![]() The Two New CharactersA Chapter by Kevin Andros![]() This is an excerpt from the 5th episode (not counting the History) of my novel that I have been writing from the last 7 years. Please Keep on reading.![]()
So, after a great adventure and vacation of the Defenders, the Defenders returned to their secret headquarters in Indonesia. Kevin, Chan, John and the others were fully recovered of their weakness (from this point onwards the story will be more complicated than that before). Merry was delighted to see Hammer Jack sound and safe.
Kevin- So, here is the end of our vacation. Now let us start our work once more. Merry- Wait, I have a surprise for you all. Just follow me to the lab. As you guys were away, I succeeded to complete the ‘surprise’ that I was talking about. If you guys would care to follow me, then I would disclose the surprise. As they were thus taking, they reached their lab and Merry displayed her newest invention in a most dramatic manner. It was a ‘High Cosmic Space Lab’! It was large enough to play a football game in it. The Defenders were very happy to see it and they thought that it would wise to test it before they started using it. So it was decided that Merry would go into the space with Hammer Jack, check all the points, and then come back. Six hours after Merry and Hammer Jack had left; all the Defenders went to practice except Kevin and Amy. Kevin was sitting in front of the super monitor and Amy was standing beside him. Suddenly, a message flashes on the monitor from Merry and Hammer Jack. It said- ‘we have located the giant Spacelab of the The Devilan army. It is hidden in the Orion belt. And we can understand that they are planning to attack on our island. I would suggest that we should prepare for their attack. I am now trying to get back to earth but you know that they can track our message when passed through our computer. If we don’t come back don’t worry and prepare for the attack.’ After reading this message for herself, Amy turns around and shouts, “Hear everybody? Please come here and read this!” Now each and every Defender gave their own dramatic entries from their back side. Lastly, Kevin rose from his seat and the revealed his face and said, “We should get ready for the attack. Amy, you should also go and start practicing your skills. John and Chan come here.” After everybody had left, the three Defenders stated supervising the progress of each and every Defender. John- Now we should also prepare for the attack. So the three Defenders started practicing their skills and getting stronger. Meanwhile, in the Spacelab of The Great Devil, we now can see the scientific lab of Dr. Barron and Dr. Kon-Le. There are number of test tubes, ingredients and other things. In one corner there is an electrifying prison in which there is a man or rather, a boy in the cage. He had the devilish powers of the True Devil. Dr. Barron and Dr. Kon-Le were researching on Kevin’s DNA which they had got from Antarctica. They wee so engrossed in their experiment that they did not notice that a shooting star like thing went towards the earth. But finally, the managed to make a potion. They picked it up, corked it and gave it to the prisoner boy who drank it in one gulp. Immediately, he started shaking and shivering. He fell on the ground in a squatting position with his hands resting on the floor. Then a very drastic change took place. He seemed to grow bigger and stronger. His shirt got torn due to the enormous expansion of muscles. His trousers got tight as because his legs also grew stronger and muscular. Then, it seemed that electrifying blue rays were moving around his body, surrounding him. Then he rose and the prison broke and there was a tremendous explosion in the lab. His eyes were blazing and his face had grown like Kevin except that his hair was longer than Kevin had. He also had a power locket on his neck and his eyes were blazing like fire. Dr. Barron and Dr. Kon-Le were huddled in the corner when the boy, or the creature that had formed now, stepped down the cell. They were afraid if he killed them. But he stopped in front of them and said, ‘O master, what do you want’? Hearing this from Zordan (as he was thus named), Dr. Barron and Dr. Kon-Le were quite relieved that he was under their control. They were very excited and decided to take him to The Great Devil. They walked towards the automatic door and walked through it. Once outside, all the Destroyers saw them and they accompanied them to The Great Devil. It was a long corridor and at the very end of it, there was a wheel in which there wee twelve spokes. All the Destroyers reached it and whispered something to it. Instantly all the twelve spokes moved and pointed upwards. Then a door was opened and all the Destroyers and Zordan walked through it. Then, The Great Devil- Why do you disturb me unnecessarily? Dr. Barron- Not unnecessarily my lord, but we are successful in making Zordan. He has the power of Kevin and many more devilish powers. Now we can defeat Kevin easily. The Great Devil- So, after all this time you will defeat Kevin Only? Shame on you. Remember that our aim is defeating all the Defenders and capturing the earth. Dr. Kon-Le- No my lord, we really meant that we can defeat the Defenders easily. We do not boast of our power much. The Devil- Then let us see the powers of this Zordan. Saying this, The Great Devil started to test Zordan. He had a frown on his face in the beginning of the test of Zordan, as he thought that Zordan would never be successful in the test. But when Zordan easily cleared the test, the frown on The Great Devil’s face was replaced by a look of admiration. Zordan was called out of the test and was congratulated by everybody. The Great Devil said that he was proud of Dr. Barron and Dr. Kon-Le for they wee very clever to create Zordan. They replied that they were happy, as The Devil and The Great Devil like Zordan. Zordan was then given the power to think and ability to take decision of his own as a normal person. We now come back to earth where we can see the distant island of the Defenders. We now can see that the shooting star like thing, that had passed the Spacelab of the Destroyers earlier, falling on the distant island of the Defenders. A closer look discovered to be the giant Spacelab of Merry. Hammer Jack and Merry stepped out of the door of the Spacelab and entered the headquarters in a secret way. All the Defenders were very happy to see them back for they feared that they would never see them again. Just as they were talking of the advantages of the lab, five guards came in carrying a man who was fainted. A guard said that he was found lying in the field of crops. John ordered them to place him on the couch, which was meant for the ill or the ill or the injured. Its specialty was that it had a very strong belt attached to it with which they were to tie the ill or the injured in case there was an emergency. They laid the man on the couch, tied him and the guards went away. Then, Kevin- It is not possible for any one to come to this island unnoticed as we track every vehicle that comes to the area of our island. He must have come swimming which is not possible because he does not have a single drop of water on his body except his feet. And until I am very much mistake, this is not an ordinary fellow as he came running on the sea. John- You must be joking! Even I cannot ride my bike on the sea. So how could this fellow come running on the water? It is impossible! © 2008 Kevin AndrosAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on February 5, 2008 Last Updated on February 5, 2008 Author![]() Kevin AndrosWorld is one country, IndiaAboutHi. I'm a Leo Person by birth. ************************ Update April 2016 I am making my slow return to this wonderful world without borders. Trying to be active on boards and adding new writer.. more..Writing