The scars that cover my body, making me look worn The way my face wrinkles when i'm really smiling My imperfect, pale skin that turns red from being in the sun too long The waves and curls in my hair that never seem to cooperate My tendency to laugh at things that aren’t at all funny My desire to be different The caring nature that I was blessed with The passion that has been planted in my heart for the things I love
All of it
I am going to love every single aspect Of my heart Of my mind And of my body
Because I am beautifully and wonderfully made And it’s about damn time I start believing it
Just think of it ... if everyone loved themselves like you want to, would anyone want to declare war or or fight or even work in armaments factories? Wouldn't the world be a better place if there was a pinch of self-love in all of us?
You must spend hours with pen and paper! (or a laptop) lol...I wish I could read it all, but they all are so youthfully honest and contemplative. I would love to see you write about something simple...I think you would make something beautiful from: a rain puddle, a feather, a sunset, a teardrop etc. Try it! For you, not me.