Summer Fires

Summer Fires

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

A day which gave opportunity for personal introspection. We here in Oregon, Idaho, Washington watched this become a very serious summer for wild fires. I and my husband hiked Eagle Creek now burned.



August 9, 2017



This year, Canada fires kept raging a message of loss. 

Everything falls away eventually.

Alone, we answer to our own personal hurt.


Devastation is within and without.

Haze for days and days.

 As the saying goes; “Where there is smoke there’s fire.”

Even dreams are haunted.

Filtering down into my mind, I wash away ghosts.

This darkness must be put into submission. 

Flames try to mingle as I put them out.

The raging battle of heat’s damage is within.

 Flames of old dreams cast away.

Have I been untrue to myself; despising? 

Have I even been my own adversary?

Come now and ponder. Questions are good. 

Put away self doubt. Imprison all defeat and pain. 

These are the true enemy.

Lord God, King of compassion,

 you have given grace again.

I run to you for healing and strength.

© 2017 Kathy Van Kurin

Author's Note

Kathy Van Kurin
Went Kayaking also and watched helicopters dipping water out of the lake where we were on it. the whole day in the mountain area was one of falling ash. I think that things are improoving now, finally! We need more rain.

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Featured Review

This is a very fresh & original way to write about the curse of wildfires, which has been brutal in recent fire seasons. I lived just a few miles from a 3-month long wilderness fire in 2016 & I still feel it intensely, as you've described in your poem. I still remember when "Lost Valley" burned up -- a place where I made lifelong backpacking memories with various loved ones over my younger years. You've stated this in a way that reaches down deeper, to express how such a wildfire is a lasting entity in our lives, as we see the scars even years later. Brilliant! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

6 Years Ago

Hi again Margie,
Found you again. You left this one two months ago. I feel terrible that I m.. read more

6 Years Ago

Kathy -- thanks for your encouragement to write about my backpacking memories. Being reminded of you.. read more
Kathy Van Kurin

6 Years Ago

What to say? I'm just sitting here kind of stunned. I am bummed for you. Well, your l.. read more


Flaming hot 🔥 as you share the power of fire's devastation. You also go deeper into the self and what can befall it. Much needed uplifting message Kathy. We need the rain indeed.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

10 Months Ago

Yes for sure so much to dry out our souls-our lives. It's always alarming to be in a fi.. read more
Sami Khalil

10 Months Ago

Same here. You are welcome Kathy.
This is a very fresh & original way to write about the curse of wildfires, which has been brutal in recent fire seasons. I lived just a few miles from a 3-month long wilderness fire in 2016 & I still feel it intensely, as you've described in your poem. I still remember when "Lost Valley" burned up -- a place where I made lifelong backpacking memories with various loved ones over my younger years. You've stated this in a way that reaches down deeper, to express how such a wildfire is a lasting entity in our lives, as we see the scars even years later. Brilliant! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

6 Years Ago

Hi again Margie,
Found you again. You left this one two months ago. I feel terrible that I m.. read more

6 Years Ago

Kathy -- thanks for your encouragement to write about my backpacking memories. Being reminded of you.. read more
Kathy Van Kurin

6 Years Ago

What to say? I'm just sitting here kind of stunned. I am bummed for you. Well, your l.. read more
i like how you turn actual event into the metaphor within your poem ...the positive philosophy of life clearly put forth ..these lines especially speak to me
"Have I been untrue to myself; despising?
Have I even been my own adversary?"
it takes brutal honesty with the self introspection to take even the smallest of steps ...i like the head this poem came from ;)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

Dear Einstein Noodle,
The wild fires of this summer were off the charts! Nature was left to i.. read more
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

we do suffer so many ways...thank our Lord for expression ;) and feigning "control" we put our.. read more
What happens around us - if we truly care, leaves its mark, Deposits the urge to think more, seek out peAce of mind by any means, and, for many the Lord's kind Hand. The mess of our world, so much of it made by Man, touches our spirits, dilutes without discretion.. Your words are so powerful.. so sincerely praying for what should be.. and, can be.

Prayers for thosE in California and those who know far too well, the hell of flames.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Have now corrected my typos, so sorry.. Your writing says so much, so beautifully.
Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

I sure must of missed your typo. I'm to busy seeing my own....Haha. Keep being the inspiration you a.. read more

7 Years Ago

I often need to inspire self.. or shake moods out of me!!! We need to think positively more, it's so.. read more
Mother come.................................................................................................................................................................................................................was

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

Hi Duncan, It is so good to see you here. Thanks for reading my stuff! I hope this early December fi.. read more
Just makes me ache in the deep smoke that covers the peace of so many when the fires rage. My mom and dad grew up in Oregon, and I still have most of my family there. Knew they said it was bad this year. And as in your words, there are fires that are always trying to burn over us; to consume us. May we find endless healing in the Lord. So powerful.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

An Owl on the Moon,
Your review is very accurate. Natural devastation and emotional devastati.. read more
I am delighted that you have been able to capture this personal experience which must have consisted of moment upon moment of mixed and confused emotions and uncertainties but which you came through with strength anew, faith and dignity....N

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

Veville Petitt,
Iv'e never desired rain as much as this last summer, the hottest I can rememb.. read more
This has been the year of wildfires. The latest in California is truly horrific. As Don McLean wrote 'fire is the Devil's only friend'. Fire is God's purifier and after the flames pass the earth once again puts forth new life. Good write, Kathy.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

So much more than any of us have seen, your so right! I guess that all we can do is just move forwar.. read more
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Internal reflections mused over in the face of witnessing the violent destruction of nature.

No matter what one bears witness to, the human mind is extremely adept at seeking greater truth; always taking the image of the eye and searching for deeper clarity in the recesses of the mind.

Having seen the hellish destruction of forests from fire, you have searched within yourself for a meaning behind its occurence. Sometimes, a flame is just that....a flame. And no deeper thought is required. Just a sad introspection at the loss of natural beauty. But as we know, in time, that beauty will be reborn. And magnified in its brilliance.

Your write is both philosophical and hopeful in tone. And as always, written in a very eloquent style; straight from the soul of nature's warrior.

A wonderful piece of work, as always.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

It's been a lovely experience to relate with others in writing and thought here on t.. read more
The wildfires have been raging across the continent this year...hurricanes, floods and some of the worst electrical storms I've ever seen. I enjoyed your poem.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

Fabian Franklin,
It is like the earth is reeling and groaning in pain. Thank you sir for givi.. read more

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15 Reviews
Added on August 25, 2017
Last Updated on October 29, 2017
Tags: loss, alone, devastation, haze, dreams, haunted, mind, ghosts, darkness, flamesbattle, heat, damage, untrue, myself, adversary, questions, doubt, imprison defeat, true, ponder, good, imprison, pain


Kathy Van Kurin
Kathy Van Kurin


Everything in and about me has become materiel to ponder, analyze and find meaning and beauty. This life journey is all about revealing lessons many times hidden until dug up and planted then finding .. more..


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