Awkward for me and awkward for you
To goto these family outings
People stare like we have five heads
And treat us as if we are a puppet on strings.
We came because it's the right thing
To come and see the ones we loved
But lately family isn't the right word to use
For a group of people who leave us shoved.
Don't bother to ask how were doing
Or how life is in the house we will soon lose
Because you don't feel the need to help us
Just act like you don't see us, be a ruse.
And when we decide to leave the party early
Go ahead and judge us behind our backs
For we did nothing wrong to you
But live our lives on these never ending racetracks.
We try so hard just to get a little ahead
And you people have no hand to hold out
For family is not the word to use anymore
For all you hold over my head is your guilty doubt.
For I am just a child finding my way
And have lived a life of ongoing sadness and fus
Don't bother to try when I've already hit the ground
For family is not the word for us.