Seam Solaris, Bella Luna, Ave Maria;
I have a request that
I could dance about the ruffles of your skirts,
If only to catch glimpses of only your ankles—
It’d mean a lot, you know, because my unanswered prayers
Eventually get sorted out in the end
If you could just see the look on my face
And the eagerness of how much I mean the prayers,
Would you be more attendant to your cellphones, emails and buzzboxes,
Those Beethoven-Ninth ringing flirts that
Never seem to catch your eye….?
Would you look down on me, then, oh, Epona, with your
Ponygirl eyes
Wisk me away on your silken equine back,
Ride me away to Avalon or Ipsillion or
Where ever it is
I could go
To get my uncelestial wantings
Turned into princesses who find princes
A second never too late—
Would you consider then,
My wasted honor? My past falls from grace?
Would, then,
My coups de grace, be found
Amongst the buttercups
You so lovingly pick up
From below your bare feet?