The Elevator Trials

The Elevator Trials

A Story by Kaye153688

Violet has awaken in the elevator. An elevator that moves at a dangerous speed, and brings her to the nightmares of others. 365 floors of nightmares. Finally, she meets the floor 269.


          It was terribly dark. There was what seemed to be a lantern ages old, which kindled the smallest of flames, dangling from the ceiling by a thick rustic rope. The room was small enough to make me think I could have a slight dash of claustrophobia. The room seemed to be moving, though, I wasn’t sure which direction. Sweat began to form on my face. I grew entirely tense. My small delicate hands would reach for a bar on the side of the wall, to stabilize my stance as it kept motioning. There were orange lit buttons with bold black numbers that I would attempt a glimpse of as the light continued to flicker. 1, 60, 200, 350. The numbers seemed to be endless. My fingers would tighten their grip on the bar as the speed of the elevator heightened now to a seemingly dangerous state. This was no normal elevator. I began to feel sick to my stomach, unsure of where I was headed.

Finally, abruptly, the room would come to a deadly halt, forcing my body hard against the floor. Bing. The large metal doors would open.  I would look up, still laying on the floor sprawled in pain. This new room possessed such bright lighting that it pierced my eyes. It was hard for me to open my eyes completely. Though, once I was able to, I learned that this new room was no room at all, but instead, a long hallway. ‘My destination,’ I thought to herself. This must be it. At the end of the hallway was a bench, and on it, sat another girl, much like my own self. Her skin appeared almost as pale as the light that the room had to offer, as if she had spent an entire lifetime in here and had adjusted to the light it possessed. Her parted black hair fell effortlessly to her waist. Though, I found it odd that the girl was banging her head against the wall behind her. Almost out of boredom, it would seem. She hugged her knees tightly to her chest, almost in an uneasy state. As the elevator door were now fully open, the girl looked up, now aware of my arrival. The girl, almost immediately stood from her sitting position, seemingly alert. She would c**k her head to the side, with a bit of a twitch. I would offer a polite smile seeming foolish, as I was still laying on the floor. I would reach for the bar of the elevator that helped me to my feet.

“Hello.” I would ask, noticing the girl from far away started to stride towards the elevator. I took one step out of the elevator, bringing both hands together and intertwining her fingers.

The girl’s long black hair seemed very thin on her shoulders, as she now began in a full speed sprint. I tilted my head ever so slightly, breathing in a breath of cold air. As the girl grew closer, I was able to see her true appearance more closely. My lips would part, allowing a harsh scream to escape them. I hurriedly took a step back into the elevator, my fingers desperately pressing any of the orange buttons in order to abandon her on this floor. I would gape in horror, as I noticed both her eyes and lips were sewn shut. Her head would constantly twitch as she started closer, groaning horribly as the doors began to close, thankfully, once again.

          Even after the doors of the elevator had closed, I continued to scream, hearing the girl banging loudly on the outside of the doors. I was horrified. I have never seen anyone like her in my life. I clasped my hands over my crystal blue- ocean eyes, as the elevator once again began to rumble in movement. As I knew I was once again free from that terrible girl, I brought my hands over my lips to suppress my terror. Finally, I grew silent, wondering how the hell I got into the elevator to begin with. I noticed a small mechanical beeping sound coming from one of the corners of the upper elevator. My eyes would follow it, curiously. As the lantern that swung so harshly, granted me just enough light to see, I was able to detect it as a camera, it seemed so much nicer than anything I’d ever seen before in my life. I wondered if it was a certain camera that was real time, where there could possibly be someone watching behind the lens of the camera, with the glimmer of hope I had, the thought began to sink in. I would c**k my head to the side, alert. Finally, I would force myself to stand, waving my arms around frantically. “Help!” I would cry out, banging on the walls, anything to make sound as they probably couldn’t see with the terrible lighting.

          Bing. The elevator doors once again began to open. My attention was brought back to the large metal doors, as I stood at the very back of the room, my fingers once again tightly wrapped around the bar. This time, it were only a dim light that shown through. This new room seemed much smaller to my surprise. I peered out, noticing a man with his back turned to me. He wore an elegant suit, something a very important business man might wear. I was sure I was now in a safe environment. From what I could see, the room had nothing in it, much like the first room. Though, all the walls were plastered in black slashes of paint, as if the paint job was terribly done. I found it this place, again, quite odd. “Hello.” It was all I could manage, before the man finally turned around. He slowly began to turn around and had then revealed to me, his true appearance. His face possessed numerous burns. It was hard to tell where the burns began, and ended. Not even knowing the man, I immediately felt remorse. I began to take a cautious step forward out of the elevator. I was unsure of this place as the girl I just had met. He would show his hands to me, which were burnt also. His skin looked burnt into oblivion. Before, I could feel any more remorse, his eyes lit up with a certain brightness, that a flame might share, as he began to lunge his hands outward in my direction. His lips would part, allowing a horrific chuckle to escape them. Bright orange flames coiled around each of his limbs, as his lips would curl into a grin which seemed of some demonic nature. I would easily allow another scream to escape my lips, as I once again hit an orange circular button, as he hurled a ball of flames at the elevator. I held my arms in front of my face as if to protect myself, though luckily, the doors closed at the very last moment. I quickly turned back to the camera, with tears streaming down my face. “Please, someone! Help!”

          I began hitting the buttons of the three digits. 102. 113. 182. 269. I wanted a long wait before I reached the next room. I kept waving my hands in front of the camera, trying anything in order to get anybody’s attention. Knowing there might not be anyone, I kept trying. The elevator moved at a rate which seemed again not like any normal elevator. “What kind of elevator is this?!” I cried, both afraid as well as angry. My hands finally balled into fists, as the tears kept streaming from my eyes. As the elevator continued, which seemed now upward, I felt a chill over my body. The temperature began to drop in the elevator. I began to accumulate goose bumps over my limbs. My chest would rise and fall quickly, though now my own breath had become easily visible as I exhaled.

          I held my arms around myself, wishing I wore extra layers. I wore a thin layer of clothing, just enough to cover �" what needed to be covered. A thin grey t shirt, as well as a pair of khaki shorts that met at my knees. Not something I would have picked for myself. I closed my eyelids over my eyes, my teeth now lowly chattering. I was hoping I might reach another level before long. It felt colder than any inside freezer I’d ever been in. I would wrap my arms around myself, shivering violently. It felt as cold as a night of falling snow. Silent but deadly. The chattering of my teeth only grew, as the elevator continued to rumble. I shook my head, feeling my legs now becoming numb underneath me. My tears which used to be warm on my cheeks were now frozen to my skin, which I’m sure was now pale. My tangled blonde hair that hung loosely on my shoulders was now also frozen. I brought the neck of my t shirt over my lips, still feeling so chilled. “P-please,” I whimpered now, knowing my death was now very soon to come. It was hard to speak. I tried for long slow breaths, absorbing my oxygen and savoring it as I still had the chance. Bing, went the elevator.

          The metal walls of the elevator only offered a chilled comfort. I stayed in the middle of the elevator. I struggled to move my legs underneath me that seemed to be half frozen. The elevator doors opened once again, this time, it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. It was freedom. I looked out into the vast land, where snowflakes fell peacefully silent over the already thick white blanket of snow. ‘Nothing to fear,’ I sighed a long slow sigh, relieved. I crossed my arms over my chest, and took a step out into the world. I attempted a smile, as I walked across the snow in my sneakers, knowing the battle was over. Still unsure of where I was, I now knew it was done, and that, at least, made me happy.

          The crunching of my sneakers against the cold snow offered a nice sense of comfort. Something other than plain silence. I continued through the valley, seeing tall evergreen trees so nicely spread out through the land, almost as if someone had put them there purposely. So symmetrical. I looked skyward towards the cloudy skies, sticking my tongue out, and consuming a single snow flake. After I had done so, my eyes caught a glimpse of the smallest stream of smoke evaporating into the sky. I wondered who had been there, and started my journey in that direction. I had high hopes that they might have a blanket, or jacket for me to wear. It seemed as though it took ages to reach the fire.

          Finally, once I had, it was deserted. It shown signs of recent activity, though nobody in sight. I stood beside the fire, gathering what little warmth it had left to offer. With no ability to control the chattering of my teeth, I would hold my hands over the fire for comfort. Unable to sleep, I closed her eyelids over my eyes, sitting on the log benches the last group had left, though now, I felt hungry as well. I rubbed my stomach, feeling it grumbling inside of me. I shook my head sadly. “Not tonight,” I spoke to myself out loud.

          -“Looks like she took the bait, eh?” A small group of rather large men dressed in thick animal fur strode up to my now sleeping body. My skin still just as pale, and my lips frozen, as the fire had died down my limbs were now far from any sort of movement. There were five of them. Their skin was not pale, like mine, however a tad darker. Their hair were all black, thick, and tied in a ponytail. They each wielded various weapons. Daggers, machete’s, you name it. They all seemed well kept, and it was easy to see they knew their environment well. They all chuckled as they walked up to my limp body, casually. “Won’t even see it coming,” One of the larger men teased, pulling an axe from the stump close by where they had once left it. Bing. The elevator opened once again, the echo of the ‘bing’ spreading easily across the silent night. The group turned to what seemed like a familiar sound to them, now alert. “Better get it while it’s hot, right?” Another man would laugh, as they all ran off into the brush, leaving my body to the chill of the cold winter snow.

          Hours past. I would struggle to open my eyes, as I was in such a frozen state. I laid relaxed on the log, attempting to open my eyes slowly now. My eyes would wander just past the fire pit, in the distance I noticed a rather large group of well-built men, slaughtered in the snow, in pools of their own blood. As alarming as that was for me, my thoughts went straight back to ‘There was my last hope of getting back home. Home. Where was home? I tried to rekindle any memory before the elevator, and could not. Not even my own name. Though, I noticed that I now was covered in two layers of animal fur to keep me warm. I wondered who’d been so kind enough to leave it there, and if it were the same person who’d slaughtered the group of men.

          I was hesitant to move, and didn’t want to draw any attention to myself. Though, if it were the same person that brought me the blanket, I could be in luck, I thought. I wrapped the animal fur around myself, and sighed as I knew I had to go back into the elevator, or I could freeze to death.  Knowing what terror was to come, I hurriedly walked in the direction of the slaughtered men, as my stomach continued to grumble ever so loudly. “Poor things,” I spoke quietly to myself. I reached over a body, and hoarded their selection of weaponry. Small axe, daggers, a small assortment of knives, and a nice well crafted spear. I reached for the sack one of the victim’s once owned, and slung it over my back, full of the weapons I would soon need. My fingers wrapped easily around the thick of the spear, felt almost natural, it did.

          As I hit the button for the doors to open, slipped inside, sighing once more. Bing. My finger pressed gently against a random button that sent the elevator back downward. I seemed much calmer as the temperature finally began to rise. I was able to drop the animal fur at my feet, and was comfortable enough and once again, was at my natural state. My breath was no longer seen, thankfully.

          Bing. I knew what fear could come, and this time, I attempted to look prepared, and confident. I carried the spear firmly in my hand. I know I could easily protect myself with any weapon. But, I was no killer. The doors were fully open now, allowing me to step out. This time, I was not afraid. This new room was a rather large laboratory for study. It was a very large room with an assortment of mechanical devices in the center. Computers. Robotics. Cameras. This time, it felt easy to take the first steps out of the elevator. I noticed this room was only slightly chilly, though, not uncomfortable.

          I took a deep breath, now taking several steps, wielding my spear firmly in my grip, with the armful of furs that I was provided with. The elevator doors closed behind me, and I knew there was no turning back from this. This room was so intriguing to me. I found computer screen after computer screen. They were all blinking, and I was unsure of how to read them. Information of some kind. ‘Elevator Trials,’ was delicately written on several papers, with numbers, and mathematic equations. It was even shown on various blinking computer screens.

          The room was entirely quiet. All I could hear was my sneakers squeaking against the hard floor, and a small beeping sound. The same sound of the camera that came from the elevator, though there were several beeps this time. I noticed camera’s at each corner of the room, the same in which the elevator had possessed. I wondered what or who was monitoring them. I kept walking around the computer screens, noticing something that stopped me in my tracks. There was a computer screen that shown the terrifying girl I had once seen. She went back to her natural state, banging her head against the wall with that slight twitch that seemed to keep her busy enough. Another had been on the dim room with the man that threw flames in my direction. And another, as I had assumed, was hidden in the woods of the vast snow land. There must have been a camera hidden in a tree near the fire pit, I thought. I finally scooped up a pile of delicate papers, and started to read one in depth. It looked like someone spent a lot of time studying the other floors, as well as an assortment of other things I still did not know. Before, reading too far into it, I was stopped abruptly, by the sound of a rough exhale of a man that seemed to echo throughout the entire room.

          “What are you doing here?” A hard voice spoke out, almost angry. A tall male figure walked out from the darkness, thick black spikes driving out of the skin of his arms. It appeared rather painful, though, it didn’t seem to bother him. He possessed a large assortment of black tentacles that were attached to his back, they seemed to wiggle mindlessly behind his stature. His tall figure stood over hers, as he approached her. His face was hidden by the mask he seemed to craft from the skull of a ram carcass.

          “I-I..” I immediately dropped the papers all over the floor, now entirely in fear. I took a cautious step back, not taking my eyes off of the eyes of the ram, where I assumed his own eyes might be. His expression was entirely hard to read, though his body language seemed almost as if he’d been relaxed, allowing a long sigh to escape his lips. His tentacles gathered up the papers for him, organizing them neatly and setting them on the table beside him. “What are you doing going through my things?” He would shake his head, rather annoyed. He took a step forward, as I took one back. “You know, I may be a monster, but I never asked to be here.” He growled.

          As the ram growled, so did her stomach. Her face would turn hot, entirely embarrassed, and now finding herself starving. My eyes would search the eyes of the mask, wondering what he was hiding. He was obviously afraid of arising even more fear in me. Scaring me away. I was terrified.

Before I found myself running for the elevator once more, his voice entered my mind, his lips unmoving. Are you hungry? I turned around abruptly, my eyes glued on his tall masculine figure. He was inside my mind, my thoughts. Literally. I nodded my head, horrified, though, entirely intrigued.

          “Come. I can make you something.” The man smirked, waving me over. His tentacles wiggled wildly behind him, and they intimidated me. He walked over to what seemed like a kitchen, and opened the fridge like any other might.

          I noticed that this room was much different. It was an apartment. Though, it seemed consumed by the pile of computers that were in the center. I hesitantly followed him, my fingers intertwined tightly together.

          “Sit.” He spoke firmly, one of the tentacles pointing to a stool behind his kitchen counter.

          “Thank you.” I would obey, walking around the kitchen counter to take a seat. I watched him curiously, examining the spikes and tendrils he possessed. I wondered what happened to him, and noticed the scars all over his arms where each spike was driven into his arms.

          He started his work in silence. All I could see was his arms barely moving, and his tendrils doing the rest. They moved wildly, but obviously seemed to know what they were doing when finally he turned around, with two plates which possessed a sandwich on each. A single tendril would slide the plate to me, and he would nod, before touching his own plate.

          I would hesitate before touching the sandwich, avoiding all eye contact. Finally, after a few bites of delicious food, he would break the silence. “What is your name?” He would hunch on his stool, as he happily munched on his food, his tendrils lifting his mask just enough for him to pass food through it to his mouth, still hiding his face.

          “I-I don’t remember.” I would say, almost in a sickly manner. I couldn’t seem to conjure up any thought or memory before the elevator. The moving elevator is the last thing I could remember. I would set down my sandwich, bringing my fingers to my temples, and rubbing them softly. “Why don’t I remember my name?” I would ask, as if he had the answer.

          “Well, you can call me Ty.” He would nod to her once more, as he finished off his plate. He would hop off his stool, a single tendril reaching for his plate, and setting it in the sink to soak. The eyes of his mask seemed to remain on her however. “You will stay here, until they come for you.” His voice was harsh, and unkindly. His body language again, however, seemed casual and not the slightest like his voice.

          “Who will come for me?” I would reach for my half eaten sandwich once more, but waited upon his answer before it were consumed. I yearned to learn more about my situation, and why I was put in this situation. What brought me here? Why am I here? Who is coming for me? All these questions bounced around the walls of my brain, making it almost impossible to think straight.

          Finally, he would flick his finger, as if I had made some point of some kind, “You, my dear, are our newest recruit to what I like to call, ‘The Elevator Trials.’” He would talk to her passively, as the tentacles worked on the dishes, on the other side of the kitchen. He would lean up against the counter standing in a relaxed manner. He would bring both of his hands together, intertwining his fingers contently.

          My eyes would watch him curiously, hanging off his every word. I wanted- needed to learn more. I would wrap a single animal fur around myself for warmth, listening contently. I wanted to be able to grasp the idea, and learn how I was supposed to defend myself in this new world. I didn’t know how to fight. I didn’t know how to defend myself like I wanted to. I was surprised I haven’t died already.

          Ty seemed almost pleased at my gesture to keep myself warm. He would shake his head slowly, patting the top of my head with a single tendril. “Now that is quite a long story, No Name.” He would swiftly turn away, and start off in another direction back towards his computers.

          I would find myself rushing after him as if I were a teacher’s pet, so eager to learn. I stood only steps behind him, almost annoyed by his passiveness. As he continued pacing. In order to get his attention, I finally spoke. “Ty.” I would hold the animal fur comfortably around myself, looking up to him for answers.

With that alone, he would turn around abruptly, looking down upon my small size. He would tilt his head ever so slightly, shrugging his shoulders. “Yes, No Name?” His shoulders would bounce in a silent chuckle.

          ‘No Name’, would have annoyed me more than ever, and I would not hesitate to show my frustration. Right now, however, was not the time to express it. I needed answers. “Why am I here?” I would ask, my voice sounding smaller than I would have hoped. I would tuck my hair behind my ears, sighing heavily.

          Ty would bring a single tendril to my face, lifting my chin slightly, and the eyes of the ram on mine. I felt entirely exposed, not able to see into his eyes. It was a feeling that made me feel uncomfortable. I slowly lowered my eyelids over my eyes to avoid the feeling, and finally, I could feel the tendril fall away, and he would continue pacing, shaking his head.

          “That, I don’t know, dear.” He would pace circles around the pile of computers he’d gathered, which seemed like a pile of junk to me, however they all seemed to be monitoring something different. “I know many things, but the reason why they choose who they choose, is beyond me. I was a scholar out of grad school. I had a lot going for me when they took me.” He didn’t even sigh, as he spoke.

          “What do you mean?” I watched him carefully as he spoke, trying to read his body language, as well as the tone of voice he shared.

          “I mean, I was once like you. Normal. I didn’t have all these.. additions.” He shook his head almost annoyed. His tentacles seemed to droop as he added that last part, as if they could feel sadness. “Sorry, guys.” He would chuckle. “Anywho. I’m not sure who they are, exactly. They are a group of people in long white lab coats that experiment on us. They change you.”
          “Change you into what?” I asked.

          “Nightmares.” He spoke, firmly. I saw you in Viola’s room, earlier.

          “Vio-.. Twitch?” I asked, horrified.

He nodded. “Yes. Her name is Viola. I would tell you her background if I could, but she’s been here too long. She has grown into the nightmare they wanted her to. Just as they planned.

          I would shake my head, bringing my hands to my lips, my heart beginning to ache. “What will become of me, then?” I tried.

          “Like I said,” He paused, finally turning to look at her. “You are our newest recruit of ‘The Elevator Trials,’”


© 2014 Kaye153688

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Added on December 13, 2014
Last Updated on December 13, 2014
Tags: Fantasy, Love, Romance, Sci-Fi, Horror, Etc.
