![]() The Big Fight "II"A Chapter by Kevin Andros![]() This is the continuation of the previous episode having the fight that goes physical. Keep reading!![]()
Now, as we saw in the last episode that the Defenders were defeated in the technological fight and they came into the wardome with the Destroyers for the physical fight between them. So after when the spectators, Tekkenders and the members of the deciding council were ready, the supreme judge announced the rules of the war.
Judge- May I have you attention ladies and gentlemen? Thank you. Now I’ll be obliged if you hear the rules of this fight (after a pause, which was filled with a tense and excited silence, he stated giving the rules of the fight). The members of the jury, first of all I would like to thank you for your whole support for this fight. Now, the spectators and the Tekkenders, please listen carefully. The members of jury have given number placards, starting from 1, to all the Individuals of the Tekkenders. I will call two numbers from each team and members having those numbers will come on the stage and fight against each other. When one is defeated, I’ll call another number from the losing team and that man or woman will fight the victorious person. This procedure will go on and on until no member of a team is left and the other team will be victorious. And all the other rules, I presume is known by everybody as announced by the jurymen. Now I shall be happy if all the members could take their position outside the stage. I am calling out the names of each of the members and start with the Destroyers as they have only created this wardome. Destroyers- The Great Devil, The Devil, George The Great, Greff Peterson, Tiger, Dr. Barron, Dr. Kon-Le, The Copycat, Gong, Proudfoot, Bootblack and Zordan. All the Destroyers were cheered as their name was called and they took their position at the left side of the ring. Now it was the turn of the Defenders. Defenders- Kevin Andros, Chanli Long, John Feathers, Chon Lee, Mike Anderson, Amy Lawson, Poly Lawson, Eva Loring, Lina Wang, Mardy Smith, Hammer Jack and Henry Adams. Judge- (as the spectators cheered the Defenders too as they came and took their place in the right side of the ring) Now, in this fight, only the old and the Tekkenders will fight. That means, no Henry or Zordan. They will be called later on. now if you don’t have any objections, we will start the fight. Immediately after these words spoken by the supreme judge, there was a still and stiff silence. The audience was guessing as who will be the first fighter from both teams. Now the judge finally called two numbers from the both teams. The numbers were: two from the Defenders and six from the Destroyers. So, the first fighters were, John Vs George! John and George took their positions for the first fight. And amongst all the guesses and predictions of the audience, the bell rang and the first fight started. John started to give his best punches and kicks, but as George was an experienced fighter, escaped all of them and hit John at his hip. John writhed in pain. He then jumped and hit George straight at the jaw. George fell back. Like this, the first great fight went on for 20 minutes. Slowly, John grew tired and fell down Knocked out. So, the Destroyers won the first fight this way. John was gravely injured and was sent to SERC (Space Energy Recharging Center). The Destroyers were victorious and were looking down upon the Defenders who were very unhappy and grieving over the defeat of John. The Destroyers were harassing them with words like, ‘Oh! What will you do now? One of the main Defenders is knocked out now. Who will be the next man to go to SERC?’ Judge- Silence! No one is allowed to harass the other party with words (after a pause. George, you are victorious. Return to your position and ‘SILENCE IN THE GALLERIES!’ Immediately, the murmur within the galleries that had rose for the defeat of John, vanished and there was pin drop silence now. Judge- Thank you. Now the next number of Defenders is – six! A low murmur went through the galleries as who is the number six. And all at once, the low murmur changed to a cry or surprise when they saw who it was. It was – Lina! She came out in the middle of the ring opposite to George and bowed to him. George, on the other hand, was laughing his head off because he was underestimating Lina. But all the Defenders and the audience were tensed and the latter was unusually excited. The bell rang and the fight started. Lina at once put on her style of Baritsu, which is the Japanese style of fighting that she had learnt during her school days. George on the other hand, thought that he would defeat Lina easily. So he thought that he would deliberately be defeated by Lina in the first round to create tension and excitement within the audience. So, he did not fight his heart out. As a result, Lina won the first round and the audience were very surprised indeed that a small girl can defeat such great a fighter. But in the second round, George was full alert and fighting with all his strength. But not after really some struggle that George won the second round. Now came the important final round. Now, Lina, who was tortured every time the Destroyers got hold of her, was very angry. So she became fully alert and swifter than George. So when George would launch an attack, Lina would escape it by her swiftness. But George, who was not as swift as Lina, was made to pay for underestimating her and was defeated by Lina. Just after when George fell down KOed, the whole crowd and the Defenders burst into a roar of applause and George was sent to SERC, gravely injured. Before the next number was called, ten minutes break was given as Lina was exhausted and could not fight any longer. So she requested the judge for giving her rest and time to recover. Instead she could choose any other fighter who will fight in place of her. Despite everybody’s request, she chose Chon and retired to rest. Now Chon took his position on the ring and waited for the judge to call the next number, which happened to be two. It was – Greff! So again the tension was created and within all the hopes and expectations, the bell rang and the fight started. Chon started his usual style of fighting by starting with his punches, kicks and a flip. At the first time, Greff was not ready and got what he deserved. Immediately he got up with a wild fire in his eyes. Then, without giving any warning, he started his mighty and powerful and swift punches. Chon, this time could not resist it and he was almost knocked out. But he gathered all his strength stood up, but all his effort went in vain as Greff picked him up from his stomach and laughing a terrible laugh, he threw Chon on the floor with all his strength. Chon got injured very badly and was sent to SERC immediately. Greff was victorious and laughed his hearty, terrible laugh again, this time more loudly. All the Defenders became sad for the defeat of Chon, as he was also a very good fighter and also the master of Jeet-Kune-Do. The Destroyers on the other hand were very happy, as Greff had defeated one of the masters of Karate, which was not an easy thing to do. In the galleries too, there were sighs, murmurs, joys, and disappointments. Then, Judge- Ok, if you all are ready, let me announce the next number, which is 1! Again the expectations of the audience started. Most of them thought it was either Kevin or Chan. But it was neither of the two. It was – Mike! Mike too was a great fighter and had once saved Kevin from the clutches of men of George where Kevin was almost defeated. He had joined the Defenders from that moment on. He stepped on the stage and shook hands with Greff as a gesture of professionalism. And when the fighters were ready, the bell rang and the great fight resumed. Mike immediately, jumped up and swung around and kicked Greff on his chest. Greff got badly hurt and was thrown miles away. But he took a short somersault and jumped high and struck Mike like a flying spear. But Mike maintained his cool and fought back bravely against Greff. But on the other hand, Greff being extremely hot headed, kept loosing his cool and his blood too because Mike was fighting with great skill and vigor. So, as we know that the one who maintains his cool and calm and fights using his brain rather than his heart, always wins the fight. As a result, Mike won the fight and Greff was sent to SERC. Now, it was the turn of the Defenders to rejoice and celebrate. On the other hand, The Great Devil was so angry with Greff that he hit Greff with his mighty punch as the Auto Stretcher shifted him to the SERC even though Greff was unconscious. Meanwhile, the judges waved for silence and was ready to announce the next number that was – 1. Everybody gave a cry of surprise as they saw who it was. It was – Dr. Kon-Le! And the moment Mike saw Dr. Kon-Le, he sank within his heart as he knew that Dr. Kon-Le was a very great fighter and it was very difficult to defeat him. But he bravely took his position on the ring and faced Dr. Kon-Le like a man. Dr. Kon-Le was a great fighter and what was uncommon in him and all the fighters were that he always carried a sword. And besides that, he could keep control over his own energy and increase and decrease it as the situation arrived. So the big and the great fight resumed with Mike and Dr. Kon-Le. Dr. Kon-Le, just as the bell rang, started his hand drilling, as he was not allowed his sword in the totally physical fight. Mike got badly hurt as he received two of those simultaneously, but Mike maintained his cool and started blocking the shots and attacks launched by Dr. Kon-Le. As Dr. Kon-Le was getting exhausted by his continuous attacks and anger. And then Mike started his fight and it looked that Mike would win this fight too, and The Great Devil was supposed to be furious about it. But, surprisingly, he was not. Instead, he was very happy about something. Suddenly, he let out a low growl. Instantly, as though it was a signal, Dr. Kon-Le took out his sword and then took his stance to fight Mike. Mike, on the other hand, was completely surprised at the sudden move of Dr. Kon-Le. But the surprise had not yet ended. At the very next moment, The Great Devil not only surprised Mike but also the Defenders and the judges. The surprises were – a masked ninja carrying a sword came zooming down on the ring and Mike had to jump sideways to avoid the attack of his sword that was aiming for him. But before the judges could call off the fight, The Great Devil’s villainous voice broke the silence of the wardome first, The Great Devil- You better keep quiet if your life is sweet to you! Because if you say a word against us, then my robotic army, who are equipped with hyper laser guns, will fire and nothing will remain in this wardome except us. Ha, ha, ha! As he was speaking these words, he waved his hand around the wardome and from the last rows of the galleries, which were hidden from view, rose thousands of robots who pointed their guns anywhere but the Destroyers. Everybody cried in horror and fright. Then, The Great Devil- Oh, so you see it now! I knew that at some moment they will be of use and make no mistake, they are of use. Now you Mike, what are you looking at? Take care of your life and start fighting my men. Mike - You cannot cheat me into defeat, you vicious devil! The Great Devil- Oh yes I can. Now start the fight. So Mike, having now choice, started fighting Dr. Kon-Le with sword and the masked Ninja who also had a sword. It was a totally unequal fight and all the Defenders were appalled to see this injustice. So, Kevin- We must try and save Mike. But luckily, I, along with Chan and John were prepared for this type of attack from the Destroyers. So Hammer Jack, press your visibility button and we will try and take of the protective shield of the wardome. Kevin further explained that they had a shuttle in their secret headquarters that was invisible and Merry was in possession of it. Just as Hammer Jack will press his visibility button, the shuttle will come to view and Merry will come to the wardome and release the EMP that will only deactivate the machines and the robots, which will be destroyed completely. Kevin- And we in the meantime, will divide into groups. Hammer Jack, You stay here along with Poly, Eva and Mardy. And the rest will come with me to switch off the shield. Well Hammer Jack, press the visibility button and we are off to it. Immediately, Hammer Jack did as he was told and the teams got to their duties. And on the devastated island of the Defenders, a shuttle suddenly appeared on the ground and took off immediately. On the other hand, Mike had managed to finish off the Ninja by Dr. Kon-Le’s sword by leaping aside at the last moment. But he was finding it very difficult to fight the armed Dr. Kon-Le. And Kevin and his company were heading for the security room by fighting the auto guards by their skills. And in the space, Merry’s shuttle had neared the wardome and was fighting the auto operated space missiles, heat sensors, and other missiles. Merry’s shuttle was equipped with many modern weapons including hyper laser and Electro Magnetic Pulse emitter. So, we can see that Mike steadily getting tired and loosing his energy, Kevin and company advancing steadily towards the control room and Merry was steadily winning the battle outside the wardome. And as Merry finished off the last heat sensor missile and Mike was defending his last bit of energy, Kevin and company managed to reach the control room and shut down the protective shield. And immediately, the wardome was again covered with something that looked like a shield, but it was the EMP emitter releasing EMP on the wardome. Resulting the robot army of The Great Devil looked a fanciful sight; some were loosing their hands and other their leg, someone’s head was on fire and some blasted with a loud ‘bang’. Other machines were also affected. The MSAS were stopped and Mardy, Poly Eva and Hammer Jack leapt onto the ring to catch the falling UWADC members. Hammer Jack’s suit of insulator saved him from the EMP rays. So after the robots were destroyed and the shield was back on, Mike finally gave up his last bit of energy and fell unconscious. © 2008 Kevin AndrosAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on February 5, 2008 Last Updated on February 5, 2008 Author![]() Kevin AndrosWorld is one country, IndiaAboutHi. I'm a Leo Person by birth. ************************ Update April 2016 I am making my slow return to this wonderful world without borders. Trying to be active on boards and adding new writer.. more..Writing