The importance of Being Irish

The importance of Being Irish

A Stage Play by John Kevin Finnegan

Historical, Political and Spiritual tale of a Christian Warriors Journey through Ireland, United Kingdom and the United States. Rebellion, Revolution and Ressurection.


The Importance of being IRISH


Table of contents




1.       Protest

2.       William of Orange

3.        Treason

4.        Origins of names

5.        “God’s and Fighting Men”

6.        Lugh of the Long Hand (Paganism)

7.        Hill of Tara

8.         Resurrection

9.         Patrons & name origins, Republicanism

10.           Queen of England

11.           Unemployment

12.           Mental Illness

13.           Suicidal Feelings’

14.           The Catholic Church in Ireland at Present

15.           London and Thatcherism

16.           New York & Irish American connections

17.           European Union

18.           Love & Friendships’

19.           Court-Prison-Court

20.           High King of Connaught

21.           Resurrection




This Booklet is based on all true stories, events and history.  It is my personal opinions of my life and that of my ancestor’s.  Mainly it describes my account of The “High Kings & Queens” of Ireland and all Celtic Tribes.  There are also references to Christianity, Paganism, and the origins of the Protestant and Catholic Religions down to the present day.

There are also references to Republicanism and Nationalism in Ireland of which I have great respect.

Then there are personal opinions coupled with personal experiences on, Love, Unemployment, Emigration, Mental illness, Paedophilia and protests that I have born witness to and actively participated in my life-time thus far.

I think it is a Spiritual Booklet, which I hope will give my readers, a great sense of pride and power and a brief historic account and maybe even a kind of Resurrection, as that is my aim.  I hope the reader will enjoy, and even though it is not a comedy, I hope people will get a laugh out of it also. Some people have got a laugh according to the feedback and constructive criticisms’ I have received thus far.

It’s told in a very old fashioned Celtic and co- local style, that of a Sheanachi or Bard, like Irish storyteller, telling his tales’ of woe to an interested crowd or individual in his own co-local way.

I hope and predict with anticipation it to become a best seller.

 I think it is a compulsive read for Irish bloods and very rewarding for those who do read it.  It has been an absolute joy to write.


It is a historic, political and spiritual play which I hope will ignite the spirit of the reader with respect and pride in their ancestors, and their faith beliefs and the founding of the Irish Republic and the ancient, honourable kingship of Ireland that most of us Irish blooded people today in any part of the world can celebrate within their own spirit and hand it down to the next generation.   I hope that it will start a movement and resurrection of that ancient kingship in spirit only, because Jesus has taught me that’s all you need.   True spirit has no borders and no death like Christianity.   It’s a journey in depth and even a child could read and understand it but it has shown me those who read it and still didn’t get it and foolishly stuck the knife in my back after reading it, but I am a warrior and nowadays I let my sword of truth cut them down, my words have anihalated those whom have but the knife in my back, but that will be for another day, they don’t deserve to be in this masterpiece.   I reckon you live, you learn, you get wise with age if you listen, learn and read the truth you have got some chance.   I don’t care if another person in the world reads it because my son, a 17 year old and a writer himself, read it and understood it.   He respects me for it and I have left instruction for my descendants to read it.  I reckon it is that important a piece of literature.

Its name came from the great Irish writer Oscar Wilde’s classic,

Importance of being Earnest.  I still think he would love me for stealing his great title for I reckon this play can back up its great name.   Hope you enjoy it, hope you get it, and my plan is to make a great movie of it starring in it as myself in the near future,

                   All the best,

                             God bless,

                   Thiocfaidh ar La                  













The Importance of being IRISH



Fiona: How are you doing sir? What

            can I do for you?


JK:      A drink of your finest please.


Fiona: How was your day?


JK:      Historic!


Fiona: Historic, you say, how do you mean?


  JK:   Do you know Bellnaboy, Shell Oil, the protest and all that.


Fiona: Yes, I heard a small bit about it.


JK; Well I have just come from there.


Fiona: Which side were you on?



JK: the right side of course, the side of the protesters.


Fiona: What was it like?


JK: A bit like Brave- heart, us and the Redcoats.


Fiona: Who were the Redcoats?


JK:  The Gardai (police) of course.



 And how did you get on with them?




 Well they had all the roads blocked around it but I got in anyway, I suppose there were 100 of us protesters and loads of gardi.  They had a cam-corder with them and were filming us, and were trying to talk down to us protesters.  That was until I made my way to the Super and his camera crew.


What happened then?



That’s when I told them what I am going to tell so, now I said, see that sign behind you a Shell Oil sign, do you know who owns that Company, the poor fool’s didn’t know the answer, but I continued talking to them and looked straight through them and the camera and I told them, they are the Royal Dutch Shell, the house of Orange, William of Orange’s (British King) descendants, and ye boys are on the wrong side.  Ye should be on our side instead of acting like mercenaries, Redcoats or the Black and Tans, but ye are worse because ye have turned on your own people.  I also said your ancestors would be ashamed of you; now tell that to your Superiors.



What happened next?



Well they decided to get away from me and said nothing, but looked stunned.



Tell me more.



I’ll tell you load’s of interesting stuff.   You see that deal with Shell Oil; it’s the biggest con and act of Treason in the history of this State.  Ray Burke done the deal and he is a convicted criminal and fraudster but, they are all involved, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, the all bought shares and shell knew they would rocket, when they robbed that Gas off the people of Ireland.  It’s a bleeding disgrace.  It warns us in the Proclamation of giving away our property to our enemy, and the House of Orange comes high in our list, of enemies if you know your history.



My God I didn’t know any of that.



Of      course you wouldn’t. No media coverage such as newspapers or radio station’s is going to tell the people of Ireland the truth.  Shell Oil are one of the most powerful companies in the world and the house of Orange are responsible for wars, and plunder for hundreds of years.  They are all paid off or afraid.  Do you know anything of Freemasonry? Well they are real powerful in Freemasonry; they control our Muppet leaders to rob their own people.  They have ruined and robbed Africa, with the use of mercenaries, supply arms, start wars, they are evil, and our lot are pansies and traitors.



Sound’s scary to me.



Well it is scary but, I was brought up to tell the truth and my ancestors were serious people.



How serious?



Well my name is Finnegan, and that comes from the Fianna, that is the real blood-line Finna, not the traitor Political parties, (Fianna fail, Fine Gael), that took the name and started a shameful civil war here in Ireland.  It is also one of the oldest names in Ireland and is mentioned in “Gods and Fighting men”.



What are Gods and Fighting men”?



Gods and Fighting men, is a book of all the old Irish Mythology, in my opinion, it is the Irish Bible, and according to W.B. Yeats, it’s one of the most important books ever written.  To make it better, Lady Gregory wrote it.  It should be taught in all our schools to every child and it is beautifully written with great stories about Kings and Queens, their loves their wars, their bravery and their intelligence.  I have a copy which I can lend to you, but I want it back it’s very precious.



Thanks, I’d love to read it, and maybe get a copy of my own.



Well as far as I am concerned, there should be a copy in every home, but I think it’s out of print which is a shame.  It’s powerful and full of magic and gives you a great sense of Irish pride.  The Fianna are in it and a great God King Lugh of the long Hand, He was God King of all Celts, and lived about the same time as Jesus.  He had to earn his Kingship and was an amazing warrior.  He was the head of the Tuath De Danann, the Corn King and it was him who first climbed Croagh Patrick to worship God.  Truth was a big part of their moral make up, courage, bravery and an array of other great qualities was the essence of their makeup. He is Lugh of the long hand, because he can reach down through time and change the destiny of the country and its’ people.  He is a protector of the ancient sites, and laws and is associated with water, harvest and good luck.  He is also associated with curses and most people in the west of Ireland will not interfere with ancient sites unlike those Shallow fools from the Pale, (Government) who desecrated the Hill of Tara.  They didn’t last long afterwards or their false God “The Celtic Tiger” or their backers, “The Bank” now all of them are a known international disgrace, so be weary of Lugh of the Long Hand, and you’d never know what fortune might come, respect costs nothing.






I’ll tell you something more amazing, I come from his Fort.  My home address is Lugdoon, Templeboy, County Sligo and that that was one of his Forts’.  There is another Fort of his in the hill of Tara, and that is another disgrace and don’t get me going on the fishing.



Tell us about the Hill of Tara.



Well the hill of Tara is the seat of the high Kings and Queens of Ireland.  That’s where they all went to elect their Kings and had competitions and feasts, like a festival and they also worshiped their Gods there.  There is a stone of destiny there, called the “, Lia Fail”, which is supposed to have magic power if you touch it, it is a national Treasure and even put down internationally as a protected Heritage site, but, not with those B******s who run the Banana Republic, they decided to put a motorway through it, Bertie Ahearn and Mary Harney the B******s.  I call them that literally, you know the definition of a b*****d, a person who does not know his own father.  These guys don’t know or respect our forefathers and that that makes them B******s.  Well none of the main Politicians or people in power objected, I did and spoke at a meeting on the subject in Carrick-on-Shannon in Co Leitrim and signed a petition.  There was a Sinn Fein representative present and he spoke up as well.  The Irish Americans would go mental if they were fully informed of the s**t that goes on here.



What about the fishing you mentioned earlier?



Well that’s another plunder , we used to have the rights to fish off our coasts and it’s worth billions but, not anymore as they gave our rights to Europe and it’s mainly foreign ships that take the majority of our fish.  We get the crumbs of the table which are the left over’s, and they put quotas on that.  Then they tell you that we have to be at the heart of Europe and be European, and most are, but I am Irish full blooded both sides and Royal Irish Blood all sides and will never be a European. 

And  I’ll tell you something nearly as bad maybe worse, you know this regime that desecrated the Hill of Tara, and their supporters Fianna Fail, mainly Bertie Ahern the B*****d, he spent 70 million on King William of Oranges  Victory site at the Boyne, a few miles away from the hill of Tara.  He brought Paisley and the Orange order up, and he took one of their books, shot one of their guns and burnt out an old Irish cottage, it makes my Irish Royal Blood boil.  It’s nearly unbelievable but it’s all true and fact, that’s our recent history and less than a 100 years after our independence, how shallow and watered down we have become to vote in traitors and not even see the obvious.



Did you visit the hill of Tara and touch the Lia Fail, and what was it like, did you get any power from it?



Yes I visited the hill of Tara in 2005, and I touched the stone with the palm of my hand, a strange thing happened, I was going out with a beautiful lady at the time; she was in-to the Kings and Queens, Republicanism, and Nationalism.  She was also a white witch and in-to Tara cards and in-to MAGIC.  I hadn’t read “Gods and Fighting Men” yet, and didn’t even know I had Royal blood within me, but I knew I was 100% Irish and was excited about visiting the site. Any-how there is a Church outside the site and you go in there and they show you a short film about the history of the site.  It was a good day and I had sunglasses with me, so just before we came to the stone, I remembered I had forgotten my sunglasses and went back for them, when I went back they were gone.  I came back and walked by the stone; hit it with the palm of my hand, it felt like an echo to my soul/ spirit.  I felt and still do like a huge invisible shock-wave centred from that point going out all over the world.  Terrific Trish, that was the lady’s’ name.  She went mental when she saw me hit it; she wanted us to do it together.  We had a huge row over it which lasted for days, but we still looked at the site, there was a guide there explaining what was what.  We then went to a small forest at the perimeter of it and a spider ended up biting me, it was very painful and I had a Mark for ages.  I am not superstitious but I keep an open mind and as far as I am concerned that was the beginning of my hard s**t!  I broke up with Trish soon after and life has gotten harder and harder since.  I said afterwards that how could you expect luck from pagans, but now that I look back on it I see that all the hard stuff that I’ve gone through since, has made me stronger and wiser and I’ve got the makings of a great Kingship out of it for all Irish bloods.  So fair deal and hope to go back one day.  I recommend that everybody should go and touch that stone.  I nearly forgot, my cousin an O’Connor rang me out of the blue when I was there, a King in his own right, a man I really admire and respect.  I hadn’t heard from him in ages, and he rang me about one of my last good jobs before I went through the torture, that is unemployment.  That job brought me back home to Sligo, the land of hearts desire according to W.B. Yeats.  I had enough of Dublin at that stage; I missed home, so it did bring me good luck.



You are an interesting man; you seem to have a lot of knowledge and depth.



Well of course I have depth, because I was always interested in history and culture, Christianity and love and I have learnt a lot along the way.  Chatting to old people, getting real history.  I will tell you a secret, do you want to hear it? Its real good news.



Tell me, I hope it’s not scary.



Well it is scary but not for you love! ,but it is very scary for Governments, Judges, Police forces, the church and most higher-archy and people who don’t have any depth.  Do you still want to hear it, this will change you?



Ok, tell me.



That’s the girl, be brave.  First of all I’ve got two questions for you, are you Irish, what’s your name.



Yes I am Irish and my name is Fiona O’Connor.



Wow! O’Connor, well you are related to me, do you know the value of your name.  the O’Connor’s were the high Kings of Connaught and Ireland, so if you believe in Christianity and what Jesus was on about, being the King of the Jews, through his ancestors going back to King David, that makes you a princess or a Queen in the making. And according to Lugh the Kingship of Ireland will never die and that it comes down on the woman’s side, so does Christianity, so you are a true Royal.  Now most people in Ireland are connected through marriage going back for thousands of years.  The Kingships of Ireland was based on clans and that was very inclusive unlike the Brits who bred exclusively with their own class.  So in theory us Irish are all descendants from  high Kings and Queens and that goes for all Irish bloods abroad, 70 million of them in the USA alone, my own kids in London or any Irish anywhere .  We are huge but we don’t know it! My plan is to unite us all by resurrecting the Kingship of Ireland for all. 



That’s amazing, I feel so good about myself and my people now.



You got it, you understand, you spread the word, we are more than just citizens or consumers, we are special and that’s why Jesus was on about as far as I can tell.  Lugh knew it too and our children should defiantly know it, as should our cousins across the world especially the UK and the USA. Do you mind if I ask your customers, about their names?



Well not if they don’t mind, let me ask.  Excuse me patrons, do ye mind helping this man with an experiment, just a few questions about your names and heritage. 


Patrons:  No we would be delighted to help.


JK: Ok I will start with you first young man, what is your name?



Jack McGowan;




Well that is a great Irish name and very old. As far as I know it comes from   an old Celtic God King called An Gowan and you must be a descendent of his, as so am I for my mother was McGowan, great people.  Do you know Shane McGowan and the Pogues?



I love Shane McGowan and the Pogues, I think he is one of the best song writers ever and they are a massive band live.  My favourite is “Rainy night in Soho”, he is London Irish, isn’t he.  There’s another good songwriter just coming to the fore I saw him when he was supporting Billy Brag for several nights in Glastonbury he’s Sean McGowan and is Irish descent but grew up in Southampton.  Thanks for letting me know about my ancestors’, the God King, I always knew I am special.



No problem Jack, we are the same and I am glad to meet you.  (Shake hand’s), ok you next in line, what’s your name?



Pat O’Neill;


JK: well Pat that’s a great Irish name also, what do you know about it?


Pat: well I know the O’Neill’s were the High Kings of Ireland and came from Ulster, going back as far as St Patrick. Neil of the nine hostages was high King then, and he imprisoned St Patrick, St Patrick converted him to christianity and he let St Patrick free. There are also many republicans, O’Neill’s.


JK: How do you feel about your high King ancestor’s Pat?


Pat: well I am real proud to be an O’Neill and Irish.


JK: That’s great stuff Pat; I love to hear such history, and meeting people with a bit of depth and breeding. 

Let’s move on to next, what’s your name young lady?


Mary: My name is Mary Murphy.


JK: Pleased to meet you Mary, what do you know about your name?





Well I know it’s real old, thousands of years old and that it is the most common name in Ireland today so we must  be good people to be so popular, everybody knows a Murphy and I think it come’s from the Muricu Tribe or clan.


JK: You’re dead right Mary, as far as I know, I read about the Muricu Tribe and they are real old clan of Ireland, and very powerful, I have many good friends, Murphy’s.  So you next young lady, what is you’re name?


Ciara: My name is Ciara McDonald.


JK: and Ciara what do you know of it?


Ciara: its Scot’s Irish as far as I know, but I don’t know much else.


JK: Yes you are right I think, it comes from Scotland originally, they were highlanders, and would have most probably been married be married into Royalty in Scotland and Ireland, they are very popular and very successful. 



Yes and there are many great republican’s called McDonald, for example Joe McDonald, the hunger-striker who died in 1981.  There is a street in Sligo town named after him, a great volunteer and martyr for the cause, God Bless his sole and all the other’s also.


JK:  True, True, well what a great bunch of people we have here, six of us, now I want ye to think of six grandfathers’ back in time and we should cover about six centuries.  The Kingship of Ireland would have been alive and our ancestors would have been in power.  They were deep honourable people unlike the crowd who run us today Brits and Europeans mainly.  I want us to believe in a Father, Son, Holy Spirit thing and believe we are Royal once again. Now we might not have money, land or political power but we got something better, we got Royal Irish blood and good breeding.  We have mostly,  kept our Catholic Faith and that goes back to St Peter and Jesus, making a deal for St Peter to build Jesus Church on him and our ancestors knew how deep that faith was to their people and fought hard to keep it against all the odds of the most powerful Nation on the earth for centuries.  The British whom set up their own Religion by a Satanic serial killer, murderer of the mothers’ of his own kid’s, his queens for his ego, and made his own people turn their backs on St Peter and Jesus to follow his new Religion, Protestantism, and we are still dealing with the consequences of this mad man, bad King known as Henry the 8th and it’s all true and fact.  What if I say and I don’t care if it’s politically incorrect, I do apologise to my many good Protestant friends some of whom are family and decent Christians, but that’s the way I see their Religion starting and I am a proud Catholic, even though I don’t agree with them on everything.


Fiona: How do you know all this stuff? How can you be so sure?



Well I had a deep love for Jesus and his mother Mary and the Bible stories as a child.  Jesus is my main hero in life, my ancestors come second and republicans and nationalists.  But when I had my own kids I knew they were special and my parents’ also. Then I got “Gods and Fighting Men”, and I really dug them also.  I made my connections with the High Kings and Queens and then I knew who I really was and what I came from and it felt great.  I want to share that feeling with all Irish Bloods and intend to do so, like FACEBOOK meets Christianity.  I have already stood up in court in Westport and claimed to be the high King of Connaught, this time I am claiming the high Kingship of Ireland and I have sent a letter to the queen of England claiming so.  I have warned her not to ignore me or punish-Pilate me. She owes me and my people our kingship recognition and because she is the head of the church of England and supposed Christian queen, she had better recognise our claim for our Kingship to be recognised and restored, or else she is a punish-Pilate and hypocrite and not a true Godly Queen or Christian in my eyes, or my followers to come.

Anyhow that’s enough about Kings and Queens and history.  Let’s talk about today.



What about today! What about unemployment, suicide, paedophilia and the Catholic Church.



Let’s start with unemployment which is a subject I know well unfortunately.  I became unemployed in 2006, and knew well before then that the whole thing was going to crash, I had seen it all before with Thatcher in England, I knew these guys were playing her game but at least I got a few years work out of both regime’s.  I knew the Celtic Tiger was a load of false s**t, I compared it to the golden calf false God in the Bible. I seen through Bertie Ahearn and Mary Hearney and had a real dislike to both, I reckon they are low class and I’ll leave it at that, but I am so glad they are gone.  When I became unemployed I knew things would get hard for me as I had always worked in London, New York, Dublin and Sligo, Leitrim, Mayo, Galway and Donegal from 1988 to 2006.  But I knew there was feck all left in the west even in 2006.  I was exhausted also from trying to get ahead but to no avail for all that time.  Any-how I knew it would be hard and made a vow to God on my last day of work, that I would go through the hard s**t as long as I was rewarded handsomely in the end.  That was the beginning of my madness I think, well hard it got and harder and harder it got, unemployment is one of the hardest things I’ve gone through especially when you live on your own.  The time drags and occupying your time becomes a real problem it’s like doing solitary confinement in prison, I absolutely hate it.  Now I did try music and started to play the guitar, composed some music and this kept me busy for about two years.  I’ve done walking but that only takes so much of your time.   I got fed up watching television and reading.  When you live in the country I think it’s harder because you can’t afford a car on social welfare and then you can’t visit people, so you are unemployed and lonely. I stopped visiting my kids partly out of shame and partly because I had no transport.  When I became unemployed I didn’t want my kids to see me poor, I thought I was a bad example to them because I had no job.  But in a strange way it was the right thing to do because I was already showing signs of madness, believing in prophesies, magic and God too much and I am glad that I didn’t show that to my children.  I struggled on until 2010, abusing alcohol and cannabis, the head shops didn’t help my state of mind either, but for a lot of the time I was sober but going insane, thinking I could win the lotto because of my ancestral connections, my deep faith with Christianity and God.  I really thought I should win; well I didn’t win yet and think it is completely random like tragedies that happen to decent people all the time.  I don’t think there is any magic in this world with Kingships, Christianity, Islam or anything else.

Any-how back to unemployment it just wears you down, takes away a lot of your  self respect but the biggest problem for me was killing time and loneliness which is a terrible thing to go through.  So 2010 I had a nervous breakdown, diagnosed with Bio-Polar and that’s when things became really bad.  People who never had a breakdown or don’t suffer from depression are so lucky in my opinion, but people who do suffer have probably more strength because it is so hard to carry on every day, I went through a living hell with it.  Time became harder, I became restless and that’s real hard when you are unemployed.  I pace the floor everyday from morning till night, and then there is the anxiety that I went through, that was the worst, every minute of every day was a torture, it lasted for months, but thank god that went away.  I done some praying for that to go and would gladly give the Euro millions lottery away to live in poverty for ever rather than ever have it again.

Then the suicidal thoughts came:

Suicidal thoughts are very powerful and all consuming also.  My kids kept me going but some days it was very tight.  Now young people who have suicidal thoughts might not have the anchor of kids, and we have a huge problem of suicide in this country.  Lately in my surrounding area a priest, a policeman and a business man all committed suicide in the one month and we haven’t got a huge population.  Now, I went through it and hopefully those thoughts never come back.  When you go through such s**t it’s very hard to believe in faith or even a God.   I really went through hell for I nearly lost my faith in God and when you do that you are even sadder because you are more lonely.   You are completely on your own with no hope cause it’s hard to believe in miracles and that’s what I had prayed for a lot.   I could not stop praying or loving Jesus or Mary but had a real problem with God, I felt he had abandoned me or just maybe he didn’t exist.  I wrote a song about my struggle with faith, would you like to hear it?



Yes, why not.



Hey God, how you doing now

What you got to say

Without my prayers and adoration

I doubt you got anything to say.


I see the world is still at war

Famine ripe and paedophilia

What you doing man

What you got to say


I don’t believe you brother

That’s what I got to say

But what you doing man

What you got to say


I tell you my story man

Love, faith and hardship most of the way

Alcohol, drugs, Love lost such a loss

And then the breakdown, suicide

Unemployment, poverty, homelessness.

Bipolar prison, death and remorse.

Regret, neglect, rejection, loneliness and a

Realisation that you don’t exist Man.


Jesus was a good man don’t get me wrong

But he died, begging to live and you let

him down your own favourite son

What a dad you have shown us you

to be

I don’t believe you brother

That’s what I say

But what you doing Man

What you got to say


Maybe I am a bit harsh today

Maybe I don’t understand your mysterious ways

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

That’s what they say, but I am weak today.

Don’t hold it against me

Father that’s what I say,

And show me some mercy one of these days.



You mentioned paedophilia?



It’s a dirty scar on us Irish isn’t it, I hate it with a vengeance, and I would poke their eyes out and burn them alive if I had my way, but life in prison and castration should be mandatory in this state, and these Judges don’t seem to know right from wrong.  Look what happened to that Doyle woman, her father rapes her the night before her Holy Communion until she is a teenager and the Judge lets him off scot free.  Fair play to our Political leaders this time, they got behind her and demanded justice for her, but he still only got three years.  Or that scumbag unreal, Christopher Griffin, the gangster from Dublin who is responsible for loads of murders and raped his nine year old stepdaughter, gets his lenient sentence reduced.  He had put contracts on policemen and when they finally get him some prick of a fat judge reduces his sentence, he should never see the light of day.  Look at twelve year old Robert Houlihan, murdered by his neighbour a twenty one year, Wayne Donoghue, the Judge gives him one year in jail and when Roberts poor mother voices her opinion on the verdict, they threaten her with legal action to shut her up.  Those Judges need to be given a message that we decent people deserve justice and if 0they make wrong judgements they should be held accountable.  It’s my opinion that most of them are a disgrace an embarrassment and I don’t know how they sleep at night.



What about the Catholic Church?



Well the Catholic Church has done a lot of good in this country but they have also done a lot of evil and bad.  I don’t have much faith in them anymore and especially under Cardinal Brady.  He is another f****r who doesn’t know right from wrong and doesn’t seem to care.  I heard him say once that he would resign if he put any child in danger and then I saw this documentary which clearly proved that he did put children in danger and the girl who was involved asked him to live to his word, he wouldn’t answer them.  Now that makes him a hypocrite a liar and a lot more the truth be told, but this Pope doesn’t seem to be in charge at all.  He should have sacked Brady long ago and I intend to have it out with the Pope over the Kingship because no more than the Queen of England, he better recognise our Kingship.  This is exactly what Jesus done when he claimed his Royal Birthright, him being a descendant of David and I am pulling the same stroke with my ancestors and they better take me serious.  I like Diarmuid Martin, but to be quite honest I was a regular mass goer till Christmas 2012.  The priest here says his bit out of a book every week and I doubt they even know what they are talking about, they have never loved, never had kids, they don’t know what true love is and Jesus was a rebel.  They are sanctimonious, and they never visit you or seem to care.  The Jehovah-witnesses come to visit me and they know their stuff and can talk.  I find my one’s way better than most priests and they have families and interact with each other a lot better than my locals.

But one last warning you know Maggie Thatcher the Iron Lady ;( British Premier) I took her down and out of power.



How did you do that, I never heard.



Well I was never a fan of her, I supported the hunger strikers and the minors when I was young and then I found myself in London in Trafalgar square the day of the poll tax riots.  A couple of hundred thousand protestors and it kicked off in a big way.  The cops were way out numbered and helpless, it was amazing and it was the beginning of the end of the Iron Lady, and I am very proud to say, I was part of it, now I didn’t do any rioting as I don’t agree with rioting but protesting yes!  I met the great socialist politician Tony Benn that day and chatted to him and shook his hand.  It was an important piece of English history.


That was my 4th riot to get caught up in, in London in two years.  The first was in Kilburn one night outside our local dance club, the (National), a great spot back in the 80’s and a haven for us Irish and London Irish.  It started in the chip-shop, some guy a London Irish fellow, fell out with the chip shop staff, walked outside and started to kick the windows in.  I was only a few yards away, me and my love Anna; she is London Irish and knew your man.  Anyhow the cops used to be there, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night with a van. They were always kept busy outside the (National), and the pub across the road called Biddy Mulligan’s.  They moved in to sort it all out, but there was a crowd gathering and they started to taunt the cops and throw cigarettes and chips at them, the cops had to retreat.  We were waiting for a taxi and next thing we know the cops have the road closed and loads of cop vans and cars come flooding in.  They had dogs, German Sheppard’s and riot police in full gear, shields and all.  Anna and I had managed to get behind the police, but loads of innocent people, girls and all got between their lines and got the s**t beat out of them and attacked by dogs.

Alana and I walked Kilburn High road the next day and saw that most of the shop windows were smashed.

My 2nd riot was at the Irish Festival in Willesden, another Irish hot spot, next door to County Kilburn, (as Kilburn was referred to by the Irish).  That was crazy, it was 1989 I think.  The cops started it I heard, but I don’t know for sure, but they defiantly didn’t like us Irish, back then.  They had horses this time and they ran amuck.  My mate Paudraic got arrested that day outside the pub called “The Mean Fiddler”, he done feck all wrong, we got him out later because they were filling up the cells with the rioters so they let him go.

My 3rd riot was in Willesden also, it was more of a big bar room brawl than a riot.  It was in a pub come club called Biddy Earlie’s, (“The White Horse”) pub, I think it was an Irish hot spot.  This time we were at the very start of it and I saw most of it happen, but I must have been the only man there that didn’t get involved.  A mate of ours’ Ciaran, started to chat up this old one, her husband came back and levelled him with a punch.  Then another mate of ours’ went in with a Karaoke kick to knock yer mans block off but missed and hit a bunch of people sitting down.  Now this was St Patrick’s night 1989 and the place was wedged with people.  The bouncers were straight in and we knew them, but Ciaran had to leave, so I said I’d go out with him and wait for the others to finish their drinks.  Now my big brother was still inside and he is one toughest B*****d, the hardest I know to tell the truth and I’m not just saying that because he is my big brother.  Let me explain, first of all he is a cop but before he was a cop he was a bartender and bouncer, a street fighter who used to hospitalise most of his opponents.  He had never been beaten, now he is no ordinary cop, he is ERU,(Emergency response Unit) and has been for 20 years now and them guys are trained to the maximum like special forces.  They carry guns most of the time and hunt killers most days.  They also do security for such people as the Queen, Bush, Blair, Cameron, Clinton, Barack Obama and Yasser Arafat.  He has met them all and I am very proud of him, he is a legend in the Gardi and takes no s**t from anyone.  But getting back to the fight, these B******s that hit first surrounded my big brother and he told them in plain English what to do with themselves and it all kicked off this time in a big way, everybody got stuck in, about 300 Irishmen fighting.  My brother and 2 other Sligo men with him fought their way out the back door to the front door where I was.  The cops were on the scene by this time and I was glad to see them and was chatting to them.  They were sound with us and made no arrest, but it was good old fashioned craic, like what you see in the westerns.



You mentioned New York earlier.  I am thinking of going there, what did you make of it?



New York, I love New York.   I went there first in January 1994 and stayed there until Easter 1999.   It was an amazing place back then, even better than now I reckon.   I left from London, my home for six years but London was going through a recession for four of those later years and work was hard to find.   Money was tight about £250 a week for six days.   New York was different, so much faster, so much taller.  I had seen it so many times on TV, but the real thing for the first time is a real wonder.   The mix of races at the airport hit me first; then the cold hit me.   Outside, and it’s very cold, then a taxi, a Lincoln town car, what a car, so big, so smooth so luxurious.   Back to Woodside, Queens, with my friend Padraig who was in London with me for years.   We then wasted no time and went partying and catching up on old times.  The pubs and the clubs were all busy.  We done Woodside and Sunnyside and I had my first white Russian.   Everybody welcomed me.   First impressions were good and it only got better for me.  I got a job soon off my ex boss from London who had moved there, a sound man, paid and got earning 600 dollars a week and learned a lot of their systems of carpentry that were new to me.   Within a year I had moved on and was earning 800 a week and by 1997 I was earning 1400 a week but putting in big hours on real fine finish work in Long Island.  The Vandebilts owned it and they were sound to us, they had chefs cooking for us all day for free and really respected the working man. We were working to the 1000th of an inch using veneer callipers to measure the wood which had 10 coats of varnish on it, our own mill shop downstairs and a spray booth.   I also did high end work in Manhattan fitting out brown stone houses a lot.  Real good stuff which I love to do.    I’ll tell you a short story , one day a few years back I was unemployed, in Ireland and depressed, looking at Oprah I seen a woman being interviewed, she looked familiar.   Anyway she was a real big publisher and then they showed footage of her home in New York.   I recognised it straight away and then they showed her favourite room, the library, wood from top to bottom and her favourite part a secret door like they have in the White House.   I had fitted that library and that door and here I was in Ireland unemployed for years, but it made me feel proud and good about New York.  The woman was a Mrs Black, I think.  

Away from the work and good pay New Yorkers are very generous and tip everyone for service.    It’s a great system they understand money has to circulate for the greater good and I always tipped well.  

New York lost me my family and that was hard but I thought I would get the silver lining out of the cloud.  I was settled in London with my love and daughter since I was a teenager and never really sowed my wild oats; this was my chance.   It was 1997 and I was 27 fit and good looking and on top money with a job that I loved.  I went to parties and sowed my wild oats and I was very successful and have great memories of that city.

The first girl I met was a dancer in the local strip joint in Queens.  A beautiful Brazilian girl, 24, who didn’t drink or smoke.   She secretly gave me her number for it was against management rules for them to do so.  What a great girl she turned out to be she would collect me in her new sports car and bring me to great clubs.   It didn’t last long I wasn’t too interested in settling down really but didn’t know what I wanted, but loved chatting up women, this was sex in the city time and I was there doing it for real.   I nailed everyone I could South American girls, English girls, Irish girls, Irish American, Americans and one magnificent Jewish woman.   I’ll tell you about her, I met her in the Upper West side where Sex in the City was based in an Irish bar and she was beautiful and reading a book.   It was Friday evening and I had just finished work with over a thousand doors in my pocket and tens of thousands in the bank.   I felt good and made my move but she didn’t bite the bait of an offer of a free drink, but a couple of drinks later we were chatting and laughing.  She told me she was getting married the following week and showed me his picture she was carrying with her.   She was a school teacher but she was so sexy way sexier than any of them on the show.   We got all the small talk done and then we decided to go to another place but for some reason she didn’t want to go to Queens so I let her decide.  We got in a taxi and ended up in Harlem.   Now I was warned about Harlem being dangerous for a white guy by other Irish fellows, but I had the pleasure of working in Harlem before and found the people to be great indeed and very honest and I met the Black Panthers marching and there are so many churches in Harlem also.   This was different as it was nighttime, but I trusted her as she worked there adn clubbing we went.  What a night we had a big metal detector on the door of the club and us the only white people in it.  The locals were sound to us but at first they thought we were cops undercover but she put them at rest because she was scoring and doing drugs with them.  I was not into drugs back then and drink was my drug of preference so I just waited at the bar.  By this time Daphne and I had already decided we were sleeping together and off to the nearest hotel we went.  We couldn’t get a taxi so it had to be  local and it looked  awful, a real run down brown place.   She wasn’t happy about staying there but I convinced her I’d look after her and the old black guy booking us in said she should trust my judgement and that I looked like a guy who could... well, I won’t go into the details but she reckoned she was the best woman in bed in New York earlier and I told her I was the best man on the job here as well and I swear to God she was true to her word and I done my best to keep mine.   We got no sleep at all and in between the times we took a cigarette and chatted.  We both knew we wanted this to last for more than one night and planned having a massive passionate affair before she even got married.   Now I have heard that Jewish woman are the best in bed because they don’t have the Christian guilt but I met Catholic girls as good as Daphne but this Daphne scared me.    I knew I was going to fall madly in love with her and kind of did  but knew she would marry him and I don’t feel good about adultery.  I decided to get out the next day before I got really hurt and hurt others too.   I will always remember her, she was my match and who knows maybe I’ll meet her again.

New York was a fantastic place and I met other great girls, two whom I’m still in contact with, now I have a big romance with New York.

The Americans were spot on to me and very hard working, honest, straight talking, take no s**t attitude which I possess myself and I felt very at home there.  Yet, due to family commitments and love I had to return home to Ireland otherwise I probably would still be there.

God bless America.

My daughter went to school over there and they used to recite, their Constitution every morning and their Constitution is a very good one respecting God first and every man’s right to seek prosperity and happiness.  My family have a lot of connections with the USA, for example, my great-grandfather left home during the famine years1800rds, and made his way to America.  He got caught up in the civil war, I don’t know which side he fought on but I think it was the south, Stonewall Jackson was mentioned and I think he fought under him.  He made his way home and bought some land that our family still have.  He brought back two revolvers and a holster.  They were later given to the IRA.  My father remembered him and said, “He was tall and thin with a strong jaw”.  His son my grandfather also went to America, he was a fiddle player and a good one.  Sligo is famous for fiddle playing and he was one of the best.  He played music in America for four years and supposedly made a record over there.  That was1910 when he went there.

My brother the cop went to America too, a few years ago.  He went for training with the FBI and Military. My father was the only one in five generations that didn’t make it there, but he always wanted to.  It’s a pity we didn’t get him over, but he was glad I went and loved to hear me talk about it.



We have talked about a lot of interesting stuff, but one thing you haven’t spoken much about is something I want to know more about.  That is the European Union.



The European Union, don’t you really mean, the new Roman Empire, that’s what it is.  Now you don’t have to be a theologian to figure that one out, it’s obvious to me for years.  I don’t trust them, they are a Godless entity and that’s real dangerous for us citizens.  They have taken away our sovereignty in just a few short years.  They gave us paper money that cost them feck all to print, charge us interest and taxes Austerity and take all our stock which is worth real value and make their profit on that.  I can’t see it last, people are not that stupid and will figure them out in time. But it’s amazing that none of our leaders, the Catholic Church or anyone else will make the obvious comparison with the Roman Empire, that didn’t last and neither will the European Union I reckon.  My hero Jesus was no fan of the Roman Empire, their tax collectors and Austerity.  There is great history in the Bible.  And on about taxes, there is one tax I hate, and that is road tax, now Jack Lynch the last true Irishman to run our country, banned road tax in the 1970ies, now there was a man of the people and with vision.  Why don’t they just charge us 5cent extra on fuel to make up the difference and stop using the guards to harass us ordinary people and bringing us to court and fining us for money , we just don’t have to spare on road tax.  It would also free up the guards to do their job fighting crime and worth-while work in the community.  Those idiots in Government think like Romans or Brits.  One of the main reasons I didn’t go to join the guards was, I didn’t want to harass and bring poor people to court for not paying road tax. They are all over-grown, schoolboys bar Sinn Fein and Joe Higgins.  The women are better and got more back bone than the men in Ireland today, maybe it’s because they are mothers.


Ciara: Another thing you mentioned briefly, that I would like to know what your views are on and something that is more important to me than all we have talked about, doyou know what it is?


JK:  there is only one thing it could be, it must be Love;


Ciara:  Yes it sure is love, what you make of it, I’d love to know?


JK:   Well, love is the most important thing in life, as you suggested, I’m glad you brought it up.  In my opinion it is the greatest joy, happiness most

worthwhile feeling a human being can experience.  What kind of love is real love, do you know?


Ciara:  I guess deep love, the love a mother has for her children is very strong, maybe the strongest.


JK:   Well that depends on the mother, but I agree with you, a mothers’ love is very strong, it’s one thing I am happy about, being a catholic, they really admire Mother Mary, more so than any other church  and I love Mother Mary as much as Jesus.  I feel for her more because she went through the worst pain imaginable , losing a good Son to a mob of low life’s who didn’t understand the truth and hated him for preaching it, I  go through similar s**t some day’s with idiot’s who can’t get their head’s around real true stuff.  The gang up on me , then ring the cop’s when they can’t handle me, then court and then prison, but getting back to love and Jesus, He knew about love also and like you mentioned mothers’ love He preached about the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and as far as I can tell, that’s about love mainly.  LOVE is the fibre like an invisible chain that links us to our parent’s and parent’s (parent’s) our ancestors and I said most of us Irish come from Christian Kings, some go back like myself as far as the pagan God Kings, so we have a lot of power in that love going back.  Now love is the best thing ever, but when it goes wrong, and you lose it, it can and is one of the hardest pains anyone goes through in their life, it has affected me greatly.  My love Anna and I met when we were young, me 17, she 19 the night we met, we fell completely in love the moment we saw each other and wasted no time in doing what young lovers’ do.  We met November 1986, in Belleek Castle, Ballina, Co Mayo.  It was magical, and a great year we put in together, but she had to go back to London where she was from and we lost contact.  Then in 1988, I went to London and out of 11 million people we met again by chance, now I don’t believe in magic as I said before but I do believe in destiny, fate, and love and know they are all connected.  Anyhow this time we really took off, and couldn’t get enough of each other, it didn’t harm that she was the best looking girl that I had ever seen and a figure to match.  I adored her, and we made two brilliant kids together.  I made a mistake of moving us four from London our home for seven years for better opportunities in the USA.  It was the wrong move for us and Anna missed her family and friends in London, she went home and out of stubbornness, I stayed.  I went through a Purgatory for the next ten years afterwards and missed her and the kid’s most of the time.  I met and went out with other great girls, Diane, Avril and Tara but Anna was the biggest love and rightly so, she had given me two kids, the most important thing in my life and I don’t think anyone knows true love until they have children.  That’s why I reckon Jesus must have been a Father to know love like he did.  Anyone who is in love is very lucky but it has to be love beyond death for me, that’s the only true love, like a parent for a child.  I was very lucky with my parents, they were full of love and prayed the Rosary every night for us and their loved ones’ but that’s love for you, it’s hard but most worthwhile and I love Anna more now than ever and every girl I have ever been with god bless them all.  And a final point I got to make on love, it takes two people to be in love.


Ciara:  You know what they say, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


JK:  True, True, that is so true but like most things worthwhile like learning to play a musical instrument; it’s great but hard work, I love, LOVE.


Ciara:  What about friendship, that’s love isn’t it?


JK:   yes, friendship is love, and nearly as important as family to me, I’ve been really lucky with friends’ had lots of friends in school then most of us went to London together when we finished school and had great times together.  Then I met Anna’s friends mostly London Irish, from Kentish Town, Camden town, North West London, and they are all still friend’s.  Then when I went to the USA, I met loads of friends, mainly from Northern Ireland, Co Down and Co Armagh, they were sound people and I met some Americans also, New Yorkers’ from Queens, Jackson heights and Forest hills, they were beautiful people whom I am still in contact with.  But now, I don’t have too many friend’s, I got pal’s alright and drinking buddies but I’ve only got a handful of friends these days in Ireland and my best mate Pheana, told me years ago that I would be lucky if I had a handful of true friends that I could really trust to help you if you were stuck and I found that out to be true, after my break-down.  But even if you only have one true friend you are lucky in my honest opinion.


Ciara:  You mentioned prison, were you in prison?


JK:   Yes I was in prison, but I am not ashamed of it, I’m actually proud of it.  I always wondered what it would be like and loved films like the “Shaw Shank” and the “green Mile”, I also love Johnny Cash play in concerts in San Quentin and songs like “Folsom Prison Blues”.


Ciara:  what was it like?


JK:   Well first of all I wasn’t given a prison sentence, for any crime, I was on remand and I only spent two nights there.  It’s an interesting story and I got a great reward out of it in the end so I have no hard feelings towards the cops or the Judge’s in this case.  I tell you it all started with the first rugby match to be played in Croke Park on the 11th February 2007.  My mate since childhood, John, who was doing well at the time, in construction called for me and brought me to Dublin, to Templebar, he paid for the hotel and we booked in early and went on the beer, some hours later, I ended up arguing with this annoying Tory, Welsh supporter, I was well steamed at this time and the biggest bouncer I ever did see showed me to the door, I was raging, then the cops were on me, I told them what I told the cops in Shell Oil, and they cuffed me and they brought me to the cells.  They charged me with public order and let me go after a few hours.  I got back home the next day and forgot about it, but I never got a summons and my local Gardi never got in touch with me either, but I knew they had charged me and that I should have been in court sometime.  All was going well until, I went to New Port, Co Mayo one Friday night, it was the Friday before Christmas, and I decided to go for a drink, and I had a few, and started chatting about Shell Oil, the High Kings, and Revolution.  This guy with a moustashe, told me to shut up, and started to slag off my mate John and Sligo men.  I told him listen moustashe; I’ve heard enough of ye!, he got up and flattened me with a good punch.  Then two others joined in with him, and started to kick me on the ground, I knew was in trouble, with three of them kicking me on the floor, any-how, I prayed to God and my ancestors, wow!, I sprung up to my feet, it was like magic, I swear to God, like a miracle, then I got into action with thumps, kicks, knees, elbows and head butts.  I beat the three of them at the one time, dragged moustashe out the door to the window sill; I had him by the ears and put him on his knees in front of the window.  I was going to smash his head off the windowsill , but thank God I didn’t for I could have killed him or really fucked him up, but I was beyond raging, so I stuck my thumbs in his eyes, and pressed real hard.  He squealed like a pig, and that was that!

I went down the road to the hotel, ordered a drink and then the cops came in.  A girl and a man, it was the girl who came to me, she wanted just to talk to me.  So I said well ye have finally caught up with me, the Irish Rebel, they took me to Wesport and wanted to know my name, but I knew if I gave them my name they would have an arrest warrant for me for not showing up in court in Dublin, so I told them every time they asked me my name, that I was the High King of Connaught.  They arrested me and later that night they found out my name, so they kept me in overnight.  The next day, they weren’t sure what to do with me, so they brought me to Tuam Court, the Judge there sent me to Castlerea prison, now these cops were sound and only doing their job, we had good fun and I said to them, before I, went in the gate of the prison, that it would be a good story to tell my grand children.  So inside the prison I had to surrender all my belongings including my clothes.     


I put my prison clothes on, and then I met this B***H! Some sort of medic, who wanted to take a sample of my blood and tried to freak me out about sexually transmitted diseases, aids, and other such diseases that I may have contacted, or might contact them inside the prison.  She was therefore suggesting that by being institutionalised, I could be subject to rape or other such dangers.  I told her firmly, no thanks! I’ll take my chances.  They all seemed surprised that this was my first time in prison, then off to my cell, they opened the door and this big f****r was standing right there.  He was about 6ft 4ins and approx 19 stone.  I quickly glanced around the cell and seen a big picture of Jesus on the wall, so I pointed it out to my big cell mate, showed him the Rosary beads that I always wear around my neck and we got on sound after that.

He was a gipsy, from Mayo, and a bit innocent, the wardens really liked him and respected him.

He was on medication and got tablets every night.  He was into the bare knuckle, gipsy fighting and him and me, sparred in the cell.  He introduced me to all the other travellers in the prison, and they were sound to me.  They even gave me tobacco when I ran out, but Tom my mate was also an enforcer, we got one hour in the yard in the day, and most of the guys I met were in for feck all, public order and criminal damage and most of them young lads and on a sad note, I heard Tom committed suicide when he got out, it’s very sad, because he was a lovely guy, very much loved and had a son and beautiful girlfriend.  Any-how my second night and last night in prison, before I went to Dublin for my case that I’d not showed up in court for, numerous times, Tom prayed the Rosary for me several times so I would get off, top man.  The rest of the boys in prison reckoned I’d go down for it and go to that Hell Hole Prison, “Mount Joy”.  Early Monday morning three cops arrived for me, got my own clothes and possessions back and up to Dublin! The Bridewell and into the cell!  The Bridewell is a cop shop court and holding cells, there must have been 15 of us in the cell, some junkies, some hard cases and Eastern Europeans, I was worried.  I really didn’t fancy getting locked up in Dublin, but thank God for my friend Garry, this time, he got word I was in trouble and sent his mate a cop to the court and I think he had a word with them and I got off with the charge.  The cops were sound with me, but then months later I had to answer in court for the public order in New Port, and this is important.  Got the summons, dressed my best and off to, Westport Court.  Now, I did have a lawyer, but he told me more than likely I was going down, but I was confident that God would look after me, as he had many times before, and was prepared to defend myself with the bible and the Proclamation as my tools to defend my amazing claim to the police that night for the king of Connaught .  Praise to the High Kings.  Now Jack, you young Royal Irish Blood, would you do us all a favour and read that poster framed on the wall.



The Proclamation.  I’d be honoured.

IRISHMEN AND IRISHWOMEN: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom.

Having organised and trained her manhood through her secret revolutionary organisation, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and through her open military organisations, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army, having patiently perfected her discipline, having resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal itself, she now seizes that moment, and supported by her exiled children in America and by gallant allies in Europe, but relying in the first on her own strength, she strikes in full confidence of victory.

We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people. In every generation the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the past three hundred years they have asserted it in arms. Standing on that fundamental right and again asserting it in arms in the face of the world, we hereby proclaim the Irish Republic as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and the lives of our comrades in arms to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation among the nations.

The Irish Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Irishman and Irishwoman. The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.

Until our arms have brought the opportune moment for the establishment of a permanent National Government, representative of the whole people of Ireland and elected by the suffrages of all her men and women, the Provisional Government, hereby constituted, will administer the civil and military affairs of the Republic in trust for the people.

We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God, Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, inhumanity, or rapine. In this supreme hour the Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline, and by the readiness of its children to sacrifice themselves for the common good, prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is called.
Signed on behalf of the Provisional Government:



Now Jack, thank you for reading that sacred document which led to the founding of this Republic and independence for most of the country from the British Rule for centuries.  Do you know that them seven great brave godly Christian warriors and freedom fighters who signed it were murdered by the British for signing it and taking part in the Easter 1916 Rising against the British.   They will always be remembered  as martyrs and have been for many in the past the too few of us true Republicans  today in these shallow times  in this Republic .   But the many to come in the future and I have to say Padraic Pearse is my favourite poet.   Check out The Mother it is a masterpiece.


I just want to analyse the first and most important line of the Proclamation, We believe in God and the dead generations from which she receives her nationhood.  That means a huge deal to me, God first, dead generations second and those dead generations to me is the kingship of Ireland mainly and the spirit world of true Irish men and women of the past who believed in freedom, justice and prosperity.  It also backs my claim for the Kingship of Ireland to be resurrected in spirit only, not just for me but to those of ye who understand and believe my true words this far.  The bible backs my Christian right, my birthright for the kingship from the first page.   Jesus’ bloodline down from King David and through Mother Mary Genealogy down to Jesus’ death on the cross and the sign above, INRI, Jesus King of the Jews.   And I can claim my genealogy and birthright to the Kingship through my grandmother, an O’Connor the high kings of Connaught and Ireland.  True to my father’s bloodline I’m a Finnegan going back to the Fianna.  The Fianna were descendants of  Lugh of the Long Hand  going back 8000 years.  My mother was a McGowan from down and descended from the Celtic God King An Gowan.   I also come from Lugh and I defy anyone in the world today to challenge my claim for the kingship of Ireland.   Pope, Queen or anyone else.

I know I will upset a lot of people with my claim and true words and a lot of dangerous people, armies, leaders, religions, governments, terrorists, militants and bigots.   But going through suicide has shown me not to fear death or threats and I am a warrior and consider myself a man of truth and I have some powerful allies very close to me.   So bring it on I said to my opponents and we will see whose words win.


Now to return to the courtroom and finish that story.

I was in the court room early, and it started up and it was very unusual, the cops, the Judge and the lawyer’s were all on about how hard their jobs were, and how hard it was to get all things right.  There were two cases on before mine and they both got off.  It was also the superintendent’s last day, and he got a standing ovation and applause for his life’s work.  Then my case came up, the Super stood up and wanted me done. Then they read a statement and they said I was a law breaker who even claimed to BE THE HIGH KING OF CONNAUGHT, I was delighted to hear those words and so was the Judge.  She thought it was very funny, and made a joke about it, all the court burst out with laughter! And I walked free.  Next week in the local paper, Western People, there was an article about my case, with the headline “HIGH KING OF CONNAUGHT ARRESTED FOR BEING DRUNK” and my name and address underneath, I love it.-but I heard when I got out of court that day, that a young boy, 16, had committed suicide the night before in Wesport, he had gotten drunk or something like that, the cops had arrested him and given him a hard time.  And the poor boy just done the wrong thing and let them get to “Him” God bless his soul and my greatest sympathies are extended to “His” loved ones.  That is why the Judge was letting people go and the chat about how hard their job was, and then I broke the ice with my ancestors, “HIGH KING OF CONNAUGHT” and they were whom got me off.  Praise to the” HIGH KINGS”.















So my good people, theirs my story: OF HOW I ACTED ON THE STAGE OF LIFE.







Author-John Kevin Finnegan- the “HIGH KING OF CONNAUGHT






















© 2014 John Kevin Finnegan

Author's Note

John Kevin Finnegan
What is you opinion on the Dialogue?
I hope you find it enlightening.

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Added on January 18, 2014
Last Updated on January 20, 2014
Tags: Irish, Chrisitan, Warrior, Journey, Historical, Ireland, England, United States


John Kevin Finnegan
John Kevin Finnegan

sligo, Ireland

My name is John Kevin Finnegan - I am an Irish based writer. more..