Do or die mission in space

Do or die mission in space

A Chapter by Kevin Andros

This is the 3rd episode after the previous one. Please keep on reviewing. This also belongs from the unedited portion of the book.

At a space research organization, a meteorite is discovered coming towards earth with a tremendous speed. The crashing time calculated by space scientists was twelfth of August, 2229, which was two weeks from the present time. A close study of the meteorite reveled that it had an atmosphere and was life sustainable. The size of the meteorite was estimated to be as big as Australia. But after one week, the meteorite disappeared from its orbit.
��������After the disappearance of the meteorite, a new problem revealed on earth. The problem was all the eradicated diseases of earth; that is plague, cancer, chicken pox, AIDS, etc appeared again. Millions of people were dying according to the biologists the germs of these fatal diseases were coming from an unknown location from outer space. Experts failed to solve the mystery.
��������Meanwhile, in the secret headquarters of the Defenders that was located in an unknown island of Indonesia,
Amy- Hey boys, come and try to solve this bio-war case.
Chon- Yea, sure!
Kevin- Hey, Merry, is Hammer Jack all right?
Merry- Yea, I’ve patched him up. He’s almost fine. I just have to switch him on.
Mike- Man, that’s great. Merry, you’re the greatest researcher we’ve ever had.
Merry- (frowning) But as far as I know, I’ve been the only researcher in this group.
Mike- That’s why you’re the greatest researcher, because we didn’t have any researcher other than you.
��������Everybody laughed. Merry didn’t find it very funny. She was looking as through Mike had offended her. Mike had the sense enough to apologize to her.
Merry- (after hearing the apology) It’s all right (then smiled).
Kevin- Now guys we must get to work. Poly, set the super telescope. Eva, get it connected with our super monitor.
Poly, Eva- Sure.
Kevin- John and Amy, you guys help Poly ‘cause the telescope is too heavy for one person to shift. And Merry, switch on Hammer Jack as we will be needing his controls.
Merry- Of course.
��������So Merry went into the laboratory, to get Hammer Jack. John, Amy and Poly got the super telescope set and Eva had already connected it with the super monitor. Now for the information of our readers, we’d like to inform you guys that the super telescope that was with the Defenders was the single piece in the world. It could scan the entire solar system and a bit beyond it. It was connected to the super monitor so that all the Defenders get the display of the telescopic view.
John- Hey Kevin! Did you notice that this bio war started only after the meteorite disappeared?
Kevin- (thoughtfully) yea, and I think that this bio war has something to do with the disappearance of the meteorite.
Merry- (who in the meantime had returned with Hammer Jack) Hey, what are those things?
Amy- What things?
Merry- (pointing) Look, those tiny particles that form a ray.
John- By Joe! That’s the germ ray!
Kevin- (sharply) Poly, quickly trace the ray.
��������Poly hastened to obey. When she was done, it made all the eyes of the Defenders to bulge in alarm.
Lina- Oh my God! The meteorite is behind Xena!
Eddy- But how in the name of heaven did it reach there?
Kevin- (after thinking for almost a minute) Poly, focus on the meteorite.
Poly- Yea, I’m doing so (the meteorite comes to a sharper focus and then it captured the whole of the super monitor). Hey, it’s inhabited!
Kevin- I thought as much. Poly, sharpen the focus and try to get closer to the meteorite.
Poly- Okay, here it comes, but this is the extreme point. I cannot increase the focus and this is the farthest our telescope can go.
Chon- Merlin’s beard! It’s not only inhabited, it’s populated.
Lina- And what the hell is that?
Amy- What is what?
Lina- (pointing to a very small spacecraft that hung in the space just above the meteorite) That.
Chan- (getting excited) by Joe! It’s a Spacelab!
John- ((looking surprised) Did I hear you swear? Don’t you Chinese guys’ call swearing as a serious offence?
Chan- (looking flustered) Yes it is. But as you see, I spend all my time with you, so it’s the effect of bad company.
John- (now getting a bit angry) So, if I’m that bad, why don’t you stop living with us?
Chan- (now apologizing) Look man, I thought that you had enough sense of humor; you’d laughed at my joke.
John- You call it a joke, it was a very feeble one, if it was.
Chan- (began angrily) But do you think …
Kevin- C’mon, stop arguing like kids. We’ve important matters to look into. Now, whom does that Spacelab belong?
Lina- I think it’s obvious, Kevin.
Kevin- Whom?
Lina- The Devil, of course.
John- so you think he is responsible for this bio war?
Lina- I am almost sure of it.
Kevin- (getting up) Merry, get one of your spacecraft ready. We’re going to leave for the meteorite immediately.
Merry- (looking awkward) Well, I think we have a bit of a problem here.
Kevin- What?
Merry- I’ve not yet succeeded to make a spacecraft that would take you all in the space and bring you back. In other words, it’s only one-sided.
John- What? You’ve not yet made a double-sided spacecraft?
Merry- (looking very embarrassed) well, no.
Kevin- Don’t worry, merry. It’s not your fault that The Devil has set up his camp in the space because he’s too afraid to camp here on earth. Anyway, get your best spacecraft ready; we have to save the earth.
��������So, after many arguments, Merry finally agreed to get her best spacecraft ready for their space mission. All the Defenders were a bit scared at first, but when Kevin and Chan explained to them that The Devil must have kept something for his emergency, which would help them to return to earth; all the Defenders got ready for the flight. Merry got her most recent invention – G120LX- ready, which had the capacity to go at the speed of five times the light. So, after couple of hours, all the Defenders were ready to leave.
Merry- (who was the only Defender who was not going) Wish you guys success.
Amy- (hugging Merry) Don’t worry, we’ll return.
��������After being in space for 45 hours, they spotted the meteorite. Hammer Jack, who was controlling the spacecraft, called all the Defenders to the cockpit.
Kevin- (after everybody had assembled in the cockpit) Hammer Jack, get the analyze program on. We have to analyze the meteorite closely.
Hammer Jack- Here it is.
Poly- Look everybody, The Devil’s men have captured the most part of the meteorite. Only a small part is left.
Kevin- Hammer Jack, land our spaceship there. We’ll capture that area.
��������After the spaceship had landed on the part instructed by Kevin and they captured that area. The Great Devil and The Devil was still in their Spacelab that hung over the meteorite. The other men were on the meteorite. They were unaware of the new comers on the meteorite.
��������Now, as we have said earlier, the meteorite had life. Except that its gravity was two times less than earth. Now, we should start our mission as soon as possible.
Eddy- I think that we should start exploring the meteorite.
John- are you imagining that you are sitting on a computer and covering windows explorer?
Kevin- (getting angry) John, try to understand the situation. Eddy is right; we should explore the meteorite inch to inch.
John- So, are we equipped with 15-inch scale?
Kevin- (snarling) John, I’m warning you, if you tray one more joke, you’ll need 8 health capsules to cure yourself.
John- (apologizing) I’m sorry. Now, can I decide the exploring party?
Chan- Of course.
John- Thank you. Eddy, Mike and Amy will take the eastern side while Chan, Kevin and I will take the western side. The rest of the party will stay here and if the receive any message over the contact button; they should be off to seek it.
Kevin- At last you’re beginning to talk of sense.
Lina- But John’s plan is great! We should act like wise.
Chan- I think that we should go out in disguise and we should be alert because I don’t think that they are unaware of our arrival.
Kevin- Yes! You are right too. Now wait for me to be right.
Amy- Hey, where are you going?
Kevin- Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.
��������Fifteen minutes later-
John- So, you’re back at last. Were did you go?
Kevin- Just a second. In our last adventure in Indonesia, John had managed to get a map of their plan by overpowering a Gong, so it came to me that The Devil must give his plans to all his men. So I managed to knock out a Gong and took the plan from him. Here it … but where is Eddy, Mike and Amy?
Poly- They left for their mission was getting late.
Kevin- They are a pack of fools! Anyway, take a look at this map.
John- The map is very squarish.
Chan- Yes, and what the hell, oh sorry, what does it mean by the field of dropping men?
��������While they were just discussing about the map, Hammer Jack, who was inside the space ship, called in all the Defenders. He said that The Great Devil had sent them a message. Everybody hastened into their spacecraft. The message was as follows: to, the Defenders, so you have reached here too! But now you will leave in one hour. Because if you don’t, your friends will breathe their last. So when you are leaving? Farewell, your enemy, The Great Devil.
Kevin- Now I think they have learnt a lesson.
Poly- So what will (sniff) happen to my sister?
Chan- Now don’t start crying, as you are a member of the Defenders. We’ll rescue them.
All- Best of luck.
��������So, after Kevin, Chan and John started for rescuing their friends, they started discussing about the map.
Kevin- I still don’t understand what in the hell ‘dropping men’ means.
John- We’ll know as soon as we reach that field.
��������As soon as they reached the field of the dropping men, a long line of The Devil’s fighters appeared from below the meteorite. Then Kevin, Li and John started fighting them. But the Defenders were experts, experienced and tough fighters. The common fighters could not stay in front of them for long. After overcoming them,
John- So, this was the Dropping men.
Kevin- The name was appropriate because after they met us, they started dropping like thick autumn leaves.
��������Chan and Kevin laughed. John, on the other hand, looked very surprised.
John- Was that a joke?
Kevin- I, well, I suppose it was.
John- And who are you to tell me off for my jokes?
Kevin- Oh, no John. You too have great jokes and a great sense of humor. The only problem with you is that you joke too often. If you would joke a bit less often, your jokes would be appreciated and laughed at much.
John- (sarcastically) Thank you very much for your advice. But I think that we should proceed to the Gongs’ residence as marked in the map.
��������They entered an area, which was inhabited by ten Gongs. But they were all knocked out by Chan’s full power.
Kevin- Hey man! That was really good. Knocking out ten Gongs with a single power was excellent.
Chan- Thanks. But now, we have to face the real challenge.
John- Yea, you’re right. Now we have to face Tiger and Greff.
��������By that time, the three Defenders had reached at the foot of a hill range that had four hills. Those hills were interconnected with one another. And it was marked in the map that Tiger and Greff inhabited the first mountain.
Kevin- You’re right. But we have to rescue our friends.
��������So, the three Defenders entered the first mountain. There they found Tiger and Greff. Although the Destroyers wee more powerful, the Defenders were larger in number, and as the old proverb goes, there is definitely strength in numbers. So, the Defenders defeated the Destroyers although they had a tough time fighting them. They had to use their one health capsule to get recharged. They locked Greff and Tiger into the empty cells that were there.
Kevin- I thought that Amy, Mike and Eddy wee here.
Chan- Me too.
John- There s no way except proceeding, but what does the cage mean?
Chan- Maybe our friends are in this cage thing.
John- Maybe, but first let me check it out. You guys wait here, while I go and get a hang of what’s inside.
Kevin- All right.
��������So, John went inside the other mountain that was marked as the cage in the map. Ten minutes passed after John went in there. Then,
Kevin- Chan I think that something is fishy in there. Let’s go in.
��������When the entered the cage, they saw to their horror that Proudfoot and Bootblack had knocked out John and were now desperate for Chan and Kevin. They attacked Kevin from Behind and knocked him too. This made Chan very angry and he knocked them both out. Then he gave his friends a health capsule each.
Chan- Hey, you guys okay?
Kevin and John- Yeah.
Chan- Are you guys ready for Dr. Kon-Le and Dr. Barron?
Kevin and John- Yeah.
Chan- Let’s proceed.
��������Then they went down to the mountains where Dr. Kon-Le and Dr. Baron were in their lab. They attacked Kevin, Chan and John. Dr. Kon-Le, while fighting with Kevin, gave his full sword power to Kevin. He fell down. Seeing this, John came from behind and gave his full power to Dr. Kon-Le. Chan also managed to knock out Dr. Barron by his full power.
Then they proceeded after curing Kevin only to find- ‘Special Headquarters of George the Great’.
Kevin- I think that George is to be killed by me only. You two wait here, while I go in and put George’s lights out.
��������So, Kevin went in and started fighting George. After a very vigorous fight, Kevin overcame George with great difficulty, as he was very exhausted by his fights before. He came out in the point of fainting. But as they didn’t have any health capsules, Chan and John couldn’t cure Kevin.
Chan- Now what we will do?
Kevin- There are no prisoners in here. So let’s go to The Devil’s spaceship.
John- (after giving the matter a thought) There’s a risk, but okay.
Chan- But how we will go there?
Kevin- (from the ground) I saw a small space shuttle in this headquarter.
Chan- But shouldn’t we call everyone else before we leave?
John- that’s a good idea. Press the contact button.
��������After launching with the team of Defenders ten minutes later, they went to the space shuttle of The Great Devil. After reaching the spaceship, they saw a control board with a variety of buttons.
Chan- So how we’re going to guess the current off button?
Lina- Hey Kevin, use the auto switch detector of Hammer Jack.
Kevin- (who was cured by a health capsule of Chon) It’s a great idea! Hammer Jack, proceed as Lina said.
��������After Hammer Jack detected the current off button and destroyed it, Amy, Mike and Eddy came out of a secret prison.
Mike- Thanks. I know where the two devils are. Follow me.
Chon- (after reaching the two villains) Hey you ugly alien check out.
The Great Devil- Welcome and farewell as I’ve discovered a new Intraphoros ray that will burn all of you into ashes and no one knows how to destroy it except me.
��������Saying thus, The Devil fired his gun. They bent down, as the ray went over them and burnt the background there. Kevin, who could make his half power stance while squatting down, gave them an each. The, The Copycat came and started fighting with Hammer Jack and all the other Defenders started fighting The Devil and The Great Devil. Seeing that they are going to loose, The Great Devil flew with The Devil to the Mini spacecraft that was suspended just below their spaceship by the Defenders, flew with hyper speed towards the earth. The Defenders tried to follow them with the help of the spacecraft of the Destroyers, but couldn’t find them. So the Defenders returned to their island on the spaceship of the Destroyers, and after reaching there, they destroyed the spaceship. But the Destroyers were still alive on earth and planning to capture the earth. So, what happens next? Find out in our next episode!

© 2008 Kevin Andros

Author's Note

Kevin Andros
Please be kind.

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Love the plot so far but at times it seems a little vague. Physical character descriptions would help.

Posted 16 Years Ago

And kind I have been...
Good stuff....
Keep it up...

Posted 17 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2008
Last Updated on February 5, 2008


Kevin Andros
Kevin Andros

World is one country, India

Hi. I'm a Leo Person by birth. ************************ Update April 2016 I am making my slow return to this wonderful world without borders. Trying to be active on boards and adding new writer.. more..

Broken Broken

A Poem by Kevin Andros