![]() IntroductionA Chapter by kenwillp![]() revision of intro, humility, and the treatment of Holy Scripture, the remedy of darkness, our cure for death's sting of sin![]() To this very day the Eternal, Immutable, Holiness of Divine Life and Spirit Who by Divine Word did speak Wisdom and shared Love which in the same instance rendered us life, innocent, and white as snow. In a human sense how hard, how trying, rather how impossible it is to make a clean thing of an unclean thing. But how affectionate, how awesome, how unsearchable, indeed how magnanimous must be that Divine Wisdom and Love which can keep us rendered pure as love, innocent as lambs, and as white as that first snowfall which fell upon the earth " untrammeled, undisturbed, unspoiled, stainless. How unconditional and uncompromising was the Divine Word of Wisdom spoken and the Divine Love shared that it should reside in us and that it should accomplish so magnificently, marvelously, and gloriously our gift of life " a life of faith; which when it is duly counted, our faith is found to be worth note, place, and pitiable to the Almighty, trusting to the Eternal Holy Spirit of Life. In Whom and by Whom we have gained access to the blessedness of redemption into His Eternal Life and Kingdom. The Holy Voice of the Word of Life sounded, and it reverberates and resonates of the Divine Wisdom set in our deepest being, our spirit life. There in our truest life is the Holy Love of God steeped in our soul's ear; it is in the deepest cache of our heart and mind of spirit that we may hear, perceive and understand what the Wisdom of the Divine Voice of Love admonishes, and there in our soul may we feel and be then filled, caught-up and harmonized, consecrated, sanctified, and saved: glorified in Divine Ambiance. How loud the silence, how firm the intangible, and how undeniable, unquenchable, and divinely refreshing to our soul is God's Spirit of Holy"Agape"Love which speaks, grasps, and holds the eager soul. Today the Grace of God, our Beloved, by Whom we were called, composed, loved and patiently suffered, and Who even in these very presence moments of our scientifically advanced generation, although it is a society ever advancing away from God and not toward God, still the Almighty lovingly sanctifies and preserves His just hold on the human life of faith. What is this but our soul's holy surety, holy foundation, and holy truth; even an everlasting Holy salvation above and beyond any merit or any accomplishment of human will. Our hope, faith, and love of the Word of God alone saves us out of the midst of this screaming and torrid, deaf and intemperate, evil generation: a people insatiable in their vanity for the world and the things in the word, the pride of life; a people locked and bound in the deepest darkness of a created world; a generation of people who are no longer concerned about the things of the spirit, who denying their very soul existence are truly dead, and who therefore no longer knows or cares to know their Creator. Day by day upon the earth we separate in heart and mind and soul further and further from our beginning form of innocence, so let those of hope look to the “promise” of God, those of faith trust in the Redeemer, and those of love revere of the Word of God. The Grace that was before our beginning was not and is not commandment, but it was and still is the “Holiest Gift: God, the Word, the Spirit, and the Light of Life " the Divine Love Offering. Unlike the holy and righteous commandment necessitated in our hearing Grace beforehand sounded the dictates of Truth for us, and that Grace was not and is not resistant neither in opposition of creation, nor our imperfect human nature. Grace fulfilled our ignorance and lacking in the knowledge of the Holy; it sets as priceless our sincerest human wanting, truly, empowering our deliberate and diligent seeking and wanting God and need for faith which saves. Thus it is Grace that sets as naught the depravity inherent in us " decay; that is, the sin which in our created being and human truth would overtake us, even we who were manifested by the Word from an empty void; which, to wit, contracts and legalizes us in our inability of human will to accomplish that self-same perfect fidelity of Holy faith which we seen and heard of Jesus, of the Word of Life. How simple, how intent and how indeed, has God in His Wisdom of Grace and Truth prepared beforehand redemption and salvation through His Word"Christ Jesus"the Word of Life. Furthermore, of Divine intent, our Grace is the accompaniment that complements and completes our transition into Divine Truth; as it has come into all the world, so Grace covered the price for the debt of sin, the lawlessness manifested through formed and create life. However, sin does only seemingly reign on earth, and that by powerful signs manifested through the fear of death that reigns in us; that is, the fear of the death of our created life. Yet shall our redeemed and saved souls live forever. It is the appearance of death upon our physical body, the body of flesh, a body which death powerfully opposes by its allowed truth in and over nature " the natural physical decay of a created thing. But the saved understand by Grace that the spirit which has quickened our soul does so unto our eternal life. The Word and Spirit of God, invincibly life-giving within our body of clay, is the truth of our being residing in God's Grace " which bore us. The Spirit and Word of Grace was filled with all of God's Wisdom, the Blessings of the Holy Faithful One, God's immutable Word: the Divine Life and Faith of Jesus. But what is this of Grace and Truth which declares that our created nature and therefore our lone human will is imperfect? Is it not God's conviction"that is the Truth in and of the Word that claims and that speaks of the word of faith. We have a need of faith, faith in God, in His Word and in His Spirit. That Holy Faith which saves those who from their very first beginning were then innocent of the whole of the “knowledge of good and evil.” Although having strayed, we gained through the vileness of the “lie” and the “liar” that sin which possessed the angel. That very first beginning revelation of sin, the power of sin yet crouching, perching, and which then taking possession of the angel so manifested outward into all the world the sting of death. That death which seemingly indeed would and did claim, consume and condemn the eternal soul of humanity which was powerless and unable apart from God's Grace and Truth to resist and vanquish sin entirely. And we see and know that the angel who more wiser than us was weakened and powerless as sin did reign in that angel's bowels. Presupposed and providential Grace and Truth is to us from a loving God and Father, and these are absolute assurance of Divine commitment to our holy blessing of redemption, perfection and love through faith in the Word of Life, Christ Jesus. So it is that Grace and Truth always was and, verily, still is our very invitation and accommodation into Perfection; henceforth Grace and Truth, the Divine Word and Love of God in Christ to us-ward, secures those who would be sanctified and glorified in life by Holy Faith. It was Divine Word and Wisdom that initiated, substantiated and filled the created world with life, light, and purpose " hope, faith, and love " our desire to worship, honor, and serve God in truth and in spirit. Our truest being and body of life is spirit. As a matter of fact, the why's and how's, the means and the ends, of all life is just this: that it be born of and born up by the Grace of the Holy Spirit. God is the Preeminence of Life: the One and Only God Who is: is God Whom always was and ever will be. God is being that One and Only Eternal Life of Spirit having neither beginning or end; hence before or beside God there was never none other to be reckoned, none other who might speak of the measure or likeness of God: the living form of the Almighty. There was none ever, and none ever will there be, who might justly and rightly contrast and compare for us the life, the love, and the truth of God; as it says in Job, “Will you speak unjustly for God ….” God is the One and Only Holiness of Life in Whom the perfection of Power, Love, Truth, Word and and Wisdom rest perfectly in unity. The Holy Spirit of Life is the One and Only Life that shines gloriously and beautifully the radiance of all that is pure and lovely, good and right, in our created world. God having manifested, formed and created other life in the Light of the Spirit of Holiness consequentially"for Holy Light never be darkened, dimmed, or shadowed"God has of certainty shined upon us too the life-saving illumination of the “Light of Truth:” that is the Truth found in the brightness of Grace that moves us out of darkness and condemnation, thus into brilliance of holy redemption and salvation: the marvelous Light of the Son of God. God, the Eternal Life and Truth of Love, of Whom came Grace, that Life and Truth of the Son, by Whom and of Whom came the holy payment of our propitiation which we could not afford but so despairingly and desperately would need, and that in accordance with Holy Truth. God's Love, God's Son, God's Spirit is true, so how then is it that we were in such despair? We could not cling to Him. The Spirit of God endows our formed and created lives, yet we have an innate inability to hold perfectly to its revealed Truth, Truth which is in the power and likeness of God. Why is so much of Truth remiss and missing in us and our daily life? Truth has always, and does so perfectly, reign on earth as God's Holy “Sovereign” and Divine “Defender” of Holiness: Truth cannot be overruled or defeated. Therefore it grants to all free access to its courts. For Truth is the unbreakable rule offered and available, residing within our very being; it is that precious undeniable portion of God's Holy Spirit. Moreover created life is truly unable to deny its own embodiment of truth; we are able to sense its good and right fitness in the Holy Spirit, or sense its evil and wrong unfitness which is not of the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit has shared itself with formed and created life"that life is liable to Truth. For the most part God has imputed us with a freewill, but not with an absolutely sovereign, autonomous, and self-sustaining will, for then we would be as God, and as we see and know nothing is further than the truth than is our ungodly and filthy human desires of will; they are as an internal poison within us, for we are lowly and unholy creatures. Holy Light composes the life of the angelic spirit and the life of the human soul, also the Spirit did formulate, design, and manifest the flesh and blood of humanity, of animals, and the substance of all biological life, yet all being as a created thing, we are not of the perfection of uncreated God, our One and Only True God " Jehovah, amen. Thus it is Divine Wisdom and Spirit Power that formed and created life, hence spirit life, light and truth indwells within the thing, within the substance of the thing that is become true life; thus within us is a spark of the Holy Spirit of Truth lingering and so waiting to be fanned into the spiritual fire that will purge us of our sin and iniquity; it is an all-consuming fire, and it residue is [our] purified love for God. We humbly trust and believe, by Divine providence alone, that the Holy Spirit quickened and animated all life for and with purpose. Altogether, it makes of that beginning thing and substance of life, which in the case of the angels purely spirit beings; then again in the case of humanity, the highest form of biological life, we were wholly a newly created substance manifested after the earth and along with it from that which beforehand had no existence " in other words humanity along with the created heavens and universe are the unique by-products of “nothingness.” All life that is being has within it the gift of its own being and that from God, for nothing can gain nothing less it be given something to even begin"in our case we were given by God the substance of the Word and the Spirit. Two life substances are distinctly, though limited, granted a freed will for their own truth, reality and purpose to be realized; although, their truth, reality and purpose will be perverted if they so chooses to go outside God's Will. Yet they cannot usurp nor escape God's Truth. Moreover the Spirit of Life, Truth and Reality makes all life formed or created a kernel timely adopted within eternal life and truth. At that precise time in my human-being and therefore my soul I am enabled to become a child growing, hoping, believing, loving and being loved, living and purposeful, a tenet of life meet for the Master's use. Having a likeness unto God Himself and the holy angels in heaven; or a contrarily an opposing image as of the unholy angels, worldly and rebellious humanity, the lost souls on earth. Faithful and true to Him and to myself, then and only then am I moved by love and humility, a humbled servant in and of the Light from the Life of Spirit. Providentially set within His Holy knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and power. The Director Who calls me, guides and directs me; He is my life and He is the cause for my being and my doing. Hence, I am self-evidence and living proof of that Spirit and its Truth: “heard and kept, known and loved, believed and obeyed,” quoted from The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. The Living Being and Embodiment of Holy knowledge and understanding and wisdom of which I am speaking is summed up in this statement: “the Cost paid, the Wisdom displayed, and the Power exerted by God in His Holy Being, in His Holy Spoken Word, and in His Holy Spirit for the purpose of creating and bringing into existence substance outside of His very own immediacy, His “Contiguous,” Holy, Eternal Being. God according to His lone sovereign council, His own desire of will, and His own power to act established, created and formed the earth, the heavens, and all that be in them.” The heavens above and the creation below exist as they are by God’s will. They are as the “Tree of Life” in the middle of God’s Garden that receives the morning’s dew and the night’s rest, and that “Tree” bring forth an abundance of fruit within each day of the Son’s Righteousness. Everything that is created and formed God made by Word and Spirit for His own purpose and for His own reason, to use as He will and as He want. This was God's fore-thought, His Conciliatory intent, and that intention He has now truly manifested by His Powerful Spirit. Since all that He made still remains, creation still standing as fact, then God must still have holy desire and continued purpose for the things He has created by His Word and Spirit. I am very mindful and not trying to seem presumptuous in my lone, finite human reasoning concerning the great many unfathomable mysteries of truth and unimaginable hidden facets which God in His Word, Wisdom and Spirit has paid cost, displayed wisdom, and exerted power, invested prepositionally and, too, continually toward the formation, creation, and substantiation of all that is outside of His “contiguous” Being. Of this though I am fully convinced and do believe that"His Spirit has touched me and so moved me to testify concerning this magnanimity of God's Sovereignty and Benevolence. Which also the Holy Scriptures have taught me and which others before me have written of and handed-down, giving their own witness and testimony of the Love and Power of God Almighty. No man ought to rely solely on himself about his own concerns in spiritual matters, how much less in his talk of God. We do not even completely know for ourselves that which dictates the concerns of our physical and carnal liabilities " sin. It is plainly seen that rarely are we not most of the time nothing but great big balls of chaos and confusion within our deepest self, fully vain helps in our deepest need, which is to know, love and depend trustingly and faithfully upon God's righteous and holy judgment. Are we not but weakened human vessels? And yet we are created and formed to be ministers and messengers used of some sort, as are the formed angelic spirits, by God for His revelations to the prisoners of the earth. Divinely to us, this is a precious gift and calling by the Holy One to each; it is the means and the meaning of life to each. Our life, our life of spirit and our life in this created physicality of the body of flesh, is to be as an individual facility productive in faith and henceforth producing, reciprocating, holy works. Being servants of the Most High, each to be a minister of holy faith. We are to be the peculiarity that is the “salt of the earth.” Who are wholeheartedly the flavor of holy salt; those who are the holy seasoning of salt sprinkled upon fish and who are the seasoned taste of the unleavened bread, both of which the Lord shared plentifully to the multitude. But not only are we to be the holy seasoning upon the meal served by the Lord at supper; also we are holy candles not hiding holy light under a basket, as to keep it for our self alone, but we are to shine brightly as of a “light on a hill,” the light of God in the world, the Holy Spirit and Word. For it is that we are individual candlesticks lit by God, spiritual candles which shines of holy light, so that others who are in darkness can find “the way” to the Lord's table. Imagine our human lives in this world minus Holy Scriptures, if we were deprived of knowledge and understanding, not ever having known the characteristics of holy salt upon the will and life of humanity, neither the taste of holy salt upon the palate of our human lives. Suppose our human lives in this world without Divine Revelation, if we were absence of grace and truth, not ever having known the perspectives of the Light of Life upon the will and life of humanity, neither the consolation of promise for our human soul. What kind of place would this be? I can hardly feign to imagine. I do not want to imagine how terrible this world would be removed of Divine Wisdom and Holy Order; it is this very moment far gone in apostasy even having the Bible. How hellish this earth would be without the Light of the Bible, devoid of the Holy Word of Revelation and Prophecy from God Most High. The Holy Scriptures Light teaches us that it is Divine, Holy God alone that is able and that does turns our evil to good. It is God's long-suffering patience and mercy that leads the sinner to Christ the Lord, the “Begotten” Son, the Word of redemption and salvation. Why have we not, yet others have, perished in disbelief and sin? Choosing vanity and not hope, doubt instead of faith, fear rather than love, preferring death over life. We too knew not the Holy Scriptures, neither did we perceive or feel the Holy Spirit of our Loving God and Father: To us is born, to us is given, a son, and the government, the elect, shall be upon His shoulders, for no one comes unto the son less the Father draw them.
Although the Holy Bible we read and study is in its scope, prophecy and revelations, limited to its volume of pages, the truth is that a world of books could have been written and still not scratch the surface of the things of God, nor do justice to the “whole” truth and purpose of God. Providentially however the Holy Scriptures literally are our utmost vital, physically sensed and handled, means to know of God. How true it is that our reading and studying of the Holy Scriptures must be accompanied by our deepest and earnest prayers of mind, heart, and spirit that all its blessings, its wisdom, and its power be open unto us " “Thy will Lord be done, not my will be done.” The Bible as we know it today, despite all the human prejudice and controversy surrounding its Holy authenticity, authority and authorship, shall, can, does, and will as long as the earth remains continue to inspire, enlighten and save the life of believers; those who in love, charity and service have trusted to “Holy Faith” found through the Grace of God in Jesus. The fact is that the prognosis of the human race requires the Holy Scriptures. For they are Divine ingredients in a Holy prescription, rare and exceedingly precious, unaffordable by any; moreover, they are singularly the remedy of infinite worth that a man ought sale all he has here on earth that he might gain for his soul healing for the battle wounds received of sin in its spiritual warfare fought upon the earth. Holy Scripture is heavenly medicine inspired, not formed or made up by human will or wisdom. But it is a Holy potion of spiritual light; it is the prescription of healing light from the Spirit that is divinely and physically granted, that is concrete and tangible, that is specifically for the human race, and that is to be accepted, taken and used as prescribed. For the Holy Scriptures were dictated by God to holy men who then quoted Him word for word, and who duly, faithfully scribed and orderly documented the Sacred Book of the Spirit, the Word and Will of God. Thus when faithfully received and applied the Holy healing balm of spiritual light soothes and heals the sin sickened and battle weary soul. Holy Scriptures' efficacy is only minimized by the lack of human trust, reliance, application, and proper use. When using Holy medication of Holy spiritual ingredients, one must first be spiritually clean, highly trained and disciplined, learned and instructed, confident and sure therefore able to heed the Holy Spirit's instructions. First of all, faithfully attentive, spiritually indoctrinated and disciplined interns sensitive and respectful of Divine contents. Hence found trustworthy, able and apt to treat not only themselves but others who are in dire need of spiritual healing. We must adhere to the Holy Scriptures correctly and appropriately in the measure and manner prescribed then shall we receive effectual treatment: First we must thoroughly cleanse ourselves of sin, and the foolish but self-inflicted lesions of personal sin through confession, amends, and baptism careful and diligent to keep our bandaging (faith and belief) sterile. Then of its perfection our heavenly balm will faithfully and timely heal and improve our embattled, developing soul's health and wellness. We must dearly preserve and store the balm's essence " its holiness, sealing up its potency and purity in its proper and appropriate container, the humbled and contrite heart that it be safe and sound from contamination " ready to be applied in a moments notice. Additionally, progressively even obsessively, we must deliberately take measures to form a holy addiction to our heavenly balm, preferring an offensive and defensive compulsion for prayer; the highest power of prayer is that it binds us to the holy realization of spiritual power and our love for it becomes an insatiable and relentless “all for all” blessed attitude and behavior, and unquenchable desire for communion with our God: the One and Only God of the Holy Scriptures. Poor in spirit, meek, and failing in our weak and beggarly faith we come to Him the “Divine Doctor.” In the waiting room " the temple of our body " as faithful patrons and patients we check-in and are still, until the Holy Comforter notes that we have arrived at our appointment ready to receive comfort and healing, regeneration. Our Holy “cure-all” is powerful to raise the dead: it is Grace, Truth, the old and new “Gospel” of Holy Scriptures, the sound and spirit of God's voice, and the eternal treatment which convalesces our soul in peace and rest. The holy angels, registered saints, martyrs, virgins, anchorites, all the devout lovers of holy righteousness, alas, but of holy sanctity and intimacy in heaven and directly in God's hearing and presence are the prayers and petitions of our sanctified and purified loved-ones, close friends, and well-loved patron associates of “living” hope and faith, the whole of an innumerable multitude of the heavenly host are at our beckoning call. Namely, literally and presently Jesus is at our right-hand having secured and rescued us by His Grace. Above all else, God's own Son is divinely and powerfully, faithfully and tenderly, unshakably and immovably in attendance and service to our soul's welfare here and now. Jesus of certainty, henceforth in eternity, safeguards our soul's hope and its place in the life hereafter. Our holy perseverance in faith and good works unto the end of this mortal life shall not lose its election, henceforth its eternal reward vouchsafe exceedingly in Almighty God. Holy Scripture is Holy Light from a Holy Candle that is providentially shining brightly so that its illumination is shining more than enough spiritual light sufficient for the one room in which it literally sits " this world in which we live and breathe. The room is an enormous room for sure to us who are but minute finite human-beings. However this large room where we along with the Bible sit is but one room within a beautiful mansion of infinite rooms " the whole of which belongs to God. Some of it, the tiniest part of it, is created, but most of it is uncreated the form of spiritual essence. Truly, we are in need of the Scriptures single bright light of life, and we must have this first beginning divinely providential and necessary light that divides and helps us to divide the true from the false. However we ourselves must choose to pick up the book of Scriptures, by the unction of Grace, open it and read it. I must carry its luminous body of life, light, and wisdom with me; possessing its hope and love in faith, in heart and soul, so that nothing and no one can by lie, or by hook or crook take it, steal it, or deceive me of it. Consequential of our unwavering holy hope, faith and love, that is, in accordance with our spiritual steadfastness, our trust and obedience set in God, so invariably and inevitably profitable are the Godly inspired words we read and ponder of the word of life within the Holy Bible. The words and admonitions of the Holy Bible undoubtedly become the Holy Spirit's Light of Wisdom and Grace want to be provoked of the holy truth lying within me; therefore sparked into a flame fiercely burning within me, and thus shining and reflecting new light into the dark world surrounding me. There can be no doubt that divine, spiritual help is readily available whenever and wherever I am in need or found in this created room. The creation, a place now given over to and filled with the dark dominions, with the darker principalities, and with the darkest powers of the spirits of the air, the unholy angels and their minions of carnal souls who altogether fill this present world with the trappings of sin that leads to death " the eternal death and condemnation to hell of my very soul. Nevertheless, by the healing Light of Holy Scripture, our regenerated human eyes, our renewed spiritual perception, our reformed heart's perspective, and our reborn soul's wellness is clarified, well versed and disciplined in the holy word and spiritual light of love, power and knowledge from the Bible. Never lacking, our mind's eye and our heart's strength must be regularly exercised in reading and studying the Bible. Our spirit must be moment by moment, day by day, drilled in prayer, meditation and contemplation upon God's Word. Unrelentingly, our carnal mind and body must be subordinated, disciplined and subjugated in humility by fasting, so that our whole body of fleshy lusts and passions through mortification is freed from its contraction to the world of darkness. In essence, in truth, after we are thus trained and disciplined then can we with confidence know, touch and feel, in the deepness of our soul the Holy Spirit. The “Paraclete” leads us and lights our way with the powerful, penetrating, all-consuming light which not only illuminates but eliminates dark light. The Light of the Holy Ghost pierces through the heavy spiritual cataracts that have formed atop of our carnal eyes; malignant cataracts which with each new generation of humanity causes greater and greater spiritual blindness. But Holy Light from the Holy Scriptures removes from our eyes all the compounded generations of thick malignancy that has formed over our eyes. The Holiness of Spirit Light, when we sincerely desire it, is invincible being perfect to not only reaches our soul's heart and mind, but it is also the light unto our human path on earth; Holy Light is the lamp which enables us to look and search the deepest crevices of truth, accountable and thus imputable upon our “developing” soul. Holy Scripture is the “Spiritual Flame of Holy fire and light” that burns in and emanates out of holy lanterns " the faithful sons and daughters of Most High God. The Word of Holy Scripture is the Word of the Spirit spoken to the faithful; words written by the holy inspired and divinely guided hands of the faithful; it is written in eternal ink, that is, eternal light: truly words of light written of the Will and Wisdom of God. They are meant for our human mind's eyes and our human heart's illumination, Holy benefice of Light " salvation " for our developing soul: Conscientiously, spiritually, deeply, thus enabled to realize within ourselves that it is only by the Light of the Spirit that our spiritual blindness can be vanquished; wholeheartedly, we are thankful that our eyes now see by the pure, clear light of right perspective. Henceforth our eyesight is given sufficiency by Holy Light. As a result, we are able to see and find “the way,” the road Jesus traveled, despite the horrible darkness that engulfs the whole world. Therefore our eyes being efficient we are not likely to trip on that which is in its right and true place within the deepest darkness of the principalities, dominions, and powers of this world. For this world is confounded and imprisoned in the light of darkness which is sin. Furthermore if we are remiss to see or if in the shifting darkness we are not able to get our bearing because of sin's tricks of dark delusion, these neither will hinder us for very long nor set us back again. Contrarily not will we put on a cloak of pride, wear a coat of fear, or don a brim of self-righteousness to shadow our inborn light that we should stumble over ourselves in conceit, ignorance, or complacency. In truth, it is said that only the man and the spirit of a man knows the whole truth of the man. This is first of all, the Truth of God and His Spirit: for only the Spirit of God knows the manifold Wisdom, the Word and Will of God. Our spirit must first of all be enlightened by the Holy Ghost the gift of Grace, if we are to know the truth upon which we stand. God's ultimate gift [Himself] to us: is that we know Him Whom God has sent and it is by coming to know Him Whom God has sent that we unwrap our gift, finding likewise that Him Whom God has sent has Himself given us the gift of Himself, so that we too are made gifts by His call of Grace that we also do service in and for His Name's sake; thereby we too are gifts of the Father through Jesus, one to another. Be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (ROM. 12:2). Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God (James 4.4) What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believe with an infidel? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols (2 cor. 6:14-16)? Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. The world passes away, and the lust thereof, but he that does the will of God abides forever (1John 2:25). © 2012 kenwillpAuthor's Note
Added on September 2, 2012 Last Updated on November 16, 2012 Tags: spiritual help, grace, holy balm Author![]() kenwillptoledo, OHAboutI would like to say first that I am a High School "drop-out". I finished the 10th grade and half of the 11th. I received my G.E.D when I paid $10 dollars and took the equivalency test while I was in t.. more..Writing