I'm putting you out on a door step
Shutting out your loud shout
slamming the door in your sad face
Because tonight i'm bleaching you out.
Bleaching you out of my sad life
My life filled with dark blackness
With no support to reach a hand out to
Just blank faces filled of slackness.
My world has been black for too long
With no birds chirping, no sunshine
Just abuse and pure hatred
Leading down to the end of my lifeline.
So tonight I'm getting out of here
Away from all of you and your doubt
Because this isn't worth all the suffering
For tonight I am bleaching you out.
No more black bruises when I look in the mirror
My body wanting to crumble and hide
Smiles are what I'm searching for in my face
Happiness, love and beautiful pride.
You can't keep me cuffed in that world
I don't want to be pulled down that rout
For tonight I'm leaving you behind in that world
Leaving you to suffer alone, bleached out.