Set up a ruckus, crow conference. Passionate discussion!
What is so important, bringing such angst?
I am simply a bystander in this crazy ear shattering debate tossed back
and forth like a badminton game. Marshland trees- of Alder, birch, oak and cottonwood- are their conference room. They have come from far and wide. Is it a judgment session, a family reunion, or
feud? Calls ring out in dark rasping
vowels drifting in the wind and echoing through the canopy.
Was I invited to their meeting, set my toe through the
door? They are unaware and mindless of their interruptions, as I proceed; in my
own endeavors of respite and contemplation, reading and thinking. Where is my
peace? They are shady peace thieves! Shall I Stay and wait? Surly they must tire of arguments.
In a sudden roar of clapping beaks they rush skyward, rudely
announcing themselves- spitting venom! Board room exits in black cloud-members
en-mass. An unwanted few stay behind, wanting to continue unfinished business.
Unwanted by me!
Feverish new meeting: The Process begins in earnest, an
entertaining discussion by scant remaining few.
Just drop the subject! They cannot. Crow conference pulls at the
departing to entertain themselves anew,as only crows can do. With a rising huff
of cries they now flock, bristling and brushing through the air away.
Departing, they say their final goodbyes and drifting
farewells; on, and on, and on. Floating and
flying overhead,like a cloud of black air crafts, one by one. Finally my tormentors are gone. Will they
return? The peace settles. Solitude
resumes, while my shattered nerves breathe a sigh of relief, in a new melody. I
cling to a new inner, joyous and harmonious tune and smile.
Crows cawing can be very annoying, but somehow you've woven it into a mini-drama including a nice sprinkling of "office" lingo that makes this personification playful & original. This is highly imaginative & I admire your wide-angle thinking as you watch the creatures around you! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Oh Margie,
Your take on this poem just tickled my heart! I am glad you got a kick out of this.. read moreOh Margie,
Your take on this poem just tickled my heart! I am glad you got a kick out of this because I had a blast writing it. Crows are fascinating critters and many of us understand how interesting they are.
It's neat to see how others view the writing of one another. I love your reviews and thanks much.
7 Years Ago
You have such a beautiful spirit! Here's to watching it fly in the new year! *smile*
Crows cawing can be very annoying, but somehow you've woven it into a mini-drama including a nice sprinkling of "office" lingo that makes this personification playful & original. This is highly imaginative & I admire your wide-angle thinking as you watch the creatures around you! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Oh Margie,
Your take on this poem just tickled my heart! I am glad you got a kick out of this.. read moreOh Margie,
Your take on this poem just tickled my heart! I am glad you got a kick out of this because I had a blast writing it. Crows are fascinating critters and many of us understand how interesting they are.
It's neat to see how others view the writing of one another. I love your reviews and thanks much.
7 Years Ago
You have such a beautiful spirit! Here's to watching it fly in the new year! *smile*
Ha, they sure can shatter your peace, that's for sure--I walk around our cul-de-sac every day, and a few years ago, there were hundreds of them in the trees, all squawking, very nerve racking!
Michael Stevens,
They are an interesting bird with a certain connection to dark poems and/or .. read moreMichael Stevens,
They are an interesting bird with a certain connection to dark poems and/or stories. I just think they are very boisterous and can throw out surprises.It sounds like youv'e had eneough experiences with them yourself!. Nice to hear from you and glad you found this poem. Bless you as life and writing continue.
You have used some wonderful words to give us a picture of one of nature's wonderful events ... the meeting of a murder of crows. And your reactions and feelings have been cleverly put across. I loved this poem ( poem or descriptive prose?) Loved it anyway!
Great Aunt Astri,
Oh, I like that! You are so helpful and smart. I had not thought this thing.. read moreGreat Aunt Astri,
Oh, I like that! You are so helpful and smart. I had not thought this thing could be "descriptive prose." Thank you so much.
Well It was and is a always interesting- loved, hated and who knows what else experience by so many people. I am quite taken by crows actually. I can't say they are as winsome or lovely in the same way as other birds. Song birds in particular. Thanks for coming by.
7 Years Ago
I do actually prefer song birds too, especially the Blackbird who is the first to arrive in our cher.. read moreI do actually prefer song birds too, especially the Blackbird who is the first to arrive in our cherry tree after dawn. He sings so beautifully, and I swear he is learning different tunes!
7 Years Ago
That is awesome! I love that you have something so wonderful to rejoice in right there at home. Love.. read moreThat is awesome! I love that you have something so wonderful to rejoice in right there at home. Love it! Thanks for giving this little bit of loveliness from your life. It is such a neat image.
Do you think this is the yearly hello. Maybe the change of government. I suppose the good thing with birds is, they don't hang around for long. I remember being in this graveyard one day, and this solitary Raven landed on the headstone. I kept thinking to myself. Is this good or bad.
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Paul Bell,
They do appear to gather yearly. I thinks so at least but I don't know about the g.. read morePaul Bell,
They do appear to gather yearly. I thinks so at least but I don't know about the government. Your right it is not permanent. I shouldn't whine! I wouldn't actually change anything.
Now you have shared something really crazy; a single raven landing on a headstone as you were spending time at a cemetery. Now that is so"Quoth the raven." Can I laugh.....Well, I am smiling! Fun times. Bless you. Kathy
Read a few of your works, and this was absolutely my favorite... From the silliness of the concept... To the brilliance in execution... You put dark tones in here that are absolutely my type of crow to hear sow seeds of peace-eating rows... Hopefully a nap was taken after the departure of woe... Splendidly penned...
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Good for you. It is something when a person can see past what they are used to and f.. read moreSilente,
Good for you. It is something when a person can see past what they are used to and find a place or feeling in something spoken from another that is very different from their own platform. So thanks for that. This crow story was such an unexpected experience and am glad it could be shared here. "Peace eating crows.. and departure of woe.." Oh my that is very impressive! No nap but they did leave.. eventually. Let me tell you, they did take there time. Well sign off for now..Thanks much..Kathy
7 Years Ago
Aye, is certainly is something, indeed... You are most welcome, and I am most glad you shared it as .. read moreAye, is certainly is something, indeed... You are most welcome, and I am most glad you shared it as well... Haha... Crows are well-known for being slow...
Kathy, there is, absolutely, no doubting whatsoever you've actually experienced and closely observed the cacophony, raucous din, and tirades a murder of cawing crows can reap into the peaceful, unsuspecting atmosphere of a quiet Fall day, and I've yet to know of anyone who's defined and expressed it any better or more vividly painful than you have here, in this brilliant rendition of catching, captivating prose … zowee, I love it!
You've really painted an amazingly clear picture of it all; this is super writing, Kathy … kudos to you! ⁓ Richard : )
psst! (a few missing commas here and there, and check spelling: Marshland, cottonwood, Surely, Boardroom, en masse, aircrafts)
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
You sound as if the subject of crows and their behavior is a favorite of yours. You'.. read moreRichard,
You sound as if the subject of crows and their behavior is a favorite of yours. You've had some of your own experiences to relate? I can only imagine.
Yup the experience with these birds was just crazy. One big group came, then another...and..
Then this group left too slowly and too loudly. Then, I would say three quarters of them came back and set up a new uproar and kind drove me nuts but it was so interesting and wonderful all at the same time.
It did become a beautiful day eventually, so that was so refreshing and peaceful.
Thanks for your lovely review. You have given me great affirmation and encouragement.
You are right about some misspells in this one and some commas. I did fix some of it I think, and its nice to be given a little input like that.
Well I wish you a grande day. Blessings, kathy
7 Years Ago
Well, I didn't see anything corrected, but it doesn't detract from this piece in the least, except t.. read moreWell, I didn't see anything corrected, but it doesn't detract from this piece in the least, except to those anal few, like me, who strive for perfection … LOL!
Honestly, Kathy, I love it as is … hugs to you! ⁓ Richard : )
7 Years Ago
Well I did go through it and made sure I saved changes this time. The commas are a little iffy I thi.. read moreWell I did go through it and made sure I saved changes this time. The commas are a little iffy I think. Just want to say it is so very nice to have some one take the time to kindly point out where revisions-editing can be done, and so nicely, may I add. So take care today and many blessings,,,,,Kathy
Looks spot-on to me, Kathy! : )
I loved it before, and double-love it, now … LOL!
As.. read moreLooks spot-on to me, Kathy! : )
I loved it before, and double-love it, now … LOL!
As far as one taking time, many do not for a plethora of reasons, amongst them aredon't know how and could care less … then, there's always, "Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings!"
I wrote a poem on reviewing you might get a kick out of:
With your skill level, Kathy, and your great attitude, there will soon enough be no one more accomplished than you, because you'll go as far as you want to.
You really make sharing an enjoyable event … big hug of thanks! ⁓ Richard ; )
7 Years Ago
I know you enjoy writing but that is not your only gift; you come alongside those on.. read moreRichard
I know you enjoy writing but that is not your only gift; you come alongside those on life's road, and that is big!! A kind word, encouragement......
7 Years Ago
I could easily say the same of you, Kathy; we're ever-so grateful for You … me and all the rest of.. read moreI could easily say the same of you, Kathy; we're ever-so grateful for You … me and all the rest of your fans! :-D
Wow! Am I glad you caught some of my prose, so that I would see what you bring to share. This work is amazing! What depth of observation. What clarity of description. Like droplets of rain, your prose begin to form poetry; creating a melody of thought and allowing my mind to reflect back to my own experiences. Restlessly waiting out my own black hordes to vent themselves and depart. Yet out of the poem reflects a wistfulness that sees behind closed doors and into man's own chaos; never ending only moving on to disturb others.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
It is so nice to make your acquaintance. The unique interaction I observed the day this .. read moreLSS,
It is so nice to make your acquaintance. The unique interaction I observed the day this one came into being was complex among the crows. They were a window for me into human behavior and I was so wanting peace that day. It was not to be........not for a while. I am always tickled when I think someone has found something to identify with from my ramblings. Have you had experiences regarding these creatures as well? Bless you much! Kathy
8 Years Ago
Our home is on a hill above the surrounding land. Two great old dying maples bracket our house. Bir.. read moreOur home is on a hill above the surrounding land. Two great old dying maples bracket our house. Birds of all kind come to nest, feed, sing, and congregate. Below one maple I park my cars. Maybe the Starlings, but certainly the crows come to discuss who among them can do the most redecorating of my grey paints. Fall's bold berry juice is most contrasting, but the crows bring some road-kill to contrast what else was in their diet. I remember, in 'Robinson Caruso' he hung a dead crow next to his crops to prevent their returning. I'm considering!!!
I read somewhere that if you do something good for a crow it will forever watch over you and be loyal.
This is an engaging piece and I can almost hear the cacophony and clackker of the incessant crows having their Annual General Meeting - discussing and cussing you even, right on your doorstep :D
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Miss KWP,
Your response is delightful! A crow returning a favor; who knew! They birds are com.. read moreMiss KWP,
Your response is delightful! A crow returning a favor; who knew! They birds are complex in behavior and definitly seem ornery at least at times. They were quite close by and they came across as being in a state of high anxiety. It was a kick for sure.
I read somewhere where the sounds they make are actually a type of communication. They bring an ominous feeling though whenever they flock together, squawking so loud you cannot think. My cats go crazy trying to catch them through the screens in the windows.
Nice reading you, Kathy!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Kelly Scheppers,
How interesting; even through a window your domesticated cats-pets have enou.. read moreKelly Scheppers,
How interesting; even through a window your domesticated cats-pets have enough predator instinct to be aware of crows. I am seeing a side of crows since I wrote this little story which has become very interesting! Everyone adds one more little tidbit of information. Thank you so much for yours information too..Blessings and thank you so much for reading and reviewing. Blessings, Kathy
Everything in and about me has become materiel to ponder, analyze and find meaning and beauty. This life journey is all about revealing lessons many times hidden until dug up and planted then finding .. more..