Thank You

Thank You

A Story by kbob

Don't let life go over your head.


            Robert removed his hand from atop the newly punctured hole in his chest. He still wasn’t completely sure what was going on. All he knew was what he saw. People were running around franticly and screaming at the very tops of their lungs that someone had been shot. I guess that would be me he thought casually.

            It was a strange moment. Not particularly because someone had been shot and was now dying, but more for the fact that he didn’t really seem to have such a strong opinion about it. Robert saw this coming. He knew himself to be less innocent than he appeared.

            He had been forced to do terrible things. Things I dare not place on this page. But, know this; he was weary of the life he led. His death was not one of remorse, neither from him nor others. It was long awaited.

            Robert reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. He had carried it around for an occasion much like this. Unfolding the blank sheet and placing it beside himself, he reached deep inside the break in his skin. He slowly dragged his hand out, covered in blood from top to bottom. Grabbing the paper, he hastily scribbled something on it. He gripped it tightly in his bloodstained hand.

            Two men, one of great height, the other of great width, approached him as the last of the crowd shuffled out of the desolate building. Robert simply smiled and cocked his head to the side onto his shoulder. The tall man flicked his fingers as a gesture very familiar to Robert. He tended to title it “The last sight.” He called it so mainly because it was indeed the last sight that a number of men and women saw.

            In response to the taller man’s signal, the shorter one unveiled a small handgun. He aimed it carefully at Roberts head. At the sight of the trigger being pulled, Robert quickly rolled his head to his other shoulder. The gunshot rang in his ears as it dented the cold tile beside him. He began to laugh, but was cut off abruptly by a second bullet.

            The tall man motioned at the paper in Robert’s hand. The wide man crept close to the smiling corpse and wrenched the sheet from its bloody hand. He handed it to the taller man who gave a small chuckle. The laugh was composed of half resentment and half true humor. He crumbled the slip and thrust it to the ground. As the tall man walked away from the scene, the wide man grasped the paper, uncrumbled it, and gazed at the few words written in shining red letters.


     Thank You

© 2008 kbob

Author's Note

Robert Cope: 1989-2005

My Review

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wow, it'z very well written! not trying 2 b mean but u didn't put much background into the story. why did they kill him? what has he done? usually u shouldn't leave questions like that 4 people to answer. but other than that it was really good!!! u should do like a sequel!! ^^ maybe u could have it be like flask backs anout what he did! i would really enjoy that!!! but other than that it was really (and i mean REALLY) good!!! ^^ keep up the good work!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 4, 2008



athens, GA

first off, my friends pressured me into making a profile on this website. Not That I don't like to write, i just don't like to write long stories. But, unfortunately, it just isnt fun to read a long l.. more..

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