Ashton Imagine

Ashton Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

“Happy Birthday to you.” Your friends sang to you.

You smiled and blew your candles, looking for a face you long to see but that face was nowhere to be found.

“Hey Y/N, it’s time to slice the cake!” Your friend said handing you the knife and you sliced the cake.

“The first slice is for you.” She said handing you the cake you just sliced.

You took it and quickly made your way to the porch constantly faking a smile and greeting everyone to make it seem that you’re okay. Finally, you were alone. You carelessly dropped your cake on the table and looked at the moon, in that instant, warm tears started falling and you started to cry.

“Y/N.” a voice said behind you.

You turned around and saw the face you’ve been looking for. Ashton. His hair was a bit messed up obviously hasn’t been cared for a few hours, he looked dashing as always. Your sadness slowly turned to anger as your blood started to boil.

“Y/N? Is that all you have to say?” you asked him, furious.

He didn’t answer and looked at the ground.

“Ash! All I asked you was to be here on my birthday but you came late! Party’s over!” You cried.

“Y/N… I… I’m sorry.” He said.

“Well, you know what? Sorry doesn’t make up for it!” you said walking away.

He immediately grabbed your arm causing you to turn around and face him again.

“Y/N, listen I know that you’re mad and probably this isn’t the time to ask this but…”

He got down on one knee, pulled out a small box from his jeans and revealed a diamond ring.

“Y/N, I know I can’t promise you that I’ll always be on time for parties, graduations or whatever but what I can promise you is that I will love you with every breath I take no matter what happens ‘til the day I die and every day after that. So this is what I want to ask.

He paused and took a deep breath.

“Y/N will you let me love you for the rest of my life? Will you marry me?” He said.

Fresh tears started falling again but this time it was because of joy. You were lost for words but you managed to nod. Ashton took it as a yes and placed the ring on your finger. He then stood up and wiped the tears off your face.

“Happy Birthday Y/N.” he said before pressing his lips on yours.

© 2014 Kree Camille

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Kree Camille
Kree Camille


Amateur writer. I don't write that good so don't expect too much from me. more..

Chapter I Chapter I

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter II Chapter II

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter III Chapter III

A Chapter by Kree Camille