Life Of Fear

Life Of Fear

A Poem by Lover Of Words

Living in fear is what happens 
Can you see my fear
Unable to let go of the dark
Afraid of being walked out on 
Not by one 
But by all
I live in fear 
I hate to admit it 
But dear fear please excape me 
The fear of the passing of time
I fear saying goodbye 
Or even see you later 
I am in fear of being left alone
Fear of being unloved 
Questions enter my head 
Why am I so scared 
Fear is my life 
Being strong is what I try 
But aware I can not always be 
Fear of things I cant understand
I fear grief
Hate I fear 
Living in fear 
This life of mine 

© 2013 Lover Of Words

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Living in fear isn't good but I guess it happens to us all at some point. We all go through some point in our lives where we live in fear.
This was a well written poem -as always- and so true. The emotion was great, it flowed really well. Amazing bunny!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Thank you love!!
s y e

12 Years Ago

Welcome! Im your featured review!! Woohoo!


Personally, I think the use of the word fear is too repetitive. I think it would be a stronger piece if you were to elaborate on the meaning of fear and the place fear takes you to internally. Just my opinion. There are also a couple grammatical errors and you misspelled the word escape. Other than that I think this poem has promise due to its universal premise.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lots of us experience fear; fearing fear itself. It's not good that we do it, but all of us fall into the trap one way or another. This piece was well done Kelsey :) I hope you can find peace amongst your fear!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Thank you!!
There is always a degree of fear don't think it goes away , but sometimes we fear too much it engulfs and lays us low. Poignant descriptive write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Thank you
i'm glad you have the gift of writing kels. fear is a normal thing but letting it control you is not. i am one to talk i live in fear everyday. it's an anxiety thing. you show true emotion in all your peices and who cares if they are depressing sometimes. Edgar Allen Poe? one of the greatest poets of all time. all his peices are depressing. keep doing what your doing kelsey bear!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Okay thanks
many live in fear of this. i did for so long. then a lost love of mine said this to me "there are 6 billion people in this world. someone is bound to love you, i know you have one right here." i remember it always. you will find them. the writing is very good as well!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Thank you!!
Wow.. powerful poetry! You really captured so much emotion here. Well done putting it to words

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Thank you!!
To live in fear is to submit to darkness, and that is one thing I wish you won't ever do my angel, I will be here for you; to keep you away from the monsters and out of the dark, I love you. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Well thank you honey your so sweet! :)

12 Years Ago

Your welcome, I'd do anything to make you happy princess. :)
Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

So sweet!! :)
Sometimes a little fear is good, it humanizes u so to speak. When people are afraid it shows we are not perfect, we get scared and emotional to. Nice piece

Posted 12 Years Ago

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

I lived in fear of losing my marriage and I did. I thought I was going to die but I didn't. I lived in fear of wandering aimlessly through the civilian world after I left the Corps and I did. I thought I was lost but I wasn't. I was terrified of being mangled by explosive ordinance in Iraq and coming home horribly burned missing limbs but I didn't. The most terrified I ever got was lying in my bunk not sleeping while listening to other Marines snoring. My mind would race like the last second on a detonator with "what ifs" What if I got maimed? what if my buddies got hit? what if my wife was cheating on me? what if hajji hit us with rockets and heavy mortars on our next patrol? Those nights my stomach felt like there were pterodactyls tearing at it and my head felt like it was being squeezed by a vice. It was enough to turn me into raw nerve of stark terror unfit for duty but I suited up, went on patrol with my squad and did what was expected of me with a stomach full of pterodactyls and a vice on my head. I'm not telling you this to brag about being brave or some crap like that. I'm telling you something about fear. Everyone experiences fear and sometimes it seems overwhelming but it's power is purely in your mind. You can't get rid of it you have to learn to plow through it despite the overwhelming desire to hide in the corner vomiting( there were times I did exactly that) cause it's the idea that freezes you, not the reality.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Woe thanks Baby
Living in fear isn't good but I guess it happens to us all at some point. We all go through some point in our lives where we live in fear.
This was a well written poem -as always- and so true. The emotion was great, it flowed really well. Amazing bunny!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lover Of Words

12 Years Ago

Thank you love!!
s y e

12 Years Ago

Welcome! Im your featured review!! Woohoo!

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12 Reviews
Added on February 27, 2013
Last Updated on February 27, 2013


Lover Of Words
Lover Of Words


Hi My name is Kelsey, I have a mild form of Cerbral Palsey and i did not choose to be given this but i live with it proudly I love sports sense i cant play them i like to watch them.. I do not judge .. more..


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