i am so glad for another year....feel blessed to still be around...
yes, and i love the line "contrasts need tensions to be real"
and to see another's light and to be another's light...that is what life is all about.
beautiful write this one is.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Hi Jacob. Love to receive your input here. Yes every day we live is a another to learn and think and.. read moreHi Jacob. Love to receive your input here. Yes every day we live is a another to learn and think and just be. Your phrase, "see another's light and to be another's light..." is a very packed thought. Our days our jammed with the influences between our personal lives and that of family and freind's as well. We really are not isolated all though we may try to be sometimes. Thanks for the reminder.
Bless you!
in answer to your questions, Kathy ... i honestly don't think a whole lot about the future anymore .. my "material world" has shrunk and stabilized so that those kinds of worries have faded deep into the shadows ;) we have life moment to moment .. that is all ... it can be snatched and/or damaged in a flash ... i believe in the Creator God ... who became man in Jesus Christ and showed all what great and infinite love God has towards us ... when i do think of the coming year ..years ... i am troubled on behalf of my children and grandchildren ... i think America has slipped its moorings and floats dangerously close to being cast adrift with no rudder nor effective power ... but hey ... i have trouble getting up in the morning ... good thing God is bigger than everything ;)
i like your work with contrasts ... dichotomy of being .. light and shadow .. i like that in your poem your speak of them outright ... the tension is created ... my mind goes in more than one direction in reading ... i depend on God Almighty ... that's my bottom line on life
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Your review is wonderful. I love the reminder that God Allmighty is so big and so amazing and just s.. read moreYour review is wonderful. I love the reminder that God Allmighty is so big and so amazing and just so perfect as life sifts past me. I-you are not alone in even a second of this life, of this New year. I read your review several times. Thank you so much!
This is fantastic Kathy. Your extended metaphor comparing life to light and shade works really well. In the beginning was the light and darkness and still life can feel like that. These shadows follow us around. As for the future ?
Your shadow will bear witness.
Take care.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Our shadows do bear witness. We are living, speaking and feeling our own and others lig.. read moreAlan,
Our shadows do bear witness. We are living, speaking and feeling our own and others light and dark. These do give us away and can we be like that and share our pain and joy in this world. I am encouraged by your words. You have given a little of your light away just now. Bless you and may your pen be your continued friend.
This is a beautiful & profound way to say what you're saying (strong, pertinent points, too!) This reminds me of how, for most of my life, I did not want to show how broken my childhood home was, but then as I learned to share it in writing, the vulnerable parts are the things many people respond to, whether wanting to reach out & offer humanity, or in being prompted to examine something broken in their own lives. The icky spots are the ones that humans connect over most fervently! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Hey there to you. Yes as we live and show ourselves honestly in this world. We ca.. read morebarleygirl,
Hey there to you. Yes as we live and show ourselves honestly in this world. We can connect with others. It will never cease to be lovely to experience the commonalities we find with one another as reveal who we are in our words here. Such a terrific opportunity. Your above review was like a lovely essay sharing the sweetness of life and giving through we have been and now are. How have we processed unique experiences? Dear one your expression above is the kind of thing which is so needed. Thank you! and thank you again.
Bless your day to day and seconds as you navigate this coming year.
Kathy I would hug you thru the monitor if I could! lovely lovely lovely this next year is all the more brighter with you in it:) For the love of god please stay you! I couldn't write a finer new years message if i spent this next year writing it LOL Those troubles and perils they all seem like doorways to enlightenment when we look at them that way:)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
I notice your gift of encouragement and that goes such a long way as you live in thi.. read moreRobert,
I notice your gift of encouragement and that goes such a long way as you live in this world which is part of how you are. Please do not change. Bless you for being so encouraging. You are right, troubles and perils are part of our lives. Can they be part the doorway to enlightenment. I know that we are creatures of choice and even in great pain we can be flexible in our souls and seek to stay soft and not allow bitterness to encase our souls. God has surly been my help cause I am just a mere person and nothing fancy.
Thanks and keep your smile dear writer friend!
I think that poetry writing makes us arrogant, in the same way that Julia Child was arrogant about baking bread. The knowledge precludes both the insight and the ability. Being "still" alive is a fleeting reality yet reinforced by the shadows the moon makes against tall buildings, or as you pointed out "the tremendous blessings of struggle". It's like the old folks use to say, "just keep on living", which always seemed more warning than the road to good fortune. This is wonderful poetry making and thank you for sharing it with us.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Two issues were strong in my mind in this thing I wrote; shadow-mystery. Life i.. read moreh.d.e.rushin,
Two issues were strong in my mind in this thing I wrote; shadow-mystery. Life is like one big mystery reinforced by shadows where pain, confusion, difficulties, joy, lessons attained and strength acquired. Life will make us humble whether we want to or not somewhere along the line. If we get 'arrogant' it will only be a season of time till the way gets slippery....Bleess your wonderful honesty. It is great to see how others fell.
Bless you as you navigate this coming year and harvest your own unique gifts.
from a shadow to reality,life,a new year to ponder,full of blessings
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
I needed the simple edifying word. Our lives our made the better for little nuggets .. read morewordman,
I needed the simple edifying word. Our lives our made the better for little nuggets of encouragement such as yours above. I wish you shadows which become clear in the good of life.
Thanks Ron! I always love hearing from you so much and take care of yourself this year please.
Your words are the substance of wisdom, the echoes of truth. You write with meaning and purpose. To awaken our potential, you shed the light on the powers within. Contrasts do compliment each other. The is pull and shove, tides and waves, light and darkness. One knows the true value of the other from knowledge and contrast. It takes all to make this world.
May your pen keep on blessing us.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
It is good to stop and think once in a while and what a good time with the New Year's arrival. Your .. read moreIt is good to stop and think once in a while and what a good time with the New Year's arrival. Your review is helpful and edifying in that I am left to enjoy another's thoughts and how they may or may not agree. I appreciate you transparency and willingness to share your own self in words.
Bless you as your feet take you through this next year
Yes it is in our tension of life contrasts that color and meaning begin to make themselves seen. Lov.. read moreYes it is in our tension of life contrasts that color and meaning begin to make themselves seen. Love your input so much!
Struggle is the working out our need for what works or what is needed. A goal hoped for whether it m.. read moreStruggle is the working out our need for what works or what is needed. A goal hoped for whether it materializes or not. So much to learn and do in this blessed thing we call life. Thanks again for entering into my little space and sharing your big heart. See you later Sami.
Life does deal us fate, but that don't mean we don't have a say in how that fate is played.
A really great poem that gives so much to ponder.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
It's nice to ponder the writings we all share. Lets continue enjoying our musings and imaginings. So.. read moreIt's nice to ponder the writings we all share. Lets continue enjoying our musings and imaginings. So enjoyable to do!
Blessings to you this year.
Everything in and about me has become materiel to ponder, analyze and find meaning and beauty. This life journey is all about revealing lessons many times hidden until dug up and planted then finding .. more..