A Lovely Star

A Lovely Star

A Poem by Lover Of Words

Loving her is the best job God as given me 
Her beauty is as soft as the sand 
Her eyes are as beautiful as the ocean 
A relationship that grew faster then the stars lite up the night sky
That is why shes not just a loving person that i know 
She is my loving star 
In my eyes she brightens up my night and days
Time spent away from her is like living a lonely year 
But she smiles and I get chills 
No amount of time apart 
Shall change 
The love i have I have for the woman 
I call my friend 
My family 
My world 
My reason 
My reason 
Shes a star 
I found 
In time of darkness 
She lights up my heart 
That is why I call her 
My loving star 

© 2013 Lover Of Words

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Loved the rhythm of your words! ;-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

Thank you :)
You always do such a beautiful job Kelsey. Another piece written wonderfully!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

Thank you
I find love, peace and God through your poems.. that's truly something for me being a non believe in two out of those three for whatever reasons i've experienced. Thank you for giving me hope and making me believe once more, keep writing you have a gift.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

Wow thank you Keegan for the glowing review and it means the world to me i apprecaite it very much
This is such a loving piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

All for you!!!
Tarry Franck

11 Years Ago

Why thank my loving Niece :)
Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

I will always love you
Simply lovely.. I really am in awe of your ability to paint a picture with your words :) Your writing is so soft and soothing..

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

Awe thank you I appreciate the compliment
beautiful poem for miss you know who

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

Yes i know thanks girl
A beautiful poem of love. I enjoyed the description. Love give us reason to be alive and know real joy. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

11 Years Ago

Thanks Coyote

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7 Reviews
Added on April 4, 2013
Last Updated on April 4, 2013


Lover Of Words
Lover Of Words


Hi My name is Kelsey, I have a mild form of Cerbral Palsey and i did not choose to be given this but i live with it proudly I love sports sense i cant play them i like to watch them.. I do not judge .. more..


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