt and smiled at Sachi

“I’m all good!” he said slyly feeling a bit of blood trickle out of his nose.

“Aki you have to be more careful than that what if th-” Sachi was cut short by the sound of voices and yelling incomprehensible, but audible. Sachi grabbed Aki’s arm and started to drag him along Jogging towards the sound of voices while dodging tree branches and rocks in their path. They eventually came to a clearing, they made sure to stay in the brush while observing the scene. Their parents were in the middle of the clearing  and they were surrounded by three military grade hover bikes with their guns pointed at them.

“S-Sachi, we gotta do something” Aki whispered.

“I know, just let me think for a second” Sachi said deep in thought. Her eyes looked up at the sun which was shining at a bush nearby, then her eyes lit up and she drew one of her flip knives and slowly opened it  she crouch ran to the bush and stuck the chrome blade out flat side facing the sun. The sun’s light reflected off of her blade and shined into their father’s eyes she went side to side into his eyes three times to let him know that they were there.

“Alright Aki Dad knows we’re here, we have to do something Aki…” Sachi’s voice trailed off she looked at the flip knives in her hands, Aki looked at his baton. They looked at each other at the same time, and something abou Sachi’s determined Brown Eyes instilled him with hope and determination.

“Alright Sachi I have an idea, We move directly behind two of those hoverbikes and go for the pilots you have your knives I have my baton we can take them, go for the neck, and armpits, I’ll go for the neck in exactly” he paused. “Thirty seconds from now we charge  we can’t be more than thirty feet away” His voice trailed off. He looked Sachi directly in the eyes and smiled

“We got this, I love you!” he whispered Aki then started making his way behind the pilot, and Sachi started moving behind the other pilot. Aki reached into his satchel and wrapped his fingers around the cool steel baton he gripped it tight and looked at his watch ten more seconds Aki thought he began to count in his head nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Aki went full sprint towards his target with the baton clenched tightly in his hand time seemed to be slowing as he was running, no everything ELSE was slowing down. Aki Flicked out his baton as he was five feet away from his target he jumped upwards and slammed all of his weight down into the man’s neck. Time resumed while Aki was in mid air Aki saw the pilot go flying downwards to the left off his bike at incredible speed after a resounding crunch rang through the clearing. Aki, still in motion ended up in the middle of the clearing with his parents, completely vulnerable. Aki looked towards sachi who was still running towards the pilot. Aki had caught the other two Pilot’s attention, and he heard the sound of their chain guns beginning to spin. Aki’s mother turned towards the pilot that Sachi was not targeting with her brown eyes now turned green and filled with passion she put her hands out and a ten foot by ten foot transparent barrier erupted from them. All the while Aki’s father pulled out his revolver and shot the other pilot in the head sending him flying back. Bullets began to erupt from the last pilot’s hoverbike the bullets dissolved as soon as they passed through the barrier. The pilot began retreating while still firing at the barrier, slowly backing away; Aki was staring at the transparent barrier in awe, So mom really is an Ender, isn’t she Aki thought to himself. The hoverbike’s machine guns where starting to turn red, the machine gun was having trouble cooling itself the pilot noticed that and started retreating faster. Then it happened, the pilot stopped firing and in one swift motion the Pilot turned the hoverbike around and sped off in one direction. Aki’s mother dropped the shield and Aki’s dad assumed a stance with power emanating from it, he reached his right hand skyward and his other arm in front of him. He traced a symbol into the air with his finger with a glowing fire at the tip he looked directly at the pilot with eyes of burning fury turned orange. He shouted in a soul rending voice.

Clamo ad te et qui metit animarum!” the air around Aki seemed slow down greatly for less than a second, and resume quickly again Aki looked at his father who had a revolver aimed into the forest. Aki’s attention snapped to the forest where the sound of metal colliding with wood resounded, followed by a powerful boom. The air around Aki shook and his hair flew back, within the forest there was a large fire that had set multiple trees on fire, as well as the molten pieces of metal everywhere the fire would quickly alert everyone to their locations. Aki’s father looked at everyone with a smiling expression his eyes watering a bit

“I’m so happy you guys are okay.” he paused a tear glided along his face, he then continued “I’m sorry for dragging you into this. This isn’t your fight, but you have to continue it for your and my sake. I couldn’t live with myself if I let them take you like they took me.” He choked a bit “we have to go, right now, I’m sure you have a lot of questions for me right now, but we need to move now!” Aki’s dad demanded running over to one of the still operational hoverbikes. Aki’s dad mounted the hover bike and beckoned Sachi to the seat, while Aki’s mom got onto the other still operational hoverbikes and called Aki over Aki mounted on the bike and held onto his mother tightly. Aki’s father yelled

“We need to go, follow me as closely as possible” Aki’s father said sincerely

Aki’s dad revving the electronic motor jetting  the bike into the forest the spiked wheels maintained great traction in the mud Aki’s father was very good at driving the hover bike he was able to use momentum in his turns, to his advantage, his tactics were obviously from his time in the military, Aki took most of the time with his face in the back of his dad’s jacket clenching his jaw, severely frightened. Aki eventually began looking around, seeing the green and brown of the forest again but at the edge of the forest seeing a golden color,

It’s a field! Aki thought. He smiled and Aki’s father felt Aki’s grip loosen a bit

“We’re almost out of the forest, once we’re out I’m taking you to your uncle’s house, you haven't met him but he lives in a farmhouse he lives at a crossroad, Kingsly lane and redwood crossing his address is 2317 so if anything happens to me or your mother, go there” Aki’s father told him sincerely. His father looked back at him “you understand?” he asked with his hair blowing into his eyes from the wind. Aki nodded and saw a shadow appear in the field about 1 kilometer in front of them.

“Dad what’s that?”” Aki asked concerned Aki’s father turned his head back to the field he stared intently for a second until a loud BLAM a rocket was fired directly at us, with almost no time to react aki’s father pressed the brake and powered up the hover module causing them to begin to become vertical then the rocket hit the front tire the stopping force causing aki, and his father to go flying. Aki had barely registered what had happened by the time he was upside down in the air moving towards the ground at a high velocity. By the time he had come to his senses he was inches from the ground, his realisation was met with his shoulder making first contact with the ground, he bounced up and rolled mid air making second contact with his tailbone  then rolling on the ground for a couple meters. He lay there in the wheat field hearing another explosion and the screams of Sachi. Aki tried to get up, he put his right arm forward it was bent completely the wrong direction, he felt pain everywhere but he was determined he out his left arm forward and put all of his weight on it then onto his right knee he slowly got up clutching his arm and leaning over due to the pain in his tailbone he looked at his family he looked at them and time slowed he saw Sachi, and his mom being dragged away into a van. Aki saw his father separated from the others with a bag on his head and a man standing in front of him the man took a syringe and stuck it in Aki’s father. Aki suddenly felt an intense amount of power surging towards him. He grabbed his right arm and set it it didn’t hurt at all and a couple seconds after he set it he could use it normally again, Aki looked up at his father’s figure on his knees, helpless. Aki felt rage swell in him, he reached into his satchel and flicked out the baton and began to sprint to his father, as he got closer he saw other people in black suits get out of the van, they talked to the man by Aki’s father, and got back into the van and it sped off north. Aki kept running until he was within ten meters of the man, he slowed down and started walking

“Stay away from him!” Aki screamed at the man, who now had his back to aki

“Who are you to make such demands?” The man asked moving right next to aki’s father and putting a revolver to his head. Aki choked and stopped dead in his tracks

“Aki Wolfheart, who do I owe the pleasure” Aki said in a cocky voice gripping his baton tighter.

“That my dear boy is none of your concern” he looked at Aki with a Crazed red colored eyes. The man’s face was rugged and he had mutton chops  and he wore a hooded cloak concealing most of his jet black flowing hair, and any weapons he could have underneath it.

“It’s common courtesy to tell someone your name before you duel them, that is what you intend on doing, yes?” Aki said, his anger rising up in his chest

“Should you beat me I’ll tell you, should you lose, I’ll carve my initials into your chest, how’s that sound?” he said smiling widely revealing sharp pointed teeth. Aki felt a pang of fright which he quickly recovered with his anger.

“Well, get ready to tell me your name, you shark.” Aki snarled getting into a fighting stance, placing his right foot back and lowering himself to the ground and clenched his jaw. Aki began sprinting forward with the baton jutted down to the ground. The man pulled the gun away from Aki’s dad’s head and pointed at Aki. Aki smiled and prepared to react, CLICK, Aki slowed time as the hammer collided with the hairpin and Aki hopped t the side and had time resume. A second after he unfroze time CLICK, Aki hopped to the side and did that three more times. Aki smiled he dodged all but one of his bullets and he was almost to him Aki began to swing his baton, when the man transformed his revolver into something else. The barrel suddenly had many nodes pointing out of it, and the bottom of the handle was glowing a sickly yellow. Aki swore to himself and felt fear course through his body It’s a magnetic revolver Aki was already halfway through his swing and he thought maybe, if he could just hit the revolver… but He realised too late and the man pulled the trigger blowing a rigid hole through Aki from his abdomen all the way through his body knocking Aki’s Stride back a little bit but he still landed the baton on the man’s cheek Aki felt a vibration through the baton and pushed through making the man stumble back. Then the pain came the hole in his abdomen burned and stung like someone had impaled him with a white hot metal rod Aki screamed in agony and crumpled to the ground upon feeling the searing pain trial that the molten tungsten left in him. Aki looked up at the man his cheek was bleeding badly blood was gushing down his right cheek and he had his jaw clenched he looked at Aki and pulled a separate revolver out from his cloak and shot his father in the head once BANG, twice BANG, thrice BANG. Aki looked at his father lying on the ground laying in a forming puddle of his own blood Aki looked at the ground he was on all fours and was gripping the brush tightly, Aki picked up the baton, the chrome finish was soiled by a fresh blood stain. Aki got up slowly and looked at the man,

“You haven’t won yet” Aki said in a low tone, looking at the man with piercing eyes the man looked up at Aki and smiled, his entire right side of his face was covered in blood, and he didn't even seem to care.

“You’re damn right” he said giggling, and throwing off his cloak and turned a dial on his gauntlets that made a neon green projection of three serrated claws he began walking towards Aki slowly. Aki felt nothing, he was empty and he felt lighter, he looked at the man and noticed how much he resembled a lion. Aki stood still until they were face to face.

“Are you ready to die Aki?” The man said in an intimidating voice

“Your name, what is it” Aki asked in monotone

“Fang, now are you-” Fang was cut short by the powerful punch that was delivered by Aki directly into his solar plexus. Aki winced, and put his hand over his wound, if he kept exerting himself like that, the wound would open, and would hurt a lot more. Fang flew back a couple feet and paused to cough up some blood.

“You clever, F**k!” Fang yelled lunging at Aki with the his claws Aki went to dodge to the left but the claw extended and punctured his shoulder and hooked into it as Fang came with the other claw Aki Ducked underneath it and slammed the butt of the baton into Fang’s upper spine he heard a crack and he collapsed to the ground with his face in the ground.

“Don’t f**k with the Wolfhearts, if you come after me again, I’ll finish the job” Aki said in a threatening manner to the now paralyzed Fang as he ripped out the claw and felt coursing pain through his arm. Aki thought in his head, Kingsley lane and Redwood crossing, address is 2317, better get walking I guess.

© 2017 Aiden Fox

Author's Note

Aiden Fox
Keep in mind this is Rough Draft, so anything you see, please tell me about it.

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Great concepts in here. Really creative! A few adjustments can be made. You have several large paragraphs that are rather intimidating. Try to break those up to make it easier for the reader. And where you have a lot of great details your lacking the feelings of the characters. It's all what they are doing, i don't see much of what they feel about what they are doing. Add some more inner thoughts, background, more about them. Build there characters through feelings as well, not just description! Other then that i cant wait to read more! Like i said very creative and out of the box!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aiden Fox

8 Years Ago

Thank you so much, this is the kind of constructive criticism I needed thank you!
Kathrine Rethorn

8 Years Ago

Your welcome, If you ever need an honest review just ask me! Ill make sure too keep up with this sto.. read more
Aiden Fox

8 Years Ago

Alright Thats verymuch appreciated, Im making progress through it, but it is slow.


Great concepts in here. Really creative! A few adjustments can be made. You have several large paragraphs that are rather intimidating. Try to break those up to make it easier for the reader. And where you have a lot of great details your lacking the feelings of the characters. It's all what they are doing, i don't see much of what they feel about what they are doing. Add some more inner thoughts, background, more about them. Build there characters through feelings as well, not just description! Other then that i cant wait to read more! Like i said very creative and out of the box!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aiden Fox

8 Years Ago

Thank you so much, this is the kind of constructive criticism I needed thank you!
Kathrine Rethorn

8 Years Ago

Your welcome, If you ever need an honest review just ask me! Ill make sure too keep up with this sto.. read more
Aiden Fox

8 Years Ago

Alright Thats verymuch appreciated, Im making progress through it, but it is slow.

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1 Review
Added on January 17, 2017
Last Updated on January 17, 2017
Tags: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action, Romance, Gore


Aiden Fox
Aiden Fox

Milwaukee, WI

(My other Account was known as Zorro Tomoko, but I forgot the password for the email so I will be re doing the Enders :p) My Actual Name is Aiden, I like Playing videogames, Reading, Writing, and Draw.. more..