Luke Imagine

Luke Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

It was a beautiful day, you and Luke decided to go the park and spend the whole day there. You cuddled under an old tree and enjoyed the view in front of you.

“I’m bored.” You whined.

“Aww…” Luke said hugging you tightly.

“Really, Luke. I’m bored.” You pouted.

“Okay.” He said sitting up. “What do you want to do?” he asked.

“Now that you asked… I don’t know.”

“Hmm… I’ve got an idea.” He said standing up.

“What?” you were curious (of course!)

“Come on.” He said reaching out to help you up.

You smiled and grabbed his hand. Luke got a rope and took you to the middle of the park. He gave you one end of the rope while he held the other.

“Tug o’ war? This is your big idea?” you giggled.

“Yes!” he said running letting the rope stretch.

By the time the rope reached its limit.  Luke smirked while you poked you tongue out in return.

“Ready, set, go!” Luke yelled.

You weren’t ready but he was. You both tugged on the rope, you couldn’t help but laugh while tugging. You kept on tugging hoping that maybe you’d win but you were no match for him. He easily tugged on the rope to win.

“Luke! Alright you win!” You giggled but still held on to the rope.

Luke laughed but he didn’t stop pulling. He pulled and pulled until you were only a few inches away from him, that’s when he made his final tug and crashed his lips with yours.

“I win!” he teased when you pulled back.

"Whatever" you said kissing him again

© 2014 Kree Camille

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Kree Camille
Kree Camille


Amateur writer. I don't write that good so don't expect too much from me. more..

Chapter I Chapter I

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter II Chapter II

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter III Chapter III

A Chapter by Kree Camille