First Adventure in South America

First Adventure in South America

A Chapter by Kevin Andros

This is the first episode after History. Please continue reading and reviewing

Kevin, Chan and John, the three Defenders, were residing in their secret control room in South America. They wee away from their island for a secret mission leaving their friends in their island. They had completed their mission and they were resting in their control room before starting for their island in Indonesia. They were just chatting in a casual mood, when-
Kevin- Hey John, what was that beep sound?
Chan- It came from the computer room.
John- Yeah. Let me check it. Maybe someone is trying to contact us.
        So John went to the next room for checking out the computer. After a few minutes, John came back from the computer room, holding a print out of the computer and looking white as a sheet.
Chan, Kevin- Hey, what happened? Why are you so nervous?
John- You too will be looking like me when I’ve finished with this. Want to listen? Ok, here it is- to, the Defenders - I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed you guys, but this is urgent. All of our friends once went out of our island just for fun, you know, as they were getting bored in here. I stayed behind and awaited their return. But when they did not return for a week, I got worried and started to contact them but I did not succeed. Then I investigated why I couldn’t contact them. Then I found that some electrical field had blocked my signal. So, I started to search for the electrical field that had blocked my signal. And you will be surprised to know that that circuit was none other than the Andes Mountain range. So I deduced that our friends must be inside the Andes. So, please look into the matter immediately. With best wishes and luck, yours Merry.
        A blank silence greeted John after he finished reading Merry’s letter. Both of the Defenders were stunned by the news. Chan recovered first.
Chan- Oh my God! What had got into them, going into the Andes?
Kevin- (slowly) I think they are kidnapped.
John- (throwing his head back and laughing loud at Kevin’s words) Ho, ho, ho! Hey man, do you think that our friends are kids or something that someone will kidnap them and then phone us for ransom? You’re got to be kidding.
Kevin- (patiently) John, this is no time to joke. Yes, it is true that they are no kids and no one could even think of kidnapping seven sturdy defenders except …
John, Chan- Except Whom?
Kevin- You know whom.
Chan, John- THE DEVIL!!!!!
Kevin- Yes and now listen to me. I think The Devil has set up his secret location in the Andes. And we are not very far from there. I think we should leave for rescuing our friends.
John- But before we leave, we should prepare ourselves. Because I don’t think that The Devil and his men will be very pleased to meet us and nor I think that we are invited in their party.
Chan- Yes! John is right. We should take our health capsules with us.
        For our readers, we would like to inform that the health capsules are types of capsules which the Tekkenders use if they are very exhausted in a fight or knocked in a fight. These capsules recharge the eaters’ energies.
        So, after preparing the health capsules, the three Defenders were ready to leave for the Andes. When they neared the Andes, they saw two very short-heighted boys coming towards them. And to their great surprise, they straight addressed the Defenders, saying that they knew about their destination and they will lead them up to The Devil. When asked how they knew about The Devil, they just said that he tortures them. But after following them for about a hundred yards, Chan saw that one of the boys had a long tail sticking out of his pants. Now Chan Knew who they were and took his full power and hit the Gong (they were two Gongs disguised as the boys). The other one, seeing that their secret was discovered, tried to flee from their, but he was also knocked out by Kevin’s full power. Then,
John- So, The Devil already knows about our arrival.
Chan- Yes, but we do not know about their whereabouts.
John- Yes, we know that they are on the Andes Mountain, but we don’t know where. Did Merry expect us to search the whole of the mountain range?
Kevin- No John. You are forgetting Merry’s letter.
John- What?
Chan- Oh yes, he’s right. Merry said that her signal could not penetrate the Andes. Now …
John- Now you’re got to be kidding. How can our friends be inside the Andes?
Kevin- Now, John, you’re got to be kidding. You should remember that we re dealing with The Devil and he can do almost anything. So let’s search for the electronic door. Shouldn’t be very difficult …
Chan- We saw the boys coming from there … hey Kevin, John … I think I can see an outline of an electronic door. Wonder what …
        Suddenly a voice … a cool female voice came out of nowhere.
Voice- Please state your identity and your purpose of your visit.
John- (stopping the others) Members of the Destroyers. Two … err … no, no … three Gongs. Returning from secret mission to report to The Devil.
Voice- Very well. Enter and have a good day.
        Then, an electronic door opened from what appeared to be a solid rock.
Chan- Hey, John! What an idea!
Kevin- Yeah! It was cool! So, let’s enter, shall we?
John, Chan- Yeah, of course.
        So, when the Defenders entered through the door, they came into a cave. They saw that light and sound was issuing from the far end of the cave. When they crossed the cave, their jaw dropped of what they were seeing in there. It seemed like a huge hall having a big stage where twenty drums-men were playing drums and in the hall all the Destroyers men were making merry for the successful capture of the most of the Defenders. So after deducing the right thing, the three Defenders started to think of what to do and were to look for their friends. Then John had an idea that they should disguise themselves as three drums-men. Chan said that they will call three drums-men to the backstage and fix them and they will come dressed in their clothes. It happened exactly as they planned. Actually there was a competition going on between the drums-men that the three best would be chosen to entertain George, Greff and Tiger in person. Now that was a great honor for the drums-men. So, as the Defenders knew really some cool bits of drums, they were chosen the best and George chose Kevin, Greff chose Chan and Tiger chose John. Now the Defenders really entertained the Destroyers with drums. And our readers ought to estimate what happened to the three Destroyers.
        So, after John and Chan had finished knocking out the three Destroyers, the three Defenders met in the room of George.
Kevin- You should’ve seen the look on his face when he saw me!
Chan- Greff looked as though he had received an electric shock of 440 volts!
John- Well, if I were to be honest, then Tiger just said that he was expecting something to happen like this. Wonder what …
Dr. Kon-Le- No, wonder what will happen to you know!
Dr. Barron- Yeah, Tiger had told us that you guys are not going to sit quiet until you’ve joined your friends. So, you can have your wish now!
        It so happened that when the Defenders were talking, Dr. Kon-Le and Dr. Barron had crept into the room and started attacking them. Dr. Kon-Le took on Kevin and John and knocked them out both. Chan, when he tried to give his power to Dr. Barron, the doctor saw him in a mirror in front of him and gave hi injection to Chan. But luckily, the injection did not go into Chan’s body 100%. So, Chan was just KOed.
        After three hours, when the Defenders came to their senses, they found themselves in a prison in which they found Amy, Chon, Mike and Mardy.
Mardy- Hey you three, what you guys doing here?
Kevin- What do you mean by ‘do here’? We’re all captives of The Devil and his men. Anyway where are the others and how do you guys get here?
Amy- Oh Kevin, I think this is the end of us. We just went for a ride over the ocean and … and …
Chon- Oh Amy, now don’t be weak. Our fiends have arrived and we can get out of here now.
Amy- But how?
Kevin- We shall discuss that later. First you guys tell me how did you get here?
Mike- Like Amy said, we all went for a ride in our zoom-boats. We had three; you ought to remember, so we went in groups. When we were in very deep, a great whirlpool rose underneath us and sucked us in. and I don’t remember anything until we found ourselves here.
John- And what about the others?
Mardy- I can only tell you that they are not here.
Chan- We’ll search for them. The Devil must have them.
John- Anyway, why are we stuck here? We should break these iron bars. I can do it.
Amy- Do you think they are just iron bars?
John- Why? If they are not iron bars, then what are they?
Mardy- They really are iron bars, but a very strong current is flowing through them. Do you think that we’re stupid, just sitting here for a fortnight?
John- Oh, I just thought …
        Just then they heard iron shoes coming towards their prison from the left. Everybody went quiet. But when the owner of those shoes came into their vision, Kevin, Chan and John gave a gasp of surprise. It was Gun Jack. On asking their friends why Gun Jack was out there guarding them, they said that The Devil had changed Gun Jack’s circuit so he has been thinking that we’re his enemies. That gave Kevin an idea. So when Gun Jack finished his patrol and passed from the right, Kevin stuck his arms out from the gaps of the current pars and pulled Gun Jack onto it and he leapt back. When Gun Jack fell on the current bars, the insulator in his saved him but his changed back to their original position and the current in the bars got diffused because of the insulator suit. Now, John, getting the chance, hit his full power on the bars and the bars broke in an instant. Seeing this, Eva, who had been hypnotized by The Devil, came running from the side and attempted to catch them. Chan, realizing quickly that she was in Hypnosis, quickly pulled out his revolved and fired three times in air (hypnosis can only be broken when the hypnotized person hears a very loud sound). So Eva came out of her hypnosis and then came Dr. Kon-Le with his army. But the Defenders had enough of imprisonment. They leapt at them and fought until all of the men were KOed. Then,
Kevin- Now quickly listen to the plan. Amy, Mike, Eva and Gun Jack, you guys stay here and finish the rest of the Destroyers. I, along with Chan, John and Mardy are going to the other mountain (they had this information from Dr. Kon-Le’s map that The Great Devil and The Devil were staying on the other mountain which was connected with a ropeway) and we’ll try to find the other members.
        Now Kevin, Chan, John and Mardy went to the other mountain through the ropeway. Then they found a fort like wall surrounding the mountain. And there was a very narrow path around the great wall.
John- So, what do we do now?
Mardy- Yeah, I was thinking about it, too.
Chan- Hey look! There’s a ventilator up there. We can look through it and get the idea what’s inside this wall.
Kevin- Yes, that’s a great idea!
John- Oh, you think that’s a great idea, huh? But leave me out of it.
Kevin- Oh really? But I’m not going to leave you out of it. Chan, Mardy, you guys stay here. John, come with me and help me to look through the ventilator.
John- Why me, man?
Kevin- Because we’re more stable, idiot.
John- (after reaching below the ventilator) Now, how are we supposed to look through it when it’s so high up?
Kevin- Don’t ask questions, just crouch down.
        Very much perplexed, John did what he was told. Kevin mounted on his shoulder and then asked John to stand up. Like this, they reached the ventilator.
Kevin- I think it’s a cell ventilator … but no one is in here and there’s no guard either … that’s strange … let me check it. I think the road to the door is on that side. Let me check it. John, down!
John immediately squatted down and Kevin stepped on the other side. John immediately rushed to the spot where Chan and Mardy were standing and heaved a sigh of relief. Kevin meanwhile, balancing himself on the narrow path, he turned round the door. Little did he know that there was a prisoner in there and there was a guard too. Lina was sitting just below the ventilator so Kevin couldn’t see anyone in and nor he saw any guard as Poly standing just beside the cell.
        When Kevin turned and entered through the door, he saw what the truth was. And he also knew that Poly was also under hypnotism, as she, a member of the Defenders, could not stand there guard Lina. But Kevin did not have anything with which he could break Poly’s hypnotism. So, having no choice, he started to fight Poly. But Poly resisted Kevin to a large extent, so Kevin seeing no path, bashed Poly’s head three times on the wall. Poly was knocked out. Then Kevin turned his attention towards Lina. She looked a terrible mess. Her face and hands were bruised at many places. Her white and neat little shirt was no longer neat and clean it used to be. It was torn and covered in blood. Her skirt had disappeared and she was only in her panties. Nevertheless, he took out the keys of the cells from under Poly’s dress and brought out Lina. But she was so weak that she could not balance the narrow path herself. So Kevin had to carry her on his shoulder, and with great precaution crossed the narrow path with great difficulty and reached where Chan, Mardy and John were standing.
Chan- Hey, Lina! What happened to you? What did they do with you? Speak!
Lina- (feebly speaking) They … asked me about our hideouts … but … ah … I didn’t tell them … anything … just said …them … that … that if they cared … about … about us.
John- (soothingly) That was very brave of you, dear. Now open your mouth. Take a health capsule. You will fell better …though not fully recharged, looking at your condition.
Kevin- (after Lina had taken the health capsule and could stand by herself) Now, Mardy, you take Lina back to the first mountain. Our friends ought to have finished the Destroyers by now. Give Lina a little rest and, oh, give me your contact button … we might just need it.
Mardy- Here it is … and, good luck.
Kevin, Chan, John- Thanks.
        After Mardy and Lina had left, the three Defenders started the opposite path from where Kevin had rescued Lina. After walking for some time, they found a narrow door in the wall. And when they saw that there were three The Copycats standing, each one copying the style of Kevin, Chan and John. They really had a very tough time defeating the The Copycats, but finally, they managed it though they also had lost a great deal of energy.
John- I now regret why I gave Lina my last health capsule.
Kevin- So what if we do not have health capsules, we have the contact button.
        Saying this, Kevin pressed the contact button and spoke to Amy and explained that they all have to come where and how. And after all the Defenders had assembled, they pushed open the big door. And they found that The Great Devil and The Devil were enjoying themselves.
The Great Devil- So you rodents have escaped our prisons!
Amy- Yes you rodent! Now take this!
        So the all Defenders started fighting against the two devils. But even though they were larger in number, they had a tough time defeating the two devils. Just when they were looking that they would win, there was a great shot and the two devils were lying in the corner. Then, both fled with the warning, ‘I’ll be back soon’!
        Now the Defenders looked what had defeated their enemies. They saw Poly and Lina standing there. Poly explained that her hypnotism was broken when Kevin bashed her head in the wall.
Kevin, Chan, John- So, you guys go back to your island and we’ll return from our control room very soon!
All- BYEE!!!!!

© 2008 Kevin Andros

Author's Note

Kevin Andros
Please keep in mind that this is the unedited part of my novel which I wrote 7 years ago. So Please be Kind.

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It's great except you should give a little background to the characters

Posted 16 Years Ago

Very good story-line. I'd love to see it animated.. that would be sick...

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very well written.
Feel free to send me a request when ever you like...
Thanks for sharing...

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2008


Kevin Andros
Kevin Andros

World is one country, India

Hi. I'm a Leo Person by birth. ************************ Update April 2016 I am making my slow return to this wonderful world without borders. Trying to be active on boards and adding new writer.. more..

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A Poem by Kevin Andros