Tribute to my Spaniel Violet

Tribute to my Spaniel Violet

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

My husband and I miss our dear chocolate spaniel Violet. She went away Veteran's day at ten a.m. I held her in my arms as she drew her last breath.



Tribute to my spaniel Violet


My Violet is dying, her strength ebbing.

Voice pulled inside, basking in the sun.

Stillness granted within Rest and quiet.


 know she will find death‘s blessing.

Autumn days calling, her spirit has run.

Within me lies her sweet presence keeping.

Not blind nor lame, only weakness shedding.


I remember her heading for fun, tail sweeping.


she lived a four wheel drive kaleidoscope of energy

Chocolate Spaniel ecstatic “I love you” shebang.

if she could speak What would she say?

With peace and gratitude, “Remember me.”


© 2019 Kathy Van Kurin

Author's Note

Kathy Van Kurin
How many of us have loved a pet and then were amazed at the hole left in our daily lives with their passing?

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Those who think an animal is not a family member have never had one in their lives. I have had to have several pets put down to put them out their suffering, and each time was a bereavement. May your memories of Violet comfort you. Maybe there is another spaniel in your future.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Pets are special. I was just thinking about the part that pets have played in the life of my family .. read more


dearest Kathy... a lovely eulogy for your Violet...
so sweet and endearing. We had our Miniature Pincher
for seventeen years. She had a natural passing in our arms...
as she was "our baby" named Angel. There is always an
empty space in our life without her. Of course we enjoy
our children and grandchildren. However, a Pet is so
unconditionally loved also. Our grands have three dogs.
Treasure your memories. truly, Pat

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

I truly appreciate your response. We really come to know our furry ones as family. We ha.. read more
I have Dodger, the Cocker Spaniel. He fills my heart with such joy. I am sorry for your loss of sweet Violet - oh man I cannot even imagine.
On a side note. There are so many stray dogs in Ecuador, but you wil be happy to know they are all treated so well. They look well. My heart bursts as they just want someone to take them in, but they ve on the streets which is as home as they will get.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Oh my your dogie must be the best, yea Dodger the cocker spaniel. They are a great breed. Thanks for.. read more
my dad was brave. A war veteran who let me and my sister play with his medals and ribbons he won in valor. But the day his cat had to be put to sleep I saw in the corner of his eye a little liquid. He was hurting for an animal he had learned to get along with, to tolerate and then to love. Damn, this poem strikes home Kathy. "A pet is like a family member"..i heard this said at least a million times...And for the million and one times, it is true....thank you dearest for sharing this with us.....dana

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Your Dad was a special person. He gave of himself and served in a way few of us can really comprehen.. read more
Wow shebang! Like that word always. Such a touching moving poem how you bravely let a fav longtime pet friend pass away. This poem you should frame in its memory as it's so beautiful and awesomely written in rhyming rhythm and flow. Kudos.

Pls pleez do review/ comment/ add your thoughts on my newest poem too

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Bless you in your kind and encouraging words. It is so nice. She was always such a good girl and a g.. read more
Strangely enough, it was the dog lead hanging behind the door that brought it home.
Animals in some cases are more important than humans, they give, give, give.
Violet will be sorely missed I'm sure.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

I still have her collar. My husband Tim suggested I keep it. Her leash is still outside the back doo.. read more
i read how a beloved pet enhances our lives. they love unconditionally and are loyal. they speak in their own way as only an owner knows. can understand your sadness at the thought of her parting. this is sweet and cute as well as sad. wonderful tribute to her. blessings always ... :)

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

We can count our blessings past and present. We must simply have eyes to see. I suppose its a choice.. read more
I have two dogs, had them for near enough eleven years.. they're two of my best buddies. Treated as dogs but somehow read my moods and more than some of the two legged friends I have. Their love is guided by instinct.. they know I love them without me saying the words. It's not that easy with human beings.

Your words are beautiful. Kathy, nothing less and so much more.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

I believe that too.. human beings are wonderful but to have a doggie is such a speci.. read more

5 Years Ago

You know where I am if ever.. ..
A delicately written piece of love for a lost pet. Heartrenderingly beautiful.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Lea Sheryn,
I like your description of delicatly written. We have our fur children in delicat.. read more
Lea Sheryn

5 Years Ago

You're welcome, Kathy. My pets are parrots. They are lovely companions.
Losing a pet takes a piece of your heart, every time. How I wish they were granted a longer life, in comparison to our own. Such a poignant and beautiful read, Kathy. I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers,
Definitly they do not live as long as we would like. She was a sweet friend... read more
We too had an English Spaniel … a male named Chip. We had to put him down at 12 suffering from cancer.
Even now, thinking about him is bringing tears to my eyes.
We have a rescue now … he's 11 and starting to slow a bit. He's a mix of Shih Tzu and Boston terrier and real character.
Pets are good … missing them is normal … an unfortunate part of life.

Sorry for your loss Kathy.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

5 Years Ago

Thanks Ted,
I actually enjoy reading about others special furry friends. It is comforting som.. read more

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24 Reviews
Added on November 27, 2019
Last Updated on November 27, 2019
Tags: Spaniel, tribute, Violet, voice, strength, rest, quiet, death, blessing, Autumn, spirit, run, weakness


Kathy Van Kurin
Kathy Van Kurin


Everything in and about me has become materiel to ponder, analyze and find meaning and beauty. This life journey is all about revealing lessons many times hidden until dug up and planted then finding .. more..
