Within the chaos of political intrigue and division- cultural differences-race and ethnicity. Let us find what we have in common rather than what separates. opening refers to divisive public figures.
You look like me, sort of a rant: A
political plea to find commonality and caring within humanity.
I’m always looking. You are too. How are
we the same and how are we different? Hadn’t we better find something to agree on?
Do we have to be hung up on anything
regarding our personalities? Is our vision clouded by an improper perspective?
What is proper, acceptable, refined or polished?
care more about
who you are behind your skin. Who are
you really?
Should I listen to you too seriously?
How much of your deal is a wall, a smokescreen. You sure get a lot done even
with hyenas following you ready to kill.
Blustery, loud, out to shake it up,
shake us all up and up: We all are looking up. For the next big thing, will we
be ready? Do we even care??
Have we lost sight of what was
important? Do we even know?
I agree that we need to care about the
lost ones in this world. Everyone is wishing at their own wishing well. Silken
blinders are over your eyes and mine.
They are bright colored shadows of what we
are. Why do we need them? For we see in the sunlight just fine.
On line, off line, every kind of social
media and we play too many mind games. The sunlight is beautiful. Real life
with pain is preferable to drug induced coma.
Real life is where the action really is.
The struggle is now. The learning and growth and maturity will polish and bring
true inner beauty of character.
Please forgive me for dragging on. Life
is precious but can also be confusing, difficult and perilous for many of us in
this world. How patient are we with one another, could we be more so? It is so
easy to judge one another. What is gained?
Emotional and mental calisthenics wring
us out and we lose sight of the simplicity of life and seeing our differences
as colors rather than something to judge.
These and much more are what could be melodies
playing life songs.
But, oh we desire to survive, and much
more to shine. Can I thank God for the pain? I thank Him for the joy.
Implanted within is a capacity to push
forward when under duress. Why is this? Everyone has this in one from form or
another in varying degrees.
What of the suicide we may of just heard
of? Who whispered it in this precious one’s ear? Once life is gone the battle
is done. When did those around him or her miss the desperation which drives
this kind of thing? When the voice of reason may have had a chance to help, to
reason, to persuade that life will go on if you can get through this desperate
heart bleeds for the lost ones. We live among them…all around.
Are we trying our best to share? Share
smiles with the homeless. Give to the poor.
Spend your life on those who will never
pay you back. People groan all around us. Souls are broken. Love cares listens,
waits, and shares. But mostly love sees. It is really about time and not being
afraid. To come alongside those who have withdrawn into silent cocoons. A
voice, a smile a touch can break the spell of the withdrawn one. It may bring
suspicion but gentleness and consistency can go a long way.
Hearts are full to overflowing with the
ability to learn. Love may be misunderstood, may even stumble and fall.
Brittleness can be softened one heart at a time. Is it scary to live with one’s
heart shining on display for all to see? Do we want to be an open book and living
a life transparent?
How do you feel about the differences between us in an area of life you see in this world? Should we be blinded by the big winded words of those which may be in leadership? We are all just human.
My Review
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Thank you Kathy for voicing what most of us have been thinking about all this new (but more of the same) rhetoric. I like what you penned: "Have we lost sight of what was important? Do we even know?
I agree that we need to care about the lost ones in this world. Everyone is wishing at their own wishing well. Silken blinders are over your eyes and mine.
They are bright colored shadows of what we are. Why do we need them? For we see in the sunlight just fine. On line, off line, every kind of social media and we play too many mind games. The sunlight is beautiful. Real life with pain is preferable to drug induced coma.
Real life is where the action really is. The struggle is now. The learning and growth and maturity will polish and bring true inner beauty of character.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
I wish yourself and family more bright sunshine, happy hours and just the ability to loo.. read moreLSS,
I wish yourself and family more bright sunshine, happy hours and just the ability to look past the shadows of this culture that would drag us all down with it's lies.
Thanks so much for you fabulous review and personal response.
That’s the way to lay it all out, although mostly, thoughts will go unanswered or unchallenged. I don’t believe anyone should be blinded by smoke and mirrors, but kept awake in the spotlights of truth. No real need for opinions or assumptions when we have the truth.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Can we get our truth from Media companies? Do we trust the innuendos and assumptions.. read moreMcEltic,
Can we get our truth from Media companies? Do we trust the innuendos and assumptions presented as so called fact? It is smoke and mirrors at least some of the time. Well I just want to live and give honesty in this world. I so appreciate your review as I do enjoy a good dialogue. Bless you today and into this pre-spring. Hope some good and health and productivity in your life.
To know love and kindness is To practise love and kindness is to be Love and kindness
we all need love, we all know love, unfortunately we have been taught we are not connected to the one thing that natures us - nature - when one realises this - the. love and kindness naturally returns
thought provoking piece to remind me that those wit eyes wide open need to keep their eyes wide open to plant the seeds for others :D X
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
I love your opening line above. It shows process which can only be realized with practic.. read moreKWP,
I love your opening line above. It shows process which can only be realized with practice, diligence and discipline. I guess what we care about will be what we do in this life. Your beautiful point is just what this tired old world needs way more of. Know,,, practice,,, be,,,,love and kindness. Here's to more eyes wide open to plant more seeds of love.
Bless you,
I love & relate to everything you bring up here, so passionately, so unvarnished, full of heart. This rant shows why I cannot seem to comment on similar serious issues in my writing . . . there's SO MUCH to feel strongly about, SO MUCH swirling around each issue, it feels like a pinball bouncing session as does this writing (in a good, illustrative way). There are two threads for me, going thru all that you bring up here. First, it's judgment . . . if not for judgment, we would not take note of another's skin color or any other features of any other persona. Second, it's expectations . . . we judge becuz we have certain expectations, which I've always felt are the bane of relationships. This piece of writing looks like me when I try to sort out all the things I feel strongly about these days, including the latest poll that 49% of USA wants impeachment & 49% doesn't . . . I think this is the crux of how we must learn to live with & manage differences that seem unfathomable on both sides! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Hi Margie.
Yea this thing I wrote was free flow kind of thing. I was feeli.. read morebarleygirl,
Hi Margie.
Yea this thing I wrote was free flow kind of thing. I was feeling frustrated with in this world. love your above points. Judgement is something we must all do one way or another. It can be done with a grain of salt as the saying goes. Cute too, your sentence..'there's SO MUCH TO feel strongly about, SO Much swirling around each issue, it feels like a pinball bouncing session.' Thanks, it means just bunches to look into another's thoughts and find that I am not alone. Are any of us really if we try to reach out? You do that well dear. Keep it up!
"It is so easy to judge one another. What is gained?"
We gain nothing but the one affected from our judgement may be harmed
So well crafted !
Each line within self carries a deep message...
Thank you for a great read
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Hi Muskan,
I appreciate your input and another person's viewpoint in a given area. I know th.. read moreHi Muskan,
I appreciate your input and another person's viewpoint in a given area. I know that we can try to be kind in our judgments. We can try.
Brilliant eye-opening stuff. In fact, you've given me an idea for another story! Just imagine there is this man who can see people naked when they are wearing clothes, and he can also read their minds!! Now that would be transparency!
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Thanks Augustus,
It is always interesting how people find their ideas. I hope you enjoy the j.. read moreThanks Augustus,
It is always interesting how people find their ideas. I hope you enjoy the journey. Bless you and thanks so much for coming by.
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I often think of how most of us are loving caring people but somehow positions of power are taken by the opposite. The common 'us' often live and suffer under these tyrants who always seem to float above the misery they inflict. Your essay is chockfull of ideas and observations. Solving this situation is harder than we might suppose but we can only do our best.
Food for thought!
All the best.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Yes I get it and I don't know if anything can change but we can do our best. Thank you .. read morealan,
Yes I get it and I don't know if anything can change but we can do our best. Thank you for your review. Just the giving words of encouragement goes a long way for we regular folk I think.
A lot of unique images in this offering, which comes across as a sort of plea for sanity and understanding in our polarized society. It would indeed be a better place if so many were not so quick to judge and demonize. I agree with the sentiments expressed, but I fear we have not yet rounded the bend. The impeachment question will leave more blood in the gutters before it is finally answered one way or another.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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5 Years Ago
John the Baptist,
As the media continues to throw truth-lies; and which is which into the pub.. read moreJohn the Baptist,
As the media continues to throw truth-lies; and which is which into the public arena we must remember we are still 'the people' which make up the country. How do we respond to the battle lines being drawn. I think of past unrest and how it was handled. It's great to hear from others such as yourself. We can then find some solace from these crazy winds blowing through our midst.
Fake Politicians, fake news, life in the fast lane.
Seven days aren't enough in the world to get things done. Families are passing each other by in the race too nowhere. Even global warming isn't slowing us down. Sooner or later we'll have to get together just to save the planet. On a lighter note, how are you, Kathy.
Paul, I see your point I also see that it is easy to focus on these things and just feel like throwi.. read morePaul, I see your point I also see that it is easy to focus on these things and just feel like throwing in the towel and just give up. We don't want to give up though cause there is life to live and to try to be light in this world which can seem rather dark. How much of what we hear is even true? I wonder.
5 Years Ago
Probably 10% is true, but life is still good.
5 Years Ago
That's right, good point. Thanks for your poetry and input. You do it well.
if we all thought with our hearts,it would be a better place
loved your story
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
Some would say it's a corny thing to do. Maybe I am a flake but alternatives to unde.. read morewordman,
Some would say it's a corny thing to do. Maybe I am a flake but alternatives to understanding and caring don't seek to work so great somehow. I guess we must just do the 'best we can with what weve got. Thanks for responding. I wish you well.
Everything in and about me has become materiel to ponder, analyze and find meaning and beauty. This life journey is all about revealing lessons many times hidden until dug up and planted then finding .. more..