![]() Escaping DimensionsA Story by Katie![]() A short story about dimension travelers who escape their dimension for a better life, but do not find what they are looking for...![]() “We pledge our allegiance to America and its leadership. We will be obedient, we will not question the decisions made, and we will protect all that America stands for.” The line of men saluted to the omniscient shadow that was perched on the balcony above them. The shadow spoke, “Good. Now go achieve America’s destiny!” “Sir, yes sir!” The men each went off in different directions, their pants making whooshing noises as they trotted, that echoed across the large room. They each went to their predestined door (there had to be hundreds of them in the cavernous room) and stood beside it. Wilson, a man who stood out because he was the only blue-eyed one there, entered his door when the bell sounded. On the other side of the door was Dimension 1057, prominently known for being just like Dimension 1, except for very subtle differences. All of the dimensions were related or similar in ways, but these two were particularly similar, and Wilson had a plan to exploit this. Wilson’s door had led him into the middle of an otherwise conventional bank, a bank he was very familiar with because he had visited it every day the last five years, in different dimensions. He pulled out a gun and shouted, “Alright, everybody down!” Everyone complied, just as they always do in each dimension (since the authority rules in each dimension were identical) , and the bank teller fearfully put up his trembling hands, as expected. The teller looked terrified, and Wilson chuckled to himself as to how predictable this all was. Wilson told the man, “All I need is five thousand dollars in cash.” The bank teller opened the registers and started pulling out money. Within five minutes, Wilson had in his pocket five thousand dollars, and a few Hershey’s kisses that were previously in the bowl on the desk. The almond ones always were his favorite; he took some in each dimension because the teller had them out in each dimension. Wilson opened the bank door, and went back to Dimension 1, a feeling of both satisfaction and anxiety swelling in his chest. Since the other dimensions didn’t have the door-dimension technology, the doors were not present to them, and the doors immediately close off once someone enters through them. A drone waited for him at the door and collected Wilson’s money. “F-ive...Thousand” The drone said in it’s somewhat stuttered monotone cadence. “Go to the m-main building. Y-you have one hour unt-til your next departure.” Wilson began to leave, when he heard a thump coming from door 1057. The door burst open, an exact duplicate of Wilson standing there. Wilson 1057 pointed his finger at the other Wilson. “You! You’re the one who's been ransacking our town!” “What? How the bloody hell did you get to Dimension 1? None of the other dimensions can travel between dimensions..” He was puzzled that somehow from another dimension had figured how to to hop dimensions, and even more agast that his actions were now exposed, albeit from a pleasant-demeanored and familiar man that looked and somewhat acted like him. “That’s what you thought. But our scientists are as smart as yours. And our government is as corrupt as yours too, apparently. What, are they bringing in 10 million a day ransacking other dimensions, to ‘pay off their debt’?” “20 million.” “I can’t believe the corruption of the American government transcends dimensions.” Wilson 1057 shook his head. “I don’t have a choice. I have to get money for them or else they’ll take my family.” Wilson quipped. “You think I don’t know that? I’m just like you. I hop dimensions too. A Hopper; that’s all I was. They make you master one scenario, in your case a bank, and make you steal from it every day in a new dimension. Aren’t you growing sick of being under the government’s thumb?” “This doesn’t have to do with you.” Wilson snarled. “Actually, it has everything to do with me. I’ve freed myself from my dimension, and now I want to free my other selves.” Wilson thought about it, and decided to hear Wilson 1057 out. Wilson 1057 explained his elaborate scheme to take Wilson and his family, and all of the other Hoppers to a different dimension for safe-keeping. Dimension 3043 held all necessities to live, and was much like Dimension 1, however it was more ideal because none of the people there knew how to hop between dimensions and the government wasn’t as corrupted. It had somehow evolved to a friendlier more constructive government (out of thousands of dimensions, it was statistically bound to happen occasionally, even if only rarely). Shortly after, the Wilsons called a meeting with the Hoppers, and explained how they could be freed from the government’s rule and corruption. “We are tired of being put in a routine of stealing money from people in other dimensions! I’ve stolen from 5 banks every day for the last 3 years! We pillage, we burn, we steal-- and for what? So the government can become stronger and hold us in this recurring degenerative and dependant cycle where we serve them! We want to be in a land where we don’t have to service corruption!” The Hoppers cheered. “FOR JUSTICE.” Wilson shouted, pumping his fist up into the air. The Hoppers met in the midst of the night with their families, and set their doors to Dimension 3043. Dimension 3043 was absolutely beautiful to all the Hoppers; a plethora of stars greeted them, as well as the curious Dimension 3043 occupants . The dimension doors were sealed off so no one could get through them from any other dimension, but this also meant that no one could go back. One of the Hoppers, Larry, asked Wilson how he had planned to get rid of their duplicates, as to not blow the Hoppers’ cover. “Well, that’s easy,” Wilson replied with a cheery smile. “Genocide.” Larry’s face became pale. “Just kidding.” Wilson slapped Larry on the back. “We’re going to send them to a different dimension, probably 5092. Not a big deal.” “And what about us? How do we know the government won’t track us down?” Larry inquired, displaying his doubts on his face. “I’m not quite sure yet Larry… We’re going to have to wait and see…” All of the duplicates of the Hoppers were rounded up with promise of a better world and the allure of a world filled with riches (which was true, Dimension 5092 had an abnormal abundance of gold, yet no people). One by one, they went through the doors. Unfortunately, the doors were only 2 meters wide, so none of the wider people could fit through them. Oddly, the wider people were all indigenous; the ones who were there when the Hoppers got there. So, all that was left of the community was the Hoppers and some five hundred pound people (give or take one hundred pounds). That night, in their new homeland, the Hoppers and the wide-bodies indigenous Dimension 3043s shared a meal, eating a meat delicious but unfamiliar to the Hoppers. This may sound like lived-happily-ever-after tale, but shortly after the Hoppers settled in, it was revealed that those from Dimension 1 had overlooked a vital fact the hard way in choosing Dimension 3043 in their sanctuary, and this fact would lead to their inevitable doom. Apparently, Dimension 3043 consisted of cannibals, and everyone suddenly realized why some people were so big.© 2014 KatieAuthor's Note