![]() The Clash of the Mighty PowersA Chapter by Kevin Andros![]() This is the 2nd last episode. Give it a read as all things descend into chaos!![]()
As per the last episode, we saw that the Members stopped the fight and tried to save the earth. So, The Great Devil and Kevin both agreed that they all had to work together if they wanted to save their own life. So, on mutual agreement, both the Defenders and the Destroyers assembled in the SERC for an emergency meeting. After many discussions, both the parties came to the decision that it was only in their power to save themselves and earth too. Our readers ought to know that The Great Devil had got many evil powers but also had a very thoughtful mind. So he suggested that they should decide first of all how to save themselves, and then they would think about earth. After much arguments and discussions, George suggested that they should all escape in their shuttle. The Defenders ruled out the idea that their shuttle was too small to carry 24 Members and the UWADC members and the doctors of the SERC. Then John had an idea that the core of the shuttle was very powerful. So they should fix the core in the SERC and the SERC had enough space to carry all the persons stuck in the meteorite. After many discussions, the Members voted in John’s favor saying that it was excellent plan to save them. But King said that even if they managed to escape from the meteorite, how to destroy the meteorite? Then, at last, The Great Devil stood up.
The Great Devil- Ladies and gentlemen! I think John’s idea is great. You should all escape on the SERC. And I’ll try and destroy the meteorite with my great evil powers. But I would need someone to help me save the earth. If someone helps, I guarantee to save earth myself, but I cannot promise the other person’s life. There was a good deal of murmuring between all the Members. No one was ready to give up his or her own lives to save the earth. Then at last, Kevin stood up. Kevin- The Great Devil, I’ll help you to save the earth. And (speaking to the Defenders) you should not worry about me. If I am dead and you all survive, I’ll at least visit you one time as my spirit. Now, we should not delay in the proceedings. At once all the Destroyers started to fix the core of the shuttle in the SERC. But the Defenders will not accept the death of Kevin. Everybody was begging to Kevin to go in the SERC and anyone was ready to take his place. But, Kevin- None of you has the power of spirit. And I know that The Great Devil will not spare me after destroying the meteorite. But even if he destroys my body, my soul can fight and I know that I’ll be victorious. Now go and prepare to leave. After this last speech of Kevin, they could not argue anymore, but gave Kevin a very sad farewell. Nearly everybody cried and after that everyone got busy to pick up all their KOed friends. In this work, Henry was very useful. At last, when the SERC was ready to leave and the core had been started and successfully tested, Henry rushed to Kevin and said, Henry- Don’t think that you are dead already. Fight with all your strength. We will try our best to save you. Kevin- Thanks. And when Henry had rushed back to the SERC, it took off immediately. Now, Kevin and The Great Devil were there on the meteorite. The Great Devil- Kevin, though we are enemies, but you have to help me and you have to be my friend until I have destroyed this meteorite. Kevin- I will do so. But how will you destroy this meteorite? The Great Devil- I have many evil powers that you are not aware of. I can increase the size of my body when I put together all my powers. So, my fire will also increase. But after I become huge, my evil powers will become less. So you will take your full power stance and touch me and I will absorb your powers and use it to destroy the meteorite. Kevin- Ok. So, the deadly and fatal mission began. The Great Devil, getting hold of Kevin’s arm, flew very fast towards the earth and entered the earth’s atmosphere. At this time, both the atmospheres were merging together, so he was able to fly to earth. After flying for quite a while, he stopped in the air over the Pacific Ocean. Then The Great Devil showed his true colors. Coming to a standstill position, The Great Devil spread his one arm that was not holding Kevin and closed his devilish eyes. Then Kevin saw that The Great Devil was expanding, expanding very much and stopped at a point when Kevin was as little as a goat to him. The Great Devil held Kevin on his palm and told him to do his task. Kevin immediately started taking his full power and hitting on The Great Devil’s huge arm. The Great Devil absorbed the power given by Kevin and then started his fire. Oh! What a mighty fire was it! After almost fifteen minutes of continuous blowing of fire towards the meteorite, when it entered earth’s atmosphere, it exploded with a bang (due to the friction of the atmosphere and The Great Devil’s mighty fire) that the whole world could hear. Then, The Great Devil- (who was steadily contracting after he had done his task) Kevin, no you cannot do anything. Look over there. The SERC has crashed and your friends must have died. So what you will live for? You can also join them! After his short speech, the giant The Great Devil who was shrinking rapidly, threw Kevin in the Pacific Ocean with his full force and before his very eyes, Kevin fell in the ocean and was never to be seen again. The Great Devil- Well, there are no Defenders, and, to my great regret, there are no Destroyers either. Well, they gave their lives to give me the world. And now, when there are no Defenders, taking over the earth would be a task of an hour. And when I will be successful in capturing the earth, I will do something for the memories of the Destroyers. And there is no use of this huge form now (after coming to his usual form). Farewell, all the Defenders, you really fought bravely, but I win. Oh Destroyers! I will never forget your help you gave me to take over the earth. Just then, The Great Devil was knocked over in the air and a voice boomed ‘You should not hurry in big decisions mate! The Great Devil could not believe his eyes. Kevin was there, in the air, and he had giant eagle wings stuck out of his back, and his eyes were glowing like two great fireballs, and spiky black lines were etched all over his forehead. The Great Devil- KEVIN! YOU ARE ALIVE! BUT I killed you with my own hands! How could you be alive? Kevin- (in the same loud, booming voice) Yes, I am dead, you devil! But this is my spirit. Now fight like a brave thing. The Great Devil- You … you have the power of spirit? But how? Kevin’s spirit- Yes, and now fight without asking questions. After this one-lined explanation, Kevin’s spirit dived at The Great Devil and hit with his mighty fists. But The Great Devil also had many devilish powers. This was the ultimate clash between two mighty powers of the world: the clash between the power of the Spirit and the power of Devil. Now this mighty fight went very long, it continued for four days, and yet no one grew weak or tired. But Kevin had no body, so he could not feel pain or happiness. But The Great Devil had a body, which enabled him to feel happiness or pain. And when The Great Devil did a summersault in the air when Kevin’s spirit hit him with full force, The Great Devil suddenly became standstill in the air instead of attacking Kevin’s spirit. Kevin’s spirit grew suspicious and asked him did he need a break? Or anything? The Great Devil- No, I don’t need a break or anything. But these four days of fighting with you has opened my eyes. When you, when you are dead, and you no longer have any relation with this earth, and yet you are trying to save this earth. I am going back to hell, and I will never, never again will try to capture earth. Goodbye! Kevin’s spirit- I was only fighting with you as it was my last wish as a human was that I would never let you to capture the earth. And now that you have decided to go back to your place, I will have to leave the earth forever and join the spirit’s place. And I will live there as a free spirit and I can come back to the earth once in a year, that is, today. So goodbye and … take care of yourself. The Great Devil- Goodbye! So, The Great Devil teleported himself back to hell and then Kevin’s spirit said, Kevin’s spirit- My other last wish was that I would be able to see the whole of the world and our island one last time. Well, there is nothing to see in my island, but I will have to see it, as it was my last wish. So let me do the earth first. But the whole of the world was watching the fight of Kevin’s spirit and The Great Devil by the auto live telecast. So when the spirit of Kevin soared over the world, many of them waved to him and smiled at him. Kevin's spirit in turn waved and smiled back. Then at last, Kevin’s spirit- Well, that is one part of my wish fulfilled. Now let me do the other part. So, he soared towards their island from where he had done many great adventures. And earlier, he had visited the control room in South America from where John, Chan and he had started their first adventure. Then he thought that at least he would meet them in the spirit’s place. When he reached the island, he saw that all was wrecked as they had left it. But he could not fulfill his last wish. Any guesses readers? Well, because when he entered in his secret headquarters, he saw that everybody of the Defender group was sitting there chatting merrily. And when they saw Kevin’s spirit, John- (immediately) No, no, don’t ask any questions now. Immediately enter your body with closed eyes or we’ll loose you forever. Kevin’s spirit, who was starting to fade, closed his eyes so that he would not see all his wishes fulfilled. He entered in the glass box in which his body was preserved intact and not with a mark on it. And when he entered the body, the glass box exploded and Kevin, fully and finally alive, stepped out of it. © 2008 Kevin AndrosAuthor's Note
Added on April 9, 2008 Last Updated on April 9, 2008 Author![]() Kevin AndrosWorld is one country, IndiaAboutHi. I'm a Leo Person by birth. ************************ Update April 2016 I am making my slow return to this wonderful world without borders. Trying to be active on boards and adding new writer.. more..Writing