As many might know and some might guess, I am a man of faith. Yet, faith can be fragile;
for we are all fragile, subject to the disappointments that come our way. On Christmas morning I took my dog down to the creek that flows behind our apartment complex. This poem reflects my thoughts that stirred in my mind on that day.
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This is one of your best-written & most-thoughtful poems that I've read. I love your softly-flowing descriptive lines that lull us into a meditative place where the pondering is welcome. I think it's foolish to depict faith as something anyone does faithfully. We all struggle & lapse & distort & accuse . . . why shouldn't our relationship with God not be marred by the same things that mar all our relationships? This is a balanced & realistic way to show the work involved in balancing all relationships (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
thanks for your insights . . . indeed, relationships, even with God are fraught with .. read moreMargie,
thanks for your insights . . . indeed, relationships, even with God are fraught with our human weakness. Thank you for your praise.
If I ever figure out what faith I have it would be a miracle:) I have a strong sense of something and a strange certainty of it but I can not define it I am not Judeo Christian anymore than I am a buddhist tho I embrace many aspects of both I find the arbitrary date of the birth of christ to be kind of offensive particularly when I found out it was set by the Catholics to coincide with the pagan traditions of the winter solstice celebrations:? It has not escaped me that this celebration is about the celebration of the birth of jesus regardless of the accuracy of the true date but it as many other elements of religion are the results of the interpretations of man and not that of the the divine and it is thru mans interpretations that lead me to question the doctrines. I was raised as a catholic and as such much in the church turned me to question the character of faith and as with so many other factions of christianity being anything but actually true to there faiths thus this has put me down this path.
Yes . . . it is an arbitrary date set by the RCC . . . and yes it was planned as a sub.. read moreBunny,
Yes . . . it is an arbitrary date set by the RCC . . . and yes it was planned as a substitute for winter solstice. Yet, despite all this, I think of Christmas
as a reminder that "God sent his only begotten Son into the world so the world would not have to perish." This is the core of my faith . . . yet it still remains a struggle for me to live by that faith in a continuous path. Many times I have asked as the beseeching fellow in the gospels: "I do believe, but help me in my unbelief."
Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
5 Years Ago
your poem and then my dialogue afterwards stuck in my mind and have been struggling to finish a poem.. read moreyour poem and then my dialogue afterwards stuck in my mind and have been struggling to finish a poem about much how I feel with that struggle
Beautiful write here Tom. Thank you for sharing your Christmas day thoughts, with someone such as I who is permanently struggling with my faith. I was with you in spirit, taking that walk with you and your hound by the creek. Dandelions are bursts of sunshine in midwinter. Any colour at all is gratefully received. Now the winter solstice has gone, the days will become lighter and I for one feel that it's not too long before spring will be on the doorstep. Loved your description here. Really appreciated the journey you took me on.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me. Here's wishing you all the b.. read moreChris,
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me. Here's wishing you all the best in 2020.
T., I identify so much with this poem. And, since I’m only two hours north, I enjoyed the same good weather on Christmas Day. Still, I felt nothing particularly warm or special about the day.
I was reared Lutheran and attended church every Sunday and Wednesdays during advent. Maybe because I’ve not submitted myself to my faith, I’m reaping what I’ve sewn. Maybe I’ve been beaten down from life and a career that delivers mostly trauma (not joy), and I’m not as strong as others.
Thank you for sharing this poem. I totally agree with your last line. It’s inspirational.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Thanks for your thoughts. Here's encouragement to keep pursuing your faith.
i think faith wouldn't be what it is if we didn't doubt it sometimes, lean on it sometimes, and have it restored sometimes...
beautiful piece conveying this.
Started reading and writing poetry while in the Army many years ago. I picked up a book of poems by Leonard Cohen in a bookshop on Monterrey CA's Fisherman's Wharf and went on from there. I've had a n.. more..