The Girl in the Mirror

The Girl in the Mirror

A Story by Kasey M.C.

This is part one and two of The Girl in the Mirror. So, I hope you enjoy.

The Girl in the Mirror
By: Kasey Christopher

As I'm sprinting tricgh an open field of grass, I start to think to myself; Why am I running? What and who am I running from? What's wrong with me? Why am I acting this way? What am I worrying about? It was then when I had realized that there's a long, clear mirror on the left side of me.

Somehow, I hear this angelic but stern voice, "Stop running, you are going nowhere," I instantly stop and she appears beside me looking at the mirror. It's the familiar blonde hair woman that I've been seeing here lately.

She's absolutely right about one thing that I'm going nowhere from running. Why is she here? Why am I here? Why are we both here?

I look at my reflection in the mirror, but this mirror holds so much more than just my reflection. It holds my perfections, my flaws, my mistakes, my glories, my emotions, my enemies, my monsters, and my battles but most importantly it holds everything that makes me a human.

Are my eyes deceiving me? How could this be? How is this happening? Why is this happening to me? What's wrong with her showing me this?

The perfections and flaws that lies on my bare skin, these mistakes that I make from past to present, the glories that I have accomplish from time to time, these emotions that builds up over the years, the enemies that I have to face, my monsters inside of me from believing my childhood nightmares, and the battles from within myself and the people who face me as their enemy all on each section of this long piece of mirror.

"This mirror speaks the truth but look closely or you just might miss it." She disappears from beside me.”Beware of some objects may seems closer than they appear to be.” She adds from above.

I start to speed along the mirror again, I turn my head towards the first section of the mirror and here's goes nothing. The mirror reveals me standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror admiring my perfections, and disliking my flaws as well. Her eyes…my eyes flashes to Yellow and back to normal while she...I smile in this mirror.

How can my eyes change colors? My eyes don't change colors but this mirror is messing with my head. Calm down, only six more to go and then your finish.

I enter the second section of the mirror which shows me winning an award. The mirror have a small glitch from what I remember, I walk from the right side of the stage to the center but this mirror shows me walking on the left side and to the center. When I accept my award my eyes flashes red.

The two clues are my eyes flashes colors for no reason and I'm apparently left handed now.

I travel to the next piece of the mirror. A dark hair woman is comforting me while I breakdown in front of her. I don't see anything? The woman winks at me as she disappears with me.

That's weird? Why would she disappear with me?

I dash to the next part of the mirror which clearly shows me with colorful eyes. Blurry faces are also behind me facing forwards. I put up a finger to my lips but then the unknown people takes me away.

That's even weirder. I guess my enemies are unknown but there was only one clear face and that was mine.

That can't be true? How could I be my own enemy?

I move to the fifth section of the mirror but I instantly fall to the ground because of how loud they talk.

“I hate you,” A deep male voice states.

“You won't make it,” follow by a female voice.

“You don't belong here,” A young voice speaks.

“Why do you even exist?” The same female voice.

“Why do you always do stuff wrong?” The same deep voice asks me.

“You are no help to me,” The young voice speaks again.

I cringe in pain as they mock what people had said to me about my mistakes. They taught, they taught, and they taught when finally, I decide to rush to the last section of the mirror. Which is a bad idea. While I'm looking at the mirror I see my childhood monsters coming forward. I scurry along the mirror as they start to chase me one by one. They all come out of the woodworks just to get me.

“Who are you running from?” she looks at me while I slow down. I look behind me and nothing was there.

“I was running from monsters,” she wouldn't believe me anyways. She turn her head to the mirror.

“Right... So did you figured it out yet?” She asks me. I look at her as if I'm steadying her. She looks at me strangely. “Are you that clueless? Don't answer that question. Let me give you another hint. I'm a person who knows your strengths and weaknesses. Who am I?” She makes this as a game to her.

“A parent, a teacher or a lawyer?” that's all I have for right now because I don't feel like playing her stupid games with me.

“That's all you have? Alright, I'll give you another hint. I'm a person who knows your deepest, darkest secret and your most powerful desires. Who am I now?” That hit me to the core and she knows it too.

“No, this can't be. I don't believe it. It's myself.” She turns into me with those colorful eyes.

“Ah, but I'm your Alter ego and a demon as well.” She tips her dark hat to me and puts it back on her. “ I'm everything that your body wants and needs. You thrive to be me once and I want to show you what it's like to be me now.” She adds as we rotates around each other.

“Be like you? No thanks, I'm better off loving myself then being like you.” She hysterically laughs in my face.

“You can't even love yourself the right way but I'll take that as a complement for me.” She grins at me while we are still rotating around each other.

“You just don't get it do you? Don't answer that question. I don't want to be you and I don't need you. I don't need your help do you get it now?” We both stops rotating and she looks me straight in my eyes.

“You are going to regret saying that to me,”

“Oh, what are you going to do? Start a war? Have a meltdown? Let's face it you and I both know who would win if you were to start a war.”

“Oh really? Then let's make a bet? Winner gets your body and the loser stays here forever, deal?”

“Deal,” we both shake hands on.

She takes off her hat and pulls out all the other demons. “You and what army?” She asks.

“No, just us and no one else,”

“Alright,” She puts the demons back in her hat.

My palms raise the ground about ten feet high.

“Impressive,” She goes a little bit higher then me. I raise it to about four feet and she goes a bit higher then me. I raise it about five feet and she goes a bit higher then me again. “Why are doing little baby steps? Oh, wait I forgot that you are afraid of heights,”

I jump off and spinning around as if I'm a tornado fill with light and wind.

“Hmmm, so we are doing that now?” She questions and do the same but hers is fill with darkness and wind. I approach her and starts to attack her darkness with my light. She backs away from me with every step I take. The wind stops and we both fall to the ground. I gets up and starts to punching her. I lift her up by her shirt slams her through the mirror.

“Looks like I win,” I whisper in her ear. I jump out of the mirror and rush to my human body form which was in plain sight. I go into my body and I can hear the sound of people talking.

To be continue….

© 2016 Kasey M.C.

Author's Note

Kasey M.C.
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Featured Review

I really like where you're going with this story, it's getting really interesting and it's a pretty clever idea. There are some parts that are kind of confusing and a couple that are a little redundant, but all in all I like the additions that you've made. Sure it can use some work, but I can't wait to see where you take this story.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A very interesting tale. I liked the feel of mystery and the good description. Making each situation come alive to the reader. You set-up the story well. The open ending made me wish to know and read more. Thank you Kasey for sharing the excellent tale.

Posted 7 Years Ago

This is very interesting. I like the idea of an inner struggle, however...maybe some actions could use some explanations...such as the part where they are rotating around each other. Why were they rotating? Maybe so that they could intimidate the other, maybe so that they could analyze each other...whatever you want. But anyways, I like what you have done with it and look forward to part two. :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

I really like where you're going with this story, it's getting really interesting and it's a pretty clever idea. There are some parts that are kind of confusing and a couple that are a little redundant, but all in all I like the additions that you've made. Sure it can use some work, but I can't wait to see where you take this story.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on June 19, 2016
Last Updated on June 19, 2016


Kasey M.C.
Kasey M.C.


I love to read, write, take long walks, learning new ways to write, cleaning and organizing, anything that feels soft and Of course, dreaming. more..
