Until I Dream Once More

Until I Dream Once More

A Poem by Kate

If I hope really hard and shut my eyes really tight,
Maybe i'll be transported somewhere deep in the night.
A place where music is endless,
In every object there's a song.
There are dances that tell stories,
There is laughter to be drawn.
It's where he came to me and found me,
For I had been lost all along.
Where he whispers sweet nothings,
And makes my heart beat a song.
I find that place every night,
As I lay my head down to dream.
And as I awaken, not to my surprise,
The stars in the sky never shine quite as bright as those in his eyes.
Weep not for me, for I shall see him again.
As I lay myself down next nightfall, only he and I knowing where i've been.

© 2012 Kate

Author's Note

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The power of love can radiate and shine within one's heart reflecting the joy of life. Your nightly excursions are to be envied. Music is a gift to the heart that puts us within its spell and combined with that special someone, dreams become bountiful.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very lovely, whimsical poem. I love the flow, but reading it out loud, if feels as if the second line should say, "within".
I love the magical feel you get from reading this, and it's almost like a fairytale, and the dreams are of an innocent young girl. You are a very gifted poet.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 23, 2012
Last Updated on March 23, 2012
Tags: love, dream, night, journey, adventure, friend, laughter, nature, magic, song, music, heartbeat, eyes



I'm an amateur writer, and I do a lot of old fashioned work. Sometimes I feel like it doesnt have any place in this new world we live in. I did not come on here to get hit on, so please stop sending m.. more..

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