![]() It just can't beA Story by KaylaI always have the same dream every night, although I’m not sure dream is the right word but nether is nightmare. It always starts with me waking up and running as fast as I can, through the woods, across roads, and a quick swim through a stream or river. There’s a man who dresses in all black and is tall and buff who chases me. And the dream stops when I cross the Mississippi state line. I told my best friend Amy about it the first week it happened because she’s obsessed with horoscopes and what dreams mean. She said that something bad is probably going to happen and when I asked her what’s going to happen she just said I don’t know. I don’t know why anything would happen I mean my life is boring, nothing ever happens. It was a warm summer day, the first day out of school. And I was free from school drama, thank god. I didn’t really know what to do though because no one was home. So I decided to call Amy to see if she wanted to go do something. “Hey Amy its me.” “Hey, what’s up?” she said on the other line. “You wanna hang out today, I’m bored.” “Its sad, the first day out of school and we are both bored.” she said with a laugh. “I know. Pick you up in five?” I said grabbing my car keys. “If your truck can even start.” she said while giggling. “that thing is a piece of crap.” “Don’t be hating on Bumblebee.” “Ok what ever. See you in a bit.” she said and the line went dead. My truck was a 97 Ford, I named it Bumblebee because it was yellow with black racing strips. I got in and turn the key. It was a miracle that it cranked on the first try. When I got to Amy’s house I honked and waited. She came out, she was tall, tan with black hair that shined in the sun light. I wish I had her hair instead of dirty blonde hair that never wanted to do right. “First time.” I said as she got in. “Wow I’m shocked.” she said with a smirk. “Oh shut up” I said turn the radio up way to loudly but I didn’t care. I rolled down my widow and backed out of her drive way. There was no one on the road so the trip to the mall only took about eight minutes. “Trying to make me go deaf” she asked when I turned the car off. “Did it work?” “What?” she shouted and acted like she was cleaning out her ears. We both laughed and started walking around, we never bought and thing, we just went to waste time and see if any cute guys were around. We stopped and Amy bought us both chocolate ice cream with a cherry on top. That was our favorite thing to get, and we always did when we came up here so next time its my turn to buy some. “Why do all the cute guys have to be taken?” I asked when I saw a real cutie holding hands with some girl. “Because guys are stupid, they only go out with the fakest girls they see.” “So then your fake? Now when where you going to tell me this?” I said trying to keep a straight face, but it didn’t work. “Of course, I’m just a good actor” she said. Her boyfriend, Matt, was the quarterback of the football team, captain of the basketball team, and even boxed in his free time. He was hott, with all his muscles and he is probably the sweetest guy you’ll ever met. He’s like a big brother to me. So I’m never around when he is by Ryan, my older brother. it’s the worst thing. “I hope my boyfriend will be like Matt.” “Don’t worry, he will be. But first you have to get one.” “Shut up.” I said. I only had one other boyfriend and he was a jerk, he always tried to get in my pants. So I am so glad I didn’t waste my first kiss on him. “Well, its true” “I know I just hate that I’m sixteen and haven’t even had my first kiss yet.” “Its going to happen sooner or later.” I looked out in the parking lot and saw a guy dress in all black staring at us. Maybe he’s trying to find someone who looks like me or he’s just waiting on someone so he’s just looking at everyone. I quickly looked away because the blurred image of the strange guy in my dream popped up and I was starting to get paranoid. It was starting to get dark so we decided it was time to go. I dropped Amy off at her house then went to the store so I could get a movie out of the red box thing. I picked a comedy and then went home. I popped some popcorn and put the movie in. By the middle of the movie I fell asleep and this time my dream was different. This time there was no running, no tall creepy guy, no nothing. Everything was different, almost felt as if I was flying, I was free to do anything or go anywhere. It was very peaceful. When I woke up the popcorn bowl was gone, the TV was turn off, and I had a blanket around me. I forgot that everyone had to work late last night. It must suck to have to work late and then wake up early and go to work. I don’t work because I get money from Ryan to keep his secrets from my parents and I told him he has to pay me thirty buck a month. I needed to get a dress for my mom because she had some big interview or something today. So I got ready and headed to the mall. It didn’t take long to find a dress that I liked, I just walked in saw it and went to find her size. It was a red dress with patterns so faint you could barley see them. It was real pretty. Me and my parents aren’t very close at all, they care about their work much more then they care about me. I can never do anything right, only Ryan could but if I told on him that’s the only time they believe me and seem like they care about me. I took the dress to my mom’s work place. She pulled the dress out and gave it a dirty look. “You picked this one?” she said with an attitude “I should have sent Ryan, he could have done better.” “I like it, I think its really pretty.” “What ever just go now I have work to do.” she said turning around to face the computer. I turn to leave when I heard her say “dang child cant even pick out a dress. Cant wait until she’s old enough to leave.” I guess I should be upset or something but I’m used to it and my dad does the same, they could careless about me. I was half way home when my truck broke down. “great” I murmured. I popped the hood to see if anything was loose, but by the looks of things, everything was in place. I called Matt and told him I was broken down and I didn’t know what the problem was. He said he would be there in a minute. I leaned against the car a saw that same man I saw in the parking lot yesterday. He was still all black. “Need some help” he asked getting closer. His voice was very deep and rough. “No I’m fine, my friends coming.” I said but he was still getting closer. Matt please hurry up I thought. “You sure, because someone like you shouldn’t be on the side of the road my yourself. Anything could happen” he said with a smile on his face. “Oh ok.” I said and then he stopped, turned around, and ran into the woods. It kina confused me but also freaked me out. “Boo.” I screamed and punched the face behind me. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Matt.” I said helping him up. I normally don’t do that but I guess because I was so freaked out. “You ok?” “peachy.” I said but the strange man’s sentence come in my head, Anything could happen. Who was he and what did he want? To freak me out? Because it sure is working. “Alright, lets take a look.” He started fiddling around while I just stood there standing were that man had ran off into. “Emma, you sure your alright?” “Yes, now what’s wrong with Bumblebee?” “Everything looks fine, do you have enough gas?” “Yea I had a full tank.” “It must be because your trucks so old.” he said. “Probably. But thanks for coming to help.” I said giving him a hug. “ We aren’t done yet, gotta see if it’ll crank.” I hoped in and turned the key, nothing. I tried again and still nothing. Third times the charm I thought and turn the key yet again but this time it started up. “You need a better truck” Matt said with a smile, “One like mine.” “Nah, I just need to mess yours up so you can get one like mine.” I said with a laugh. When I got home Ryan was watching TV. “Mom hated the dress.” he said with a smile. “I know she hates everything I pick out for her.” “Yea. Must suck” “I’m used to it.” I said and went upstairs to my room and got on my laptop. My phone rang about thirty minutes later. “Hello?” I said when I picked up. “Hey Emma its me. You want to spend the night, my parents aren’t home and Matt’s coming over with a movie and I’m making brownies.” “Heck with brownies I’m so there. Ill be there in a couple of minutes.” “Oh Matt’s coming to get you.” “Ok” I said and hung up. I gathered all my stuff. I went downstairs and told Ryan that I`m spending the night with Amy. I walked outside and felt very uncomfortable. I felt as though I was being watched but I couldn’t see anything because there was no moon tonight so it was pitch black. I saw some headlights and it looked like they belonged to a truck. It pulled into our drive way and it was Matt. I hoped into the front seat and felt safer. When we got to Amy’s house and opened the door, the smell of brownies hit Matt and me. We exchanged looks and raced to the kitchen. “Just in time.” Amy said while pulling the brownies out. They looked amazing and if you ever had one of Amy’s brownies, you would know why me and Matt ate some and burned our mouths. Amy, Matt, and Ryan are my only real family. And I’m the luckiest girl to have them. “Ryan’s bringing popcorn.” Matt said. “Ryan’s coming?” I asked. “Yea, he sent me a text asking what we where doing.” Amy said. “Alright everyone, its ok. No need to panic any more, I have arrived.” Ryan said walking into the kitchen. He opened the popcorn and put it in the microwave. “Might as well got home, its going to such a lame party now.” I said and we all laughed except for Ryan. “What ever I put the p-a-r-t-y in party” he said. “Not even in your dreams.” I said. “Don’t be hating” he said. “Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t we watch the movie now?” Amy said carrying the brownies into the living room. I grabbed the movie and Ryan grabbed the popcorn. I put the movie in and sat down in my seat. We always sat in the same spot when we watched movies, Matt on the far left, Amy next to him, then me with Ryan on the far right. It was my perfect little family and I loved them more then anything. The movie was so stupid, like it always is. The movies we watch have to be stupid otherwise its not as fun. There has only been one time when we got a movie that was really good. When the movie was over we talked about everything there is to talk about. But I never told them about the man because I didn’t want to freak them out and have Matt and Ryan as bodyguards, its not fun. I looked out the window and thought I saw a face figure kinda like earlier today. But I just shook it out my head. It was about 10:00 and we decided it was time for bed. Amy and I slept on the couch while Matt and Ryan slept on the floor. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember my dream that I had, witch was weird because I always remember my dreams. I was the first one up and who ever wakes up first gets to cook, so I went to the kitchen and found some pancakes. It didn’t take long to fix them so I put them on a big pate and grab four plates and forks. I also grabbed the syrup. I set everything down one the coffee table and got our wake up whistle. I blew it and everyone shot straight up. “Breakfast.” I said and sat down between the couch and the coffee table. We fixed our plates and ate in silence because everyone was still waking up. “Hey what time is it?” Amy asked. “Like 8:30.” I said. “What? Oh please no. Yall got to go. My parents will be home soon and if they found out yall were here, they will kill me.” She said all frantic. We all grabbed our stuff and I got in Ryan’s car after saying bye to everyone. We got out just in time because as we were pulling out of the neighborhood, her parents were pulling in. This happens almost every time we come and her parents aren’t home. “So what are you going to do today?” Ryan asked. “I don’t know, probably go for a walk. What about you?” “Work.” “Have fun with that.” I said. “ I could be rich if it wasn’t for you.” he said with a smile on his face. “Sure you could.” “No need for sarcasm.” “You started it.” I said getting out of the car. I went inside and took a shower. When I got out I fixed my hair and put some makeup on. I got dressed and went to the woods. I loved coming in here because I could do anything I wanted to. I was deep in the woods when I heard a twig snap. I turn around and saw the man in black. Crap its just like my dream. I thought and my heart was racing faster than it has ever. I turned back around and started to run. I turned my head and he was running as well. I dodged many limbs and jumped over many roots. I came to the end of the woods, there was a road that no one ever used so I didn’t bother looking to see if there was a car. I ran back in the woods across the street. I knew I was getting close to Mississippi because I lived close to the border. I live in a town that no one cared about in Alabama. I came to a small stream, I could easily jump it and I did. I paused for a second to look behind me and he was still running towards me. I saw a busy road up ahead so I ran towards it. When I reached it he stopped. “What do you want from me?” I yelled. “You.” he said and turned to walk the other way. I didn’t dare to go where I came from so I kept on the road. I decided to find a cab and have him take me to Tennessee, maybe the man in black wouldn’t know where I was. I found an exit and follow the arrow to the rest area, it should have a phone. When I got there a guy started to walk towards me. He was really hot, he was tan and very muscular. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. “Hi, I’m John.” he said with a smile when he reached me. “Hey, Emma.” I said. He was even hotter up close, I thought I could just melt. “Your car break down?” “No I walked, I need to call a cab.” I said, there was something about him that made me trust him, I don’t know what it was but it sure was something. “Why?” “I’m wanting to head up to Tennessee.” I said. “That’s where I’m heading, I can give you a ride. Its better than a cab, they smell, cost to much, and you might have some weird old guy.” he said with a laugh, I laughed to because with my luck that would happen and I had no money. “Now what if I’m some crazy serial killer?” “Well it’s a chance Ill take.” he said with a smile. “So is that a yes?” “Yea I guess so, I forgot I had no money with me.” I said. “So see aren’t you glad I came over here.” he said. “Yes because you saved me from a crazy cab driver and me going to jail.” I said with a laugh. He laughed to and is was so peaceful, I could just listen to it all day. I followed him to his truck and he opened the door for me. “Thank you.” I said and got in. he shut the door and went around to the drivers side and cracked the truck up. Then we were off to Tennessee. I don’t know why I thought of Tennessee and not New York or something. But I could always make my way up there. I then thought of Amy, Matt, and Ryan. I would never see them because I have wanted to run away for the longest time but I never thought it would happen. I know its because of the man in black and wondered if my parents paid him to freak me out enough to leave and never come back. I noticed John had a tattoo of a wolf on his wrist, it was pretty cool looking. I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t have a plan for when I got up there. “So why are you heading up to Tennessee?” John asked. “My parents don’t care about me and so I just had to leave.” “Did they kick you out?” “No, they have to wait until I’m eighteen to do that.” “I’m sure they do care.” he said looking at me. I looked back at him and said "They’ve told me they don’t care about me and can’t wait until I’m eighteen so I can leave.” “Dang, I’m sorry.” “It’s fine, I’m use to it.” “No one should be use to that.” he said. “Well some have it better then others.” I said. “So how old are you?” “Sixteen.” “When’s your birthday?” “In two days.” he snapped his head over in my direction and sped up. “Really? Well happy early birthday.” he said. “Thanks.” “So where are you planning on staying when we get up there?” “No where, I mean I have no money and I’ve never been up there before.” “Really?” he asked and I just shook my head. It was almost 10:00 and I was exhausted. I let out a yawn and looked out the window. “You can put your feet up on the dash board if you want.” I took him up on that offer and feel asleep. When I woke up, I stretched and looked around, I was in some kind of room. It took me a while to realize that we made it to Tennessee and he let me stay at his place. I got out of the bed, made it and then walk out of the room. I saw some stair down the hall. I made my way to the stairs and went down them. It smelt really good, like muffins. I found the kitchen and saw John sitting at the table with four other guys. There was a woman by the oven and a man next to her. All the guys there looked photo shopped. One of the guys saw me and hit John. John turned around and smiled. “Morning” he said. I smiled, I’m not the best with a room full of strangers. “Let me introduce you to everyone, this is Brad” he said pointing to the one on the right of him, he had darker hair than John and had blue eyes. He also had a scar on his face. “Travis” Travis had blonde hair and green eyes, he also had a few scatter freckles. “Conner” he had jet black hair and really dark eyes, his hair reminded me of Amy’s. “Gabe” now Gabe was a ginger, he had the red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. “Sam’s over by Robin.” Sam was the biggest one, he was kinda scary because he was so big. Robin was the thinnest girl you’d ever seen, he had beach blonde hair and blue eyes, she was really pretty. “Hi” was all I could say. “Have a seat, the muffins are all most ready.” Robin said. I sat down in the empty seat next to John and Brad. I felt award but I noticed that all the guys had the same tattoo as John, it was even in the same place. That’s a little strange but who am I to judge. Robin brought over the muffins and all the guys dove in to get one. When they were done I reached over and grabbed one. I buttered it and took a bit out of it, banana nut muffins. I love banana nut muffins, they are the best and this one was so moist and warm. “So where are you from Emma? Is it Alabama or Mississippi?” Robin asked. “Alabama.” I said. “Where in Alabama?” asked Brad. “What does it matter? I’m never going back.” I said and took the last bit of the muffin. “How come?” Conner asked. “I’m just not.” I said. “Hey, how bout I show you around Tennessee?” John said. “Sure” I said and we got up. I was quite nervous because I wasn’t good around cute single guys. My phone started to ring when I got in John’s truck. It was Ryan calling, I didn’t know if I should answer it or not so I just stared at it. I couldn’t tell him where I was but I wanted him to know I was ok. “You going to answer that?” John said when he started the truck. “I don’t know if I want to or not.” “How come?” “Just ‘cause.” the phone stopped ringing but only to start ringing “Rain Is A Good Thing”, it was Amy this time. ugh why do they keep calling me? Would it be so bad to answer, I mean I would do the same thing if one of them disappeared and what if they called the cops to file a missing person report? I guess I’ll take my chance on them finding me. “Hello?” “Emma! Where are you? Are you ok? Why didn’t you answer when Ryan called?” Amy was freaking out on the other end, just like I thought she would. “Amy, chill. I’m fine. I’m just not going to be home for a while.” “Why, was it something we did?” “No, never. It’s just I need to be somewhere right now, so don’t worry about me.” “Where are you?” “That’s not important, but what is important is that none of yall needs to call me. I will call yall.” “What the hell is a matter with you? You disappear and then tell me, your best friend, not to call you or anything? I mean at least tell me where you are!” “Amy just trust me, ok?” so I was right, it was a mistake to answer the call. “Ok, just be safe now. You hear?” “Yea, hey listen. Thanks for the concern. And I love ya girl.” “I love you to Emma. Come home soon.” I hung up after that, I mean I might not ever see her again. It might be for the best of it, maybe this will help her grow. Amy was the kind of person that wasn’t good with change, but she got stronger from it. “You ok?” John asked after a while. No why would I be ok? I left my best friend and I lied to her, I told her I was coming home soon. But I’m not, I’m never going back there. “Yea, why wouldn’t I be?” “Amy?” “What about her?” “You miss her?” he said turning his head to look at me. “Yea, would it just be easier to give you to background story?” I said with a smile creeping across my face. He saw the smile and laughed. “It sure would make me unconfused.” “Ok, well my full name is Emma Chrystal Hall. I lived in a small town near Mississippi, there was really nothing fun to do there. I have one brother, Ryan and my best friends, Amy and Matt. Last time I was with them we watched a movie and ate junk food. Um my parents hate me, witch you already know that. And so yea I think that’s it.” “Wow. So why do you keep saying your not going back? But yet you told Amy you were?” “Because if she knew the truth she would just come and find me and take me back there.” “Then why did you answer your phone?” “Because, well, I mean if I didn’t they would file a missing person report or come and fine me.” “You worried that they will try and find you?” “Well I wasn’t until you brought that idea up.” I didn’t even think of that, because it would be like them to try and find me. “Sorry. So uh, you turn seventeen tomorrow.” I cant believe he remembered my birthday was tomorrow. But it made me fell good to know he was actually listening and remembering our conversations. “Yea, that I do” he smiled at me and ruffled his hair. Was he trying to kill me, he was so cute. And also single as far as I know. “So what’s up with the wolf tattoo?” “You’ll figure that out tomorrow.” “Why can’t I know now?” he looked and me and smiled, I didn’t know how white his teeth were until this moment with the sun reflecting off of him. I know I’ve said this many times, but he is so hot. “To keep you guessing.” “What the crap. No please tell me.” “Sorry that’s not going to happen.” “Jerk.” I couldn’t help the smile that forced its way out. Ugh he’s driving my crazy. “So tell me something interesting about you.” “Like what?” he said. “I don’t know, just something interesting.” “Ok, well, my parents died about two years ago when I was sixteen.” “I’m sorry. Dang I feel bad now because I was saying that my parents don’t care about me and I don’t really care about them. I’m so sorry to hear about that.” “It happens sometimes.” that ended our conversation. I just looked out the window, it was so different. There were nice houses on these lands that went on for miles and had horses grazing in the grass. Some lucky people got mountains and rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds on their land. It must be nice to live like that, a lot of work to keep it looking nice be still. When we went by woods I saw all kinds of deer, bunnies, and foxes. I wish I would have came up here sooner because it looked like a picture in a magazine or on the back of a post card. We really didn’t talk the rest of the tour, he just let me look out the window and take in the surroundings. My mind was racing with many different things, Amy, the man in all black, John’s tattoo, and that I probably look like a total idiot right now. Why does everything have to be so complicated? That’s the thing about life I guess, it prepares you for something that you might not get a chance to encounter. But life sure does have a funny way of turning everything about to make it better, I mean just look at me I’m free. I guess I was free before but now it really does feel like I’m free. We got back to the house and I decided to take a shower because that normally clears my head. When I got out there was a stack of clean clothes sitting on the top of the toilet. where are my clothes? Am I supposed to wear this? I thought picking it up and held it to my body. It looked huge, it was a pair of grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I put the shirt on and it seemed to sallow me whole. I then but the sweatpants on a little worried. But they where fine because the had a draw string. I brushed my wet hair and let it fall on my back. It was cold when the wetness of my hair soaked the back upper part of the shirt. I didn’t know what to do next, where to go. I finally decided that the kitchen was the best place to go. When I walk in everyone started to laugh. I could feel my face get red and I am pretty sure it was bloodshot red. “I’m sorry Emma, my clothes are a little to small for you so John had to lend you some.” Robin said when she controlled herself. “Looks like I need to take you shopping since Robin can’t go back to the mall.” John said. Great shopping, I know most girls like shopping but I hate it. Especially with a guy because he has no taste. Looks like I’m getting blue jeans and t-shirts. “Hey that lady was asking for it. I clearly saw that bra first.” “Yea but its no reason to beat her up for it.” Sam said joining in. “But I got the bra” Robin said with a smile. “And your not getting just blue jeans and t-shirts.” Well that just great, now I’m going to look retarded. Everyone wanted to go so the truck was cramped with John, Brad, Travis, Conner, Gabe, and I. Sam stayed behind with Robin. I was between John and Conner, Travis and Gabe sat in the bed of the truck because it didn’t have a backseat. It was a little strange that they all wanted to go shopping, but hey what ever floats your boat. We got to the mall and the guys found a store that they liked. I looked at the price tag and it was far more then any normal family could afford, this was for rich folks. “Everything is so much” I said when John grabbed an ugly pink sweater. “Don’t worry about the price, we can get anything here for free.” “How?” “It’s to keep Robin out, she kept coming so they had to bribe her.” he said pulling out a low cut green shirt. It was really pretty. He held it up for me to get a better look and I nodded. I never thought that a guy would ever pick out my clothing. A few minutes later the other guys came back with a huge pile of clothes. “That’s a lot of clothes.” I said. “Yup and we have all afternoon for you to model everything.” Brad said with a stupid smile on his face. Great no I get to model all this crap. We got a dressing room and I got a few shirts thrown over the door for me. The first one was a baby blue shirt that flowed out at the bottom. I opened the door and walked out. “Alright, so if you get at least three thumbs up it goes in the yes pile. So I guess just set if off to the side somewhere, if it’s a no just throw it back over.” Conner said. With this shirt that I had on I got five out of five. I went to get another one, it was orange with some blue in it. It reminded me of the Auburn Tigers, they are my favorite football team. I got three out of five on this one which I was glad because I really liked it. After about twenty more shirts, which only three got no’s, I went on the pants and shorts. There was about thirty of these and they all got a yes. I went back to shirts and they were t-shirt this time, and there were about fifteen and all but one got a yes. I picked out three of ten dresses and told the guys I was done. I had so much clothes that we had to get five cart things and still had to carry everything. “Well thanks, but never again am I going to try on that much clothing.” I said when we got in the truck. We where able to get everything in the bed of the truck but the guys back there were cramped. We got back to the house any the guys put everything away in I guess my room. When they were done it was close to 9:00. “I’m really tired, I think I’m going to go to bed.” I said, everyone said goodnight and I went up stairs to my room and fell on my bed. I was asleep in a matter of minutes. ********* © 2012 KaylaAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on November 13, 2011 Last Updated on May 22, 2012 Author![]() KaylaAboutHey yall!! So my name is Kayla, I'm from a small town. I love to read, write, play soccer, and pretty much be outside. I am very involved at school and love to hang out with all my friends. I have.. more..Writing