

A Chapter by karmic

I think i'm really going to enjoy writing this book. Well this is the beginning.


“Hurry brothers! The Trigents are coming” Maddie cried out, while dodging debri from falling buildings. Maddie’s short blonde hair was covered in ash. Maddie was eleven years old, while her brother Jake was thirteen. Maddie’s eldest brother Elsine was fourteen.

“Why are they coming after us? I thought they only came after people who were affected by the Crystal. You don’t think- shut up and keep on running” Elsine interrupted Jake and grabbed his sister’s hand. They could hear gunshots trailing behind them.

“The military has turned its back on us” Elsine thought. A building collapsed behind them as they ran down the streets of Rushco. A Twelve foot robot climbed over the fallen building.

“A Trigent found us!” Jake shouted, but then coughed from all the ash. The robot walked on six legs and had one eye. That eye then grew red when seeing the children.

“Quick. Down this alley!” Elsine ordered. Elsine and his siblings took a left down a wide alley. They could still hear the Trigent following behind them. At the end of the alley the sibling could see men with guns. The men looked a little dirty and their clothes were covered in holes.

“Refugees” Maddie yelled happily.

“Hurry up kids!” A man barked, while he and the others pointed their guns at the robot. Elsine nodded his head and held onto Maddie’s hand tighter. The children ran quickly by the Refugee’s stronghold and exited the alley. They heard guns go off, and then accompany by the sound of a huge explosion. Jake turned and saw the alley crumbling.

“Come on Jake!” Elsine scolded. Elsine grabbed Jake’s arm and continued running. Jake turned back to the alley again and saw a refugee exit it. It was the man who barked at them before; he was covered in large amounts of blood. The man caught sight of the children and smiled. The man was then stepped on by the Trigent. The siblings took a left at a corner and ended up in front of their house. They all were out of breath.

“Mother!” Maddie cried out. Maddie then remembered her ill mother.

“She is probably still inside, waiting for us” Maddie rushed up the steps into their house. Elsine tried to grab her, but the only thing he caught was the black ribbon in her hair.

“Maddie wait!” Jake tried to follow behind her, but tripped on the stairs. A missile crashed into their house and blew up. The explosion pushed Jake back down the step. 

“Maddie!” Elsine and Jake screamed.  Elsine turned and saw that the Trigent had shot the missile.

“Come on!” Elsine pulled on Jake’s shirt. Tears quickly rushed out of Jake’s eyes and onto the ground. Blood dripped from Jake’s head from the explosion. Elsine was unable to cry; he just kept pulling Jake’s arm until he was able to move him. Elsine dragged Jake down the street. The Trigent’s missile launcher turned into a machine gun and fired at them. Elsine pulled Jake into an abandon house, but a bullet had ricocheted off the door and hit Elsine in the arm. Elsine closed the door and fled into the corner and held onto his arm.

“They are gone. Mother and sister are gone” Jake said still in disbelief. Jake turned to Elsine and cried even harder.

“You don’t care do you brother?” Jake snorted.

“Shut up!” Elsine barked, while standing up; he loss his balance a little because another explosion shook the ground.

“I wish father was here” Jake muttered. Elsine ran and punched him in the face. Jake fell to the ground and looked up at his brother who was still standing over him.

“Don’t you ever wish for that man” Elsine huffed. Jake rubbed his face; he could feel that it was brushed.

“Brother?” he began to cry again. The roof was then torn off the house and the Trigent peaked inside. The Trigent’s red eye blinded the sibling.

 “I can’t believe we are going to die! I can’t be” Thoughts ran through Elsine’s head. The Trigent lifted up one of its legs and slammed it down on the siblings.




The year was 2043 when the Harpy crystal first appeared. The Harpy crystal was a weapon with unlimited power. On the day of November 2nd, 2047 the crystal got out of control and spread its powers around the world. Many humans woke up with abilities or became ill. The people with these abilities were soon called Vixion. After the day of the crystal’s spread it disappeared. Many people went to search for it, but couldn’t find it. Regular humans grew jealous of the Vixion. So they built the Trigents. The Trigents can sense Vixion, but are also known for killing normal humans. Laws were made in many places stating that any captured Vixion should be appointed to a work camp or killed. In the year 2052, the Trigents and the military attacked the town of Rushco. Over two thousand men and women were killed that day. It is now the year 2055, two years after the attack on Rushco. The Harpy crystal reverted the earth’s technology back two hundred years. The only high tech machinery are the Trigents. The Trigents still exist because they were made from the power of the crystal. Vixion and human are still in search for the Harpy Crystal. Everybody has they’re own reason for it. Some for money and fame, other want power, while just a few want things back to normal.



Two Years after the attack.


The moving statue of a tiger rammed Elsine through the wall of the temple. Elsine’s right arm was between the tiger’s fangs. Elsine held his sword in his left hand.

“Damn it. Why did it have to be tigers?” Elsine sighed. Elsine kicked the tiger off of his arm. The tiger took a piece of his shirt with him.

“Hey did you find it Jake?” Elsine called out.

“No Elsine. I don’t think it is here” Jake replied, while searching around the temple.

“Of course it’s not. The crystal is never in the temples we look in. That old man that tipped us off has a lot of explaining to do” Elsine groaned. Elsine arm turned into rock as he punched the statue. The statue’s face started to crumble.

“You don’t think that man knew we would be in trouble do you?” Jake asked. Jake looked into a chest hidden in the wall.

“Of course he knew. Wait till I see that old man. I’m going to make sure he loses his other eye” Elsine tackled the tiger into the wall and stabbed it in the chest. The statue turned into ash. Two more statues ran down the hall.

“Let’s get out of here!” Elsine yelled and ran towards the exit. Elsine’s long black hair stayed in place as he ran because of the black ribbon that he had put in it.

“Wait for me brother!” Jake hurried behind him. Four more statues ran down the hall after them.

“How many of those things are there?” Jake yelled franticly.

“I don’t know and I don’t want to find out” Elsine replied. A statue jumped from the ceiling and tried to land on Elsine. A barrier then surrounded Elsine and reflected the statue. Elsine turned to Jake who put the shield up.

“Thanks bro” Elsine smiled. The statues then surrounded the siblings.

“Hah. I guess I have no other choice” Elsine shrugged.

“Don’t do it brother” Jake sighed. Jake took two steps back.

“What do you mean don’t do it!” Elsine barked. “I mean what are you afraid of? You have super strength and a barrier” he added.

“My barrier is not that strong and you know it and even if I have super strength it’s still going to hurt” Jake cried out.

“Don’t be a baby. It will all be okay” Elsine smirked. Electricity gathered around Elsine’s sword. The statues then rushed the two.

“Get ready!” Elsine grinned. Jake placed a barrier around him self and closed his eyes. Elsine slammed his sword against the ground and lighting shot out of it. The ground crumbled around them and created a hole. Elsine began falling, but Jake caught his hand before he did. Elsine’s ribbon fell out of his hair, but he caught it by the tip.

“That was close” Elsine took a deep breath.

“You almost got yourself killed!” Jake scolded. Jake pulled Elsine up and they exited the temple.

“Brother you really mustn’t be so impulsive” Jake hit him on the head. Jake brushed the dirt out of his blonde hair.

“Whatever, we got out alive didn’t we” Elsine stuck his tongue out.

“Surprisingly you did” a man with an eye patch on said. The man was accompanied by six men with guns. The man took out a cigarette and lit it.

“How did you two make it out alive?” the man asked.

“Lucky I guess” Elsine replied.

“Lucky huh? Well I can’t say I’m not glad to see you. Now I don’t have to search that temple” the man took a puff of the cigarette.

“I’m happy to see you too. Now I and my brother don’t have to go searching for you Mr.” Elsine paused. “What is your name?” he asked.

“I told you before. It’s Gleam” he yelled.

“Uh huh?” Jake groaned.

“What?” Gleam questioned.

“Well you only brought six men with you” Jake pointed, and then sighed.

“What’s wrong with that?” Gleam stuttered, while looking back at his men.

“Oh nothing” Jake smiled.

“That’s enough! Shoot them!” Gleam ordered. The men then began firing at the two siblings. Jake’s barrier appeared around them.

“Vixions?” Gleam dropped his cigarette.

“I can’t hold this barrier any longer” Jake yelled.

“I know” Elsine replied, as Jake’s barrier went down. Elsine charged the men; his arms turned into metal this time, as he slashed on man down and went on to the others. Elsine blocked the bullets with his sword. Gleam ran to his car and pulled a rocket launcher from his trunk.

“Die Vixions” Gleam pointed the rocket launcher at Elsine.

“Brother watch out!” Jake warned. A car then ran into Gleam; Gleam flipped over the car and landed on his back.

“Get in” Trisha barked. The siblings nodded their heads and jumped in the car. Trisha then began to drive away. Gleam stood up and shot the rocket at them, but it was blocked by Jake’s barrier. Jake started breathing hard from using his barrier so much.

“I told you not to push your self all the time” Elsine looked at his brother who was in the back seat of the car.

“I knew you two were up to something stupid” Trisha barked, while taking a hard right turn.

“We are sorry. We were just trying to- I don’t care what you guys were trying to do!” Trisha interrupted Jake. Jake balled up in the back seat in fear. Trisha looked at Elsine’s concerned face.

“What?” Trisha asked.

“Where did you get this car?” Elsine responded.

“Well um. I…I kind of borrowed it” Trisha fumbled her word; she then paused.

“Wait why I’m I on trail here? I took the car to save you two” she barked. Elsine turned his head and looked out the window.

“You didn’t find it did you?” Trisha asked.

“No” Elsine admitted. Elsine watched the people of Benail as the passed by it. The buildings were in ruins and people were covered in dirt. They made fires on the ground to keep warm.

“Maybe you’ll find it next time” Trisha said.

“No we won’t. Not in this town” Elsine replied. Trisha stopped the car in front of their house.

“What do you mean?” Trisha questioned. Elsine got out the car and walked towards the house with Trisha and Jake behind him.

“What my brother is trying to say is. We are leaving” Jake explained.

“Leaving?” Trisha repeated.

“Yea” Elsine muttered, as he opened the door and walked inside. They saw Trisha’s father making dinner in the kitchen.

“Hey get ready we are having beef stew tonight” Trisha’s father Cole said. Elsine and Jake hung their jackets up and sat down at the table.

“Why are you two leaving?” Trisha asked.

“We have to search for the Harpy crystal and we looked everywhere in this town, but it’s just not here” Jake replied. Trisha hung her jacket up and stood in front of Elsine; her long blonde hair repeatedly waved in his face.

“I’m coming with you!” she exclaimed.

“No you’re not” Elsine sighed.

“Why not?” Trisha pouted.

“Because your you” Elsine answered. Trisha walked over to Jake and sat down.

“Please convince your mean old brother to let me come” Trisha pled.

“It’s no use. Jake is on my side” Elsine yawned.

“Is that true?” Trisha gave Jake a puppy dog look.

“Well you see…” Elsine kicked Jake in the leg.

“Okay, okay. You can’t come because it’s going to be too dangerous for you” Jake mumbled.

“Stew is ready” Mr. Bell brought four plates to the table.

“Thanks Mr. Bell” Jake said happily.

“I’m not hungry” Trisha stood up and went into her room. Mr. Bell looked at Jake and Elsine.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Nothing” Elsine replied.

“Brother” Jake huffed.

“Okay. I’ll be back” Elsine sighed and left the room. Elsine knocked on Trisha’s door.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

“Whatever” she replied. Elsine opened the door and walked in; he closed the door behind him.

“What do you want?” she whimpered. Trisha’s head was buried in her pillow, but Elsine could still tell that she was crying. Elsine sat down next to her and placed his hand on her back; he then turned his hand into metal. This sent a chill up her back as she began to giggle from the tingle.

“Stop it!” she laughed. Elsine removed his hand off her back.

“You’re still the same from back then. Remember when you first saw me and Jake use our powers” Elsine looked up at the ceiling and went into a daydream.

“Yea. It was the day Rushco was attacked. You saved me that day” she replied.

“That’s why I don’t want you to come with us. I don’t want you to get hurt” Elsine explained.

“But why do you have to leave? Why don’t you just live your life as a Vixion?” Trisha cried. Elsine lied down on her back.

“I can’t stay because as long as I’m a Vixion you’re going to be in danger” Elsine whispered. Trisha began crying even more. Elsine took the ribbon out of his hair and looked at it; he then remembered his sister.

“Here” Elsine placed the ribbon in front of her. Trisha looked up and saw it; she grabbed it and turned over to look at Elsine.

“This was Maddie’s ribbon” she whispered. Elsine stood up and walked to the door.

“I know. I want you to hold onto that for me. If I take it with me it might get lost or ripped. So please just take care of that” Elsine scratched his head nervously.

“Elsine” she mumbled; and then smiled.

“I’ll bring your dinner to your room for you. Also remember to return the car in the morning” Elsine walked out the door.


© 2010 karmic

Author's Note

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I would add a little more descriptive prose, as you have a lot of dialogue. Show us your story, let us live it in our minds eye.

Posted 14 Years Ago

lol, let me start by sayin your icon picture is great. story was pretty good too, good character matter how much of a cliche that is...

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is really good. the characters def. have good chemistry.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow its good but again me and you need to stop thinking of the same stuff but its not the same as what I came up with.
From a writing standpoint it is epic.
But from my stand point its not that good.
Sorry but thats my opinion.
My new book will be posted as soon as I finish picking there names.
I really liked the writing, and the idea, even the way you presented it, its just not my cup of tea.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I liked the characters. They all seem to have good chemistry

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 6, 2010
Last Updated on January 6, 2010



new york, NY


The House The House

A Chapter by karmic

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