![]() self worship is idolatryA Chapter by kenwillp![]() sin sickness, a soul sickness, seek God![]() Will I subversively, to my own demise, make my own precocious, pride-filled mind and my own fragile and feeble body to be God, or of more account than God? Even making the idolatry of a self-centered, self-deceived, and iniquitous carnal mind and heart my highest power? Have I made the things of this world that I love too much to be idols? To these do I bow down the knee and serve as a slave? To begin with, we ought to know that an idol is nothing but a dead thing which cannot walk or talk; accordingly, it must be carried about, given idealizations and principles; then we ourselves must speak for them? These humanistic ideal principles and pseudo-axiomatic human ideas are being the crooked and perverted thoughts and truths which work to please our carnal mind, heart, and body. They are spawned by the power of death " sin that has long twisted and warped our faith, belief and obedience to God, and that sin which by continued reliance upon and trust in unerringly delivers us to death. Nonetheless, our ill-conceived faith firmly established in the vanity of sin has lead us to worship vain human philosophies and our own wicked, sinful imaginations. The power of an idol is nothing more than personal, self-contrived, and wickedly thought-out human rationalizations; these rationalizations, self bestowed principles, laid upon an idol only prove our reprobate knowledge and will of God's eternal and righteous will that we know and disapprove. For God has made His Will known to us. Our lone human rationalizations are exactly our own set of principles twisted by pride, lust, anger, gluttonous, greedy, envy, sloth, and a fear-based value-system. These sharpened evil principles are the stinging organs filled with the powerful poison of death " sin. Ignorantly and foolishly, mindful of the degradation, pain and suffering that sin has wrought through-out human history, that it has disposed upon others, even ourselves, still adamantly and wholeheartedly we invest our life and will in death's ideologies. So it is by our deliberate choice of sin, our freedom of will to choose evil rather than good, that we have entreated and served death. Truly, it is said that covetousness and idolatry, “will worship,” is actually our state of self-worship; thus serving ourselves the despicable delights and offerings of the power of death which is sin. So it is that we have willfully chosen death as our god, our father and master. How high and lifted up are we by sin; and it is no wonder, for our selfish, self-centered, self-fulfilling, and self-gratifying exploits are indeed gifts and offerings commending our self-approval to the throne. We qualify ourselves and we are self-justified in our lust and sensual passions in the flesh, which burn with an all-consuming and unquenchable fire of pride and fear. We can never get enough to be satisfy in our human lusts and passions. How can we? For the world is our beloved; this world that we are born into and that we are steeped in revels in the love, the pomp, the extravagance, and the glory it gains from sin. Death is pleased by our self-glorification in sin. How mightily in our self-exaltation is death served that altogether we say, “Who is God, where is God, and of what need have we of God?” “Death is here, and we will to love and serve it.” How contemptuously do we put ourselves, our graven images, and our idols before true God and Christ? Things made by our own hands clothing, jewelery, computers, cars, mansions, temples; even nuclear bombs, weapons of genocide, devices of earth shattering and destructive consequences set against humanity itself. Thus, rightly in line with the unmistakable and undeniable fact that in truth, we are set against our own selves. We join in with the thought of a herd of wild beast, going along in our head and heart with the crowd, to make and establish evil devices and evil people as idols. Persons ordain to death by their own very nature; people whom we imitate and long to be like, even more so than our Creator Who gave us the gift of Himself and our created life. We do more to praise, to worship, and to serve a lie than we do God. “Kissing up” to and agreeing with men and women who are found to be of the most insensitive and inconsiderate nature toward their fellows; for example: the rich who oppress, the famous who turn up there nose and defile the holy name God has given to all humanity. We worship and fond upon the actors and actresses, musicians and sports stars, even the Bankers, Corporate CEO's, and Politicians that fight powerfully for the things they want and lust after, while ignoring the needs of the homeless, the poor, the widows, the fatherless. Foolishly, we support and even finance these people with our will and our hard earned money. Moreover, at the voting polls we secretly, even conceitedly, cast our ballad our for their style of governance and living. We cannot see that their philosophies and mind set for notoriety, security, and material gains, their beliefs and their high offices are truly supportive of the unholy “spirit of the air.” Him of whom, by whom, and to whom all, even the unholy angels themselves have become flunkies, servants, and slaves. That which we bow to serve is sin, surely eternal spiritual death " the very death of our once innocent “developing” soul. Thereby, we become an “abomination of desolation” having a vile odor of sin and death; within our carnally disciplined and sin steeped soul which is found to be faithful the devil and which is shining the light of the lie. We are in league with vanity and allied with the vainly inspired, humanly concocted, and worldly commended ideas and idolatry that reek of vile iniquity and rotting flesh. Are we the rebellious children of the devil with our heart and mind set against the Holy Word of Scriptures? Neither should we be found reprobate promoting our own agnostic ideas, human misconceptions of godliness from a debased mind that incite dissension, not edification of the body of Christ, the Word of God. For the Holy Scriptures have been formulated and have been safeguarded by Divine Power and Providence. And they speak of the disposition of sinners. God will reward us according to our deeds, not according to what we think we know, for we can know nothing of the highest truth in our carnal mind, but God is absolutely trustworthy to fulfill His Holy Promise made to us which are also written in Holy Scriptures. Holy Prophecy has declared to us the promise of God that nothing on earth or in the heavens can separate us from the love of God in Christ, our Grace Divine. For truly of ourselves we can know nothing of God, but Jesus has declared and shown us the Will of His Father therefore we are without excuse. For love of God, we must seek God; coming forth from that holy and faithful tradition which speaks of the lover who seeks his beloved, who by Grace and Love seeks after God, so is it said and well known by those who have sought God with all their mind, heart, soul, and strength that in the seeking of God is the finding of Him. To those who knock the door shall be opened. God opens the door and to them who God opens the door they shall in no wise be kept out. Let us boldly and confidently love and thereby know God. The Word of Holy Prophecy that we love did not come by the will of humanity, that is, it was not of the mind of humanity before God blessed with the knowledge of His Spirit, if had not God given us the gift of Himself Holy Prophecy could never have been imagined " it is solely by the Inspiration of the Spirit of God to His elect and faithful servants. © 2012 kenwillp |
Added on September 3, 2012 Last Updated on September 3, 2012 Tags: sin, idolatry, pride, lost souls Author![]() kenwillptoledo, OHAboutI would like to say first that I am a High School "drop-out". I finished the 10th grade and half of the 11th. I received my G.E.D when I paid $10 dollars and took the equivalency test while I was in t.. more..Writing