Victim to a Hopeless Fight

Victim to a Hopeless Fight

A Poem by that-little-green-monster

Fictional piece.

Eternal sleep,
How wonderful it sounds.
Never bothered,
With petty mind games,
With awful teenage girls.
Never outcasted,
Feeling horrible about myself.

I wonder if I'm still alive?
Have I been commended to hell?
Trapped in a place where no one cares?
Where everyone is happy,
When you're in pain?

The blade biting in my wrist,
Says, yes you can still feel pain.
The blood running down my wrist,
Says, yes you're still alive,
You're not a ghost,
You're not in hell.
Unless the devil's playing tricks,
With my head.

But if he is,
His tricks are well crafted.
I'd prefer the flames,
Forever burning me,
Over hating myself.
The scars on my wrists,
Remind me how much they've hurt me,
But it's safer not to fight back,
Because if I do,
I know the words will just get worst.

It's hard though,
To listen to what they have to say,
What new insult they've come up with.
They're never really clever,
Those pretty little heads,
Hurt too much when they think.
It's the masses,
The number of people against me,
That's what makes it hurt.

© 2012 that-little-green-monster

Author's Note

Just so you guys know this is fiction. This isn't about me or anyone I know. But it does happen. So many people cut themselves and are bullied. Also the title may not make much sense.. Sorry. Also if anyone's wondering I was reading a book by Ellen Hopkins which inspired this.

My Review

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I think it's great how you can get inside the mind of someone who's been in a tough situation, as a reader of this poem and someone who knows the pains of depression too well, this one really rang true with me. Even though this was kind of tough for me to read, it was well written and you did a really good job. I am interested to read more of your writings bc I really think that you have a God given talent!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is me ;(

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very powerful, and a great write! I enjoyed reading this even though it is a sad subject, but so many people go through it everyday.

Posted 12 Years Ago

The world around us is ever consistently both heaven and hell, whichever we make of it. If there is something you find unsatisfactory about your situation, get up and work hard to change it as best you can. Cutting is not the answer, trust me, I know . Feel free to message me any time if you ever need to talk. Otherwise, beautiful poem, well worded, very enjoyable read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is a touching write.
A very well crafted poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is really good! Like all your poems I have read so far. My sis writes about being bullied and cutting too and she don't do any of that. But anyways, I really like how you are able to write and make someone feel what the person in the poem is feeling.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I find it easier to write as somebody else, you did it perfectly!

this piece was heartfelt, and touched exactly the right emotions when I was reading it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

a true and relative speaking piece, well done, good read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh my goodness, this is wonderful. I hate how there's bullying still going on this world. I just want it all to stop. Maybe if everyone got along there would be less suicides. In my own personal opinion, I don't think it's right when people bully because they are destroying that person's life and self-esteem. You done a great job putting together real big-time problems into an excellent poem! :)

Ashley Rivers--Dream BIG and you'll win BIG:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Excellent read and heartfelt.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on May 17, 2012
Last Updated on May 17, 2012
Tags: Victim, pain, bully



Hello! I am a high school student. I am a thespian and a writer. I hope to pursue a career in a creative field. I believe that words can have affect on people more than we could ever imagine. I don't .. more..
