the seasons do pass ... perfect time for this poem Kathy! for those who notice .. days are shortening and hints of fall is on the wind here and there ... makes me feel exuberant ... such a peace flows over me in your closing ... i think i will sign out for the day to keep that with me for a while ;) thanks for sharing ..smooth read .. honest musings .. love the wind the leaves and the cycles ... strong positive closnig
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Einstein Noodle,
The calendar gives us Sept. 20 being the end of summer-beginning of Fall but.. read moreEinstein Noodle,
The calendar gives us Sept. 20 being the end of summer-beginning of Fall but some recognize this turning point as the end of August. Hmmm...guess it depends on where one is from or personal choice. Anyhow, yes the daylight hours are slowly decreasing and I have seen a few leaves here and there falling and changing color. It is a faint change hardly there but I hear the slight tune starting to play. Fall is coming! Love your beautiful word clusters and thoughts.
Blessings and thanks for coming by. As always.
Our lives are seasons. Things change but there's always a new spring somewhere around the corner.
I love the descriptions and the way you ended.
A fine poem, full of images and smiles. :)
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Good point..seasons are in the thread of our daily lives. It is also beautiful how nat.. read moreRelic,
Good point..seasons are in the thread of our daily lives. It is also beautiful how nature reenforces the beauty of processes and how we can take opportunities as choices to grow and learn for the good. Thank you for your wonderful personal ideas above. I love to see what and how people think. So cool
Okay that was a pretty picture, I'm glad i happened upon it. I love fall more than any other season but it seems to be briefer and briefer these days:( a very vivid and lulling sketch you made in my mind, I enjoyed it very much.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
It is interesting how something can be special but it's the timing within that makes a special occas.. read moreIt is interesting how something can be special but it's the timing within that makes a special occasion. I think writing is like that. I very much appreciated your own personal view here . So nice of you and blessings this winter day.
dear Kathy... it seems like only yesterday, it was 🍂 Autumn... your poetry is a blessing to read. Now we are waiting for Spring when new buds burst forth and life is renewed.
truly, Pat
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Patricia Wedel,
The seasonal changes are such a blessed oportunity to view change in nature a.. read morePatricia Wedel,
The seasonal changes are such a blessed oportunity to view change in nature as a gentle reminder that transition is needed in life as in our world. Thanks again Blessings.
Interesting theme to this poem, and I enjoyed the use of metaphors and similes to bring the images of squirrels and jays come to life. Indeed, heaven is forever! And our time on earth is not. A very strong description of autumn as well.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
I appreciate your personal points above. I do not really think much about similes, th.. read moreHasan,
I appreciate your personal points above. I do not really think much about similes, themes, etc. To have you point out these things is just so helpful and encouraging. I do know that the Lord Jesus is so so wonderful.
Thank you and thank you again.
This poem was beautiful. Autumn is a wonderful season full of different colors and scents and everything nature has to offer. Seasons change and we must change with them or be left out in the cold. I really enjoyed this.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
A hare off,
So nice to see you and read your ow feelings. I like 'colors and scents' as you s.. read moreA hare off,
So nice to see you and read your ow feelings. I like 'colors and scents' as you say. That is a big part of the enjoyment of nature, I agree. 'seasons change and we must change with them or be left out in the cold'.you got that right!
Thank you so much and bless you.
Lovely impressions of autumn's fleeting portent. Soak in nature's glory while it lasts.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
I hope you are enjoying Autum's lovely charms. I live in the Pacific Northwest. It.. read moreValormore,
I hope you are enjoying Autum's lovely charms. I live in the Pacific Northwest. It gets cold here but not like the midwest or the eastern seabord or even eastern Oregon. Anyway we have just a few trees still hanging onto their stubborn. Ha ha.
Bless you much and so nice to read your review and to read.
Ah Autumn day penned so beautifully - my favourite season, you paint a lovely picture of an autumn day in all its glory - great job, flows so effortlessly - just dreamy :)
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Hi KT-B,
My goodness, but we all like Autumn! There is a flow to the season somehow. The flow.. read moreHi KT-B,
My goodness, but we all like Autumn! There is a flow to the season somehow. The flow of winds, leaves, rain. I really like summer but always am refreshed with the coming of this transitional time. Loved hearing from you. Wishing you every blessing.
Beautiful poem of the cycle of the seasons. Here in Ohio our fall days mirror your writing. Your descriptions are vivid and offer one to study and meditate on the change of scenery around us. True Peace surrounds us as we understand that God's Love is the source of these actions.
Nature mirrors the Creators timely Wisdom of giving to His children their needs. Your poem offers serenity and a sense of care from our Father.
God Bless,
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Oh thank you so much. What a beautiful review. It is a piece of writing in itself wi.. read morerichieb,
Oh thank you so much. What a beautiful review. It is a piece of writing in itself with explanation and scrutiny of your own personal feelings. I agree that God's Love is the deciding factor and 'nature mirrors the Creators timely wisdom of giving to His children and their needs. The word serenity as well which is found when we allow ourselves silence and solitude.
Thanks again and blessings!
This is heavenly sent Kathy, descriptive and delightful to my minds eyes. And make me smile and feel so good. Bless you, for sharing this gift.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Thank you Dawn for your uplifting thoughts. I enjoy the changes of coolness and refreshing color and.. read moreThank you Dawn for your uplifting thoughts. I enjoy the changes of coolness and refreshing color and humid ground as everything waits to welcome winter.
Bless you too!
I’m such a fan of fall! I love how the words spun me around like a child spinning in circles only falling into leaves with joy! As I read this I could see all the images you described! So beautiful and thoughtful! Love this one!
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Tabby Mac,
Wow! Isn't fall great? I sure get it. My sister's birthday was yesterday and it se.. read moreTabby Mac,
Wow! Isn't fall great? I sure get it. My sister's birthday was yesterday and it seems that Autumn comes full circle from summer for us her in the Pacific Northwest about now. I have relatives in Minnesota who just had there first light dusting of snow. i Love your above picture of a little girl spinning with joy, laughing into a pile of leaves! And why not us? We are alive after all...Blessings
Everything in and about me has become materiel to ponder, analyze and find meaning and beauty. This life journey is all about revealing lessons many times hidden until dug up and planted then finding .. more..