The CapitalistA Story by KCThis story invites the reader to take an active role in the political process. It intertwines the issues of the day with a set of fictitious characters to walk the reader through to Election Day.The Capitalist By: Ken Cheney Prologue The Capitalist - the platforms (Prologue) Most recently the democrat party has built on moving the country forward. Claiming that the Republican Party had spent the better part of the Bush years destroying the middle class. They want to build up infrastructure by spending dollars that will bring jobs to the innovators. Ideas that are not yet proven to work. But the Democrat party is willing to throw money at the these companies to insure their growth. Money that is not available. They want to put people back to work by government expansion. They have used the myth of good quality health care provided by the government as a means to get reelected. In practice they have caused less people to be covered by medical insurance. More people to be on welfare roles and over 45 percent of Americans to be on food stamps. The democrat touts that everyone pays their fair share and that everyone should be on equal ground. It sounds very good to the average joe. The problem is that they designate who needs to pay more and who needs to have a break. There is no way to accurately measure. The republicans are basically saying the same thing. Only that Obama has destroyed the American way of life. The republican would have their base to "believe in America." That means they are touting capitalist principals, without any implementation. The republican is the party of lowering taxes and easing the burden to the taxpayer, and offering more to a national defense. They have to their credit strived to slow down the healthcare implementation. The goal for the republican is to allow people to make their own decisions for healthcare. The republicans stress a desire to build a stronger more vitalized economy based on allowing the states to develop and strengthen their economies without the involvement of the federal government. When given the opportunity Americans are generous and seek to build one another up. it is those beliefs that the honest Republican will tout. The capitalist platform provides an alternative. Simply put the capitalist wants Federal government to be less obtrusive. No longer is government regulation needed in our lives. The dream is to see Federal government oversight removed. The government as whole creates inaccuracy, mountains of paperwork to accomplish simple tasks. People should be rewarded for their work not confined by a minimum wage. The minimum wage laws should repealed instead of enhanced. The wage alone is cause enough for inflation. Privatize education using free markets, the education of our young people should no longer be an area of political contention. Faith based groups can and should meet this need. It is for this reason that we call for the immediate disbandment of the department of education. Land use is a community affair. Federal land is not protected by the constitution. Land use should be a states issue. It is of great import that the EPA be abolished and all zoning laws repealed; to allow land to be used to its best benefit. Too many are using zoning laws to usurp their own gain. The blessing of free government will only be ours if the individual is willing to stand up and fight for the tenets and lives that they desire. 1 The conventions were right around the corner. This was an exciting time for all people even remotely interested in politics. The parties had some good primaries. Heather Childs had tied her nomination for the democrat ticket early. Nobody expected her any trouble winning the nomination. The republicans were not expected to give up a fight either. The Republican candidate was Likely to be a member of that good ole boy club that the republications had been sending up for years wondering why they couldn't win elections. His name would be Wes Brasen. The fact was that the only difference between the two parties was in their names only. Socialism was their platform. Of course it was draped in pretty well hidden packages but they were all the same! They campaigned on the ideas that they were looking out for the common voter. Kathleen Seblius said it best from the Democrat side. "The people asking questions about my actions are not the people that I work for." Once one has been elected to office they do not pay attention to the voting base until it was time to vote and give them another chance, then they are the voters best friends. The problem with this idea is that the people, the ones who sent them to Washington in the first place believed that they were going to demand change. Childs was no different. Time had not been her friend. Sure she smiled and did enough to put the lime light on herself. But in private she was a whiney child that needed a good spanking. She had been diligent not to create societal taboos. She focused her life on making others look bad. She had no ideas of her own. She knew that all it really took was making good close friendships with the right people, shake a few hands and smile for the cameras and that was it. Politics at least partisan politics had no substance. The president was nothing more than a puppet. America saw that with Mr Obama. Nothing there but hollow words! At least that is what Americans have come to expect. The last president to affect history would be Ronald Reagan. Partisan politics had destroyed the face of hope of the greatest nation on earth. Wes Brasen was the Republican candidate. That looked like
he had the best chance. He had a finesse with words. He could make people want
to listen. Much of the way Obama did the first time he won in 2008. 2
The time had finally come. Jack stepped to the podium. He had spent his whole life preparing for this moment. Jack's innovative spirit and tenacious attitude brought him to this stage. It all began with one word. His mother had said, "Yes, Jack" she would always begin with that phrase. "Yes" provided so much. With that little word Jack began to understand its power. Jack learned that with that one word a plan was in place. It set into action a consequence that would have a lesson to teach him. Good or bad it did not matter; something was going to happen. There were people from all walks of life. They were brought together by a mutual love. There was a void growing amongst them. So many had abandoned the cause that jack had questioned if he should really be there or not. He was there because contrary to what others would tell; he believed that there was great power in the individual. The creativity and innovation could only come from one individual. He believed that given the opportunity individuals could work together to create something great. He also believed that the leadership of the day would stifle growth and thought. So at this present moment, He was under attack. Everything he knew and loved was being changed. His way of life, all new. Growing up he felt as if the world was at his fingers he felt as though he could change things for good. Jack felt like he had something to offer; much like his heroes of the day of innovation Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and even Bill Gates. For this purpose he was stepping to the podium this day. Something had to be done. Jack began with a lump in his throat. "Friends, it is time that we stand as one. It is time that we lift a voice as one and declare our love of freedom. Today we are putting our trust in each other to hold one another responsible, To lift when others hang low, to listen when doubt and fear swarm to bring another down. The cause of the capitalist is to work hard to better your life that will in turn better the lives of others around you who are willing to put the plow to use. It is time...." Jack paused a moment for effect. "Today, we start with my pledge to take back communities and reduce crime. It starts in our individual homes." Jack was scanning the crowd. "You may be asking yourself what can I do? I tell you that you are powerful. You are setting the tone. Gather your families. Share with your friends. It is time for the old fashion standards to become once again the social norm. We do that by example. We do that by winning elections that will remove the weeds and ascend those who will uphold the rule of law. Empower the people to once again think for themselves rather than wait to be cared for by a government that will never be there! The capitalist is the leadership that is needed. True capitalist values that rely on the individual, hard work, and a cause that will draw many to be authors of history! No, longer will we be governed by social
values that seek to enslave the individual rather than allow steady growth.
Life is too short, to fall to the purpose of another. It is true that we need
one another. However, when another's greed seeks to diminish another that is
When we need the rule of law to govern us. " the hall erupted into
applause. Shouts of impeachment and agreement spurred Jack on. That is when
government excels. It is not there to thwart our effort to seek more. Hard work
is to be applauded! The entrepreneurial spirit is to be heralded as
wonderful." 3 Jack was not well known. Arnold was his best friend and with a few staff they were starting on journey that was going to be a flop or be a grand success. Jack had always been active within his community. He would not be afraid to call city officials on the carpet. He just wanted them to do what they said they were going to do. There was nothing that bothered him more than inaction. So he ran for city Mayor. He just stood up and started talking to people. Jack held weekly meetings that were filled with getting to know those with whom he served. He spent many sleepless nights researching answers to questions, knowing and taking a stand on the issues. Whenever there was a question he did not know the answer to he would find out from someone who did and get the information out to those who asked him. He was not a talented speaker but he spoke plainly enough as to not cause any misunderstanding. The people liked that he was running on a simple platform of growth through hard work. Jack was calling for a repeal of the minimum wage, education reform and a flat tax. In no time he was known in the community as the Capitalist. He turned the city around in just eight months they were headed in a momentum growing direction without any slowing in sight! So he decided that he needed to change things on a state level too. Jack Harris was making a name for himself in Maryland political circles. He had become known as someone who was going to do something rather than sit on the side and watch. So he ran for state legislature and won there too. He simply called his opponents out. And held himself to the same high standard. Jack was tenacious about holding politicians feet to the fire. He was demanding of the group. There was not a lot of love for Jack but there was a lot of respect in all circles. So, when Jack called another press conference it was not yet surprising to the people of Maryland that Jack was going to try his hand one more time. He had finally made up his mind that he was going to make a huge leap to the national stage. He picked up his phone and called Arnold Pouge his best friend "Arnold, this is Jack. Would you be up for lunch?" He asked. "Sure, you want to meet at the Yenech diner across town?" "Yeah sure that sounds great." Yenech diner had the best chicken fried steak. They were this small ma and pa place that had seen many meetings between the two. Arnold knew that it was just a matter of time until Jack
would want to make this leap. He knew that if he just sat back and enjoyed the
ride he would be included on this great adventure! 4 The super Tuesday primary results were finally coming in. Wesley Brason had been pacing by the television in his hotel room all night. The exit polls were showing a razor thin lead for him but since the Bush / Gore fiasco no one could put much trust in the exit polls. Wes as he liked to be called was cautious in everything he did. He made the safe decision each time. He was as predictable as they came. However, he was known to be very loyal to the republican cause and for that loyalty they were going to pay him back tonight. He was an all or none kind of a guy. His persona came off as very down to earth. Some would even say he was a backwoods good ole boy. He played off of that persona with a humble southern boy routine that seemed to work well for him. At the ninth hour Wes was starting to build a lead over the Governor of Texas Seth Staret. They had run one another through the mud hard through the primary and now for either to make a convincing run to the white house it would take a big push. Wes had run a tough primary. Staret had almost upset his run. That part of the race was over. See for Wes this was just the next stop on a very long distinguished career. As with all republicans he just wanted to keep his job. He needed one more term and then fight for another. His philosophy was simple. Just do enough to get by. That was exactly what he did. He made no promises. That is how many people started their climb on the political latter. Ultimately the promises are what had put them in office. Those promises proved to be the key to their undoing as well. So, Wes promised nothing smiled at everyone and left the rest to the voter. Wes, had a love for the military. He had served for a couple years right after high school. His brother Aaron had died during a raid in Bagdad in the first gulf war. He had a very special place in his heart for the uniform. When anyone threatened that love he would go to war. He would threaten pieces of others legislation. He was the face for today's soldier. There was no excuse for not funding the men and women in uniform! No one messed with Uncle Sam! Along with his love for the military Wes
had another problem. He was a chauvinist. When the decision was announced that
he had won he started working to tear down Heather Childs. He looked over at
his best friend Colin Soeple. "Colin" Wes began." I want a
complete briefing on the woman. First thing in the morning. I want you to crush
her.” Colin was like a little puppy willing to do whatever was asked of him. He
was excited to be apart of this historical time. “Yes, sir! How about for
Harris?” Colin asked. “He is going to fade like all of the rest. Come summer
his head of steam now will not amount to anything. We should just let him be”
Wes said. Truth be known Wes did not want to cause any more waves. He just
wanted to go about his business of building a strong legacy. He was all about
himself. He was a true politician. He was always looking out for himself not
the country he was looking to lead. Colin just nodded back to his boss. “ I hope you sleep well sir. things are really
going to start into high gear. We still have to keep winning but Starlet doesn’t
have a chance of catching you. You may want to pay a little more attention to
Harris sir.” 5 Heather Childs had also just finished her Super Tuesday run. She was to be the presumptive nominee for the Democrat side of the ticket. She was sitting on a hotel couch watching the results come in. She knew what the conclusion was going to be. She just had to let it run its course. She was doing well. All 19 states had gone her way. She was in a very different boat than Brasen. Heather was a very shrewd business woman. Her craft was understanding politics. How to treat people was a whole different animal. She knew how to surround herself with all the right people. From the time she had come to Washington she was determined to blaze trails for women. Heather was a very short lady standing no more that four foot ten inches. What she lacked in size was made up for in her action. Everyone knew that if you wanted to work with Heather Childs be ready to run. She will run you over if you let her. Her Personality was described by many as being very nasty to everyone. She was better than everyone. Her confidence was not lacking in the least. She knew what she wanted and was determined to go and get it.
To her surprise though a new candidate was being talked about during the poll closures between the analysis of the primaries. Ezra walked in about the same time that the news was talking about Harris. This was the first time that Jack Harris had come across her radar. Ezra reached toward the television. He turned the volume all the way down and began what he came in to tell her. © 2014 KCAuthor's Note
Added on August 13, 2014 Last Updated on August 13, 2014 AuthorKCLacey, WAAboutI have been married to my best friend for 17 years. Together we have 4 children. We claim the great northwest as home. I am a funeral director by day. A family man by night. I am attending school to f.. more..Writing